Archives for January 2023
International Conference on X-Rays and Related Techniques in Research and Industry 2023 (ICXRI2023).
23rd – 24th August 2023.Tenera Hotel, Bangi, Selangor.
Dear Distinguished Professor/Dr./Researcher,
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this ICXRI2023]
We would like to invite you to contribute an article(s) to ICXRI2023which will be held in Tenera Hotel, Bangi, Selangor on 23-24th August 2023. The conference will provide a venue for researchers and practitioners in related fields from academia, industry, and government to meet in a forum where the latest research results are presented and prospects for future materials development and characterizations are discussed. The conference is organized jointly by the Dept. Materials, Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and X-ray Application Society, Malaysia (XApp-Malaysia).
The conference will cover (but not limited to):
- Materials Characterization and Testing
- Quantitative & Qualitative XRD, XRF Analyses
- Material Simulation/Modelling/Theoretical Studies
- Nuclear Characterization Techniques
- Instrumentation & Computation Approach.
- Elemental Analyses (EDX, XPS, EELS, WDX, Auger Spectroscopy, etc.)
- Other related approaches and techniques.
Please encourage students under your supervision to submit research papers. We appreciate your kind support to disseminate this Call for Papers to your colleagues and researchers. High-quality papers from the conference will be selected for publication in Sopus-Indexed Journal/Proceeding.
We invite prospective participants to visit our website http://www.xapp-mns.org for more information and further announcements on the conference.
The following are important deadlines for the conference
- Full Paper Submission Deadline >> 30th April 2023
- Notification of Acceptance >> 30th June 2023
- Full Payment >> 31st July 2023
Registration fees
- Local participant = RM 700
- International participant = USD 160
- Non-presenter = RM 200 **
**(full access to conference sessions)
Should you have further inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us at icxri2023.utm@mail.fkm.utm.my. Looking forward to seeing you at ICXRI2023.
Best regards
Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr Muhammad Azizi Mat Yajid
Chairman, ICXRI2023
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia