Short Story – Why they Put on a Mask

Why they Put on a Mask

A young executive with poor self-esteem was promoted but he couldn’t reconcile himself to his new office and position. There was a knock at his door. To show how important and busy he was, he picked up the phone and then asked the visitor to come in. As the man waited for the executive, the executive kept talking on the phone, nodding and saying, “No problem, I can handle that.” After a few minutes he hung up and asked the visitor what he could do for him. The man replied, “Sir, I’m here to connect your phone.”

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Positive Attitude 1

Impostor: PhD Comics

PhD Comics

Gangguan Seksual

As’salam dan Selamat Sejahtera, 

Buat semua warga kampus UTM yang dihormati. 

Gangguan seksual bukan isu asing lagi atau ‘taboo’ untuk diungkapkan dalam masyarakat kita. Malahan, isu gangguan seksual ini jelas dinyatakan secara bertulis dibawah Kod Etika Profesional dan Akademik UTM Edisi 2011, yang mana memperuntukkan; 
Gangguan Seksual
Warga Universiti tidak boleh melakukan gangguan seksual terhadap orang lain sama ada cubaan untuk merapati orang lain secara seksual, meminta layanan seksual, melakukan perbuatan bersifat seksual yang menyebabkan seseorang yang waras merasa tersinggung, terhina atau terugut. Gangguan seksual tersebut boleh bersifat lisan, bertulis perbuatan atau apa-apa cara lain yang membawa maksud yang sedemikian. Gangguan seksual tersebut juga tidak terhad di tempat kerja atau waktu kerja sahaja.
Malah si pelaku ini, jika dapat dibuktikan bersalah, boleh dikenakan tindakan tatatertib di bawah peruntukan Perkara 3(2)(d) Peraturan Tatatertib Badan-Badan Berkanun, Akta Badan-Badan Berkanun (Tatatertib dan Surcaj) 2000 iaitu, 
3(2) Seseorang pegawai tidak boleh 
(d) berkelakuan dengan sedemikian cara sehingga memburukkan atau mencemarkan nama badan berkanun. 
Maka jelas, berdasarkan peruntukkan ini, Universiti mengambil berat jika sekiranya mana-mana warga Universiti ada mengalami gangguan yang termasuk di bawah definisi gangguan seksual ini. Tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa, mangsa dalam situasi ini terkadang berat untuk tampil membuat aduan, kerana malu dan takut tindakan tersebut akan sebaliknya memberi kesan kepada mereka. Tetapi ingat, kerajaan turut memberi panduan menguruskan kes sebegini berdasarkan Pekeliling Perkhidmatan Bilangan 22 Tahun 2005, iaitu Garis Panduan Mengendalikan Gangguan Seksual di Tempat Kerja dalam Perkhidmatan Awam. 
Perlu diingat bahawa, tindakan mendiamkan diri adalah bermaksud kita membenarkan perbuatan tersebut dilakukan oleh pelaku. Justeru, kepada mana-mana individu yang pernah diganggu, diharapkan tidak memilih untuk hanya senyap dan ‘menelan’ serta ‘redha’ akan perlakuan pelaku, waima gangguan yang dialami hanya dengan sekadar dalam bentuk ucapan kata-kata sahaja. 
Gangguan seksual biasanya akan berlaku kebiasaannya daripada pelaku yang mempunyai kedudukan yang lebih tinggi daripada mangsa, seperti Ketua Jabatan kepada stafnya, pensyarah kepada pelajarnya dan penyelia kepada anak buahnya. Hal ini kerana, kebiasaan pelaku ini akan menjustifikasikan perbuatan mereka dengan alasan mereka adalah ketua yang perlu dituruti oleh mereka yang berada di bawahnya. Perkara ini tidak menafikan gangguan seksual daripada mereka yang di bawah kepada pegawai atasan, namun, kebanyakan kes, ‘nature’nya adalah sebegitu rupa.  
Teori organisasi menyatakan bahawa gangguan seksual adalah disebabkan oleh faktor organisasi dan bukan peribadi. Struktur organisasi, yang sering menempatkan lelaki dalam kedudukan yang lebih autoriti, memampukan mereka mendapatkan kepuasan secara seksual dari subordinat mereka. Memandangkan kebanyakan lelaki berada pada di peringkat atas hierarki atau bidang profesional manakala wanita dalam bidang sokongan atau bawahan, maka ini menyenangkan lelaki menggunakan kuasa yang ada pada mereka untuk melakukan gangguan seksual tersebut. Teori ini dipetik atas dasar kita di UTM merupakan sebuah organisasi. 

Justeru, mari kita lihat bagaimanakah cara untuk mengelakkan diri supaya anda tidak menjadi mangsa seterusnya


How many people you know in your department 

source: phd comics

“If I can do it you can do it too” 


“I went through such a tough time during my PhD… if I can do it you can do it too!”

I’ve heard statements like this countless times. As well-intentioned as the sentiment might be, it isn’t always helpful.

No matter how tough the situation, somebody, somewhere, probably has it worse. To say, “if I can do it you can do it too” ignores that possibility that some people find themselves in harder circumstances.

I don’t think I’m the least capable person ever to get a PhD, nor do I think my circumstances were the hardest. I don’t know exactly what you’re going through and I don’t know if you can do it too. This realization is key to really understanding other people’s situations and finding ways to help.


Source: “If I can do it you can do it too” | James Hayton’s PhD advice website

which is which: The Muslim Show

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source Muslim Show 


Thank you, Allah

Thank you, Allah

Aku bukanlah seorang yang aktif bersukan. Jogging satu round balapan pon dah mengah, apatah lagi nak hiking bagai. Tapi sekali-sekala aku ajak encik abam pergi main badminton atau pingpong. Konon-konon nak buang toksin.

Jumaat cuti umum. Komplek sukan tutup. Hari Sabtu pukul 6.15 petang, kami bertolak ke komplek sukan. Tup-tup tutup juga! Ada larian amal. Kami balik setelah round stadium sambil duduk dalam kereta. Kecewa!

Sampai rumah 6.40 petang. Sambil makan aiskrim, encik abam bagitau yang malam tu ada kuliah maghrib Ust. Dusuki. Berat! Berat sungguh rasa badan nak pergi masjid. Padahal sebelum tu bersemangat nak pergi bersukan.

Bangun, masuk bilik air, ambil wuduk..masih teragak-agak nak pergi tak. Masuk bilik, ambil telekung, mengeluh. Akhir sekali, sarung telekung, terus ajak encik abam pergi masjid walaupun dah azan Maghrib.

Sampai masjid, parking takde. Pusing cari parking, terlepas jemaah. Sabar. Masuk masjid, takde tempat nak solat, penuh orang. Sabar. Naik atas, Alhamdulillah lapang. Solat Maghrib, terus kuliah. Bunyi bergaung. Niat nak dengar kuliah, tapi tak dapat tangkap butir bicara. Mungkin sebab duduk tingkat atas.

“Ya Allah, kalau tak dapat semua, bagilah aku dapat sikit..” Doa dalam hati. Memang tak banyak aku dapat malam tu. Tapi sampai sekarang aku ingat. Ustaz sebut..

“Lumrah dunia untuk ditinggalkan, bukan untuk dikejar…”

Lantas mata bertakung air..selama ini hidup aku sedar tak sedar, mengejar dunia. Inginkan PhD, untuk dapatkan gelaran Dr., gaji besar, hidup senang. Walhal dunia ini untuk ditinggalkan. Mungkin sekejap lagi, mungkin esok lusa..

Aku pulang sambil berfikir. Rupanya Allah masih sayangkan aku. Allah ‘aturkan’ supaya kompleks sukan tutup. ‘Aturkan’ supaya aku makan aiskrim dan sejukkan hati untuk ke masjid. Allahu Allah..benarlah..Dialah yang Maha Penyayang diantara yang penyayang..

Terima kasih Allah…

source yukisukidaisuki

The Professor Is In: How to Ask ‘Smart’ Questions | ChronicleVitae

Full poppins

Beyond that, engaging questions can fit into the following genres. Think of them as templates of sorts and teach yourself to look for places in a talk or a paper where one of these will organically make sense.

  • Clarifying questions: “On page 13, you say X implies Y. Can you say more about how one follows the other?
  • Challenging questions (but be nice about how you ask): “Isn’t it possible that that passage/quote/dataset can be also interpreted in ABC way, which would imply XYZ about the larger argument?”
  • Suggestions disguised as questions: “Do you happen to know the work of this obscure and/or brand-new scholar? They look at XYZ in a way that resonates with your approach. You may find it of interest.”
  • Process questions (which people like because they like talking about their research):”Can you say a little bit about how you chose this particular example/case study/methodology?” (This is really a reliable fallback.)
  • Intellectual-team questions: As long as you are clear on the contribution of the work to a body of theory, you can ask something like, “So, obviously your work speaks to issues in the Big Polarizing Theory Debate. How do you see your research situated in relation to XYZ aspect of this scholarly conversation?”

Source: The Professor Is In: How to Ask ‘Smart’ Questions | ChronicleVitae

Why We Hate Our Own Meetings | ChronicleVitae

Full vitae hate meetings

Image: Brian Taylor

Why are we so angsty about meetings? At first, the possible answers to that question are obvious:

  • They’re a waste of time.
  • Meeting-happy administrators schedule them to make it look as if they’re doing something — anything.
  • We go round and round the same point for an hour and leave the meeting no better than we were at its beginning.
  • That one dude bloviates for 30 minutes about some perceived grievance that predates the rest of uS.

There’s a litany of reasons why meetings — in the eyes of most academics — suck. But if we were truly honest with ourselves, we’d realize that many, if not most, of our grievances are the products of our own choices, including the choice to not take action as well as the decisions we make about what, and how, we conduct the work of the institution.

There may not be a way to make academic meetings totally awesome all the time, for ever and ever. But there are certainly ways to make them less painful. And that is not an ignoble goal. Here are some strategies you can use to make your meetings suck as little as possible.

Thinking about calling a meeting? Consider the real reasons you’re doing so. Is there work that needs to be done collaboratively within a specific time frame? Is there important information that needs to be disseminated? Or is it just that this committee has always met every other Wednesday and, come hell or high water, will continue to do so?

If possible, include time increments for each element of your agenda (i.e., “Old Business: 15 minutes”). This is a particularly useful strategy if you have one item of business that you think will take longer than the rest and want to make sure adequate time is devoted to it.

The most precious — and egregiously finite — commodity for an academic is time. We have so much to do and a seemingly ever-shrinking pool of time in which to do it. Yet meetings are usually accepted as simply a dreary fait accompli of academic life.

Source: Why We Hate Our Own Meetings | ChronicleVitae

Academic Ethics: Is ‘Diversity’ the Best Reason for Affirmative Action? | ChronicleVitae

Full vitae diversity flag

Image: James Fryer for The Chronicle

Ever since the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in the 1978 Bakke case — in which the court invalidated the racial quotas on admission at the medical school of the University of California at Davis — “diversity” has dominated American higher education’s thinking about affirmative action.

Ironically, the opinion that gave diversity that canonical status was supported by just one Justice, the late Lewis Powell, whose vote decided the case. While strict racial quotas were not permissible, universities had, in Justice Powell’s view, a compelling interest in the diversity of their student population, since that contributed to the educational experience an institution offered [more].

Source: Academic Ethics: Is ‘Diversity’ the Best Reason for Affirmative Action? | ChronicleVitae

When No One Answers the Call | ChronicleVitae

Full vitae passing the torch

Image: iStock

By Jane S. Halonen and Dana S. Dunn 

Chairs don’t — and shouldn’t — last forever. Most departments function on the assumption that it is healthy for the leadership job to change hands regularly. But what happens when it comes time to pass the torch … and no one wants it?

Choosing a replacement chair can be a tricky business in the best of circumstances. Most departments have formal bylaws or an informal understanding that chairs should have a predictable term of office. A common arrangement involves the chair serving three years with an option for a renewable term.

Viewed from the outside, a failure to develop willing leaders in a department might be seen as a manifestation of faculty selfishness. It’s easy to jump to the conclusion that professors avoid the chair’s job because they don’t want to surrender their autonomy or become involved in endless meetings. However, ascribing a leadership problem to a shared personality shortcoming commits what psychologists refer to as the fundamental attribution error — that is, the tendency to explain deficient behavior as the result of a personality defect rather than examining the relevant external forces that influence a problematic outcome.

Source: When No One Answers the Call | ChronicleVitae

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