Bundle News – The Syrian girl who sings through war

The Syrian girl who sings through war – http://bndl.tw/EGLssGH1

Article: 9 signs you might be smarter than average

9 signs you might be smarter than average


N. Korea says rockets to US ‘inevitable’ as US bombers fly off N. Korean coast

N. Korea says rockets to US ‘inevitable’ as US bombers fly off N. Korean coast http://www.themalaymailonline.com/world/article/n.-korea-says-rockets-to-us-inevitable-as-us-bombers-fly-off-n.-korean-coas

TMJ: Congratulatory banner at Stamford Bridge was goodwill gesture

TMJ: Congratulatory banner at Stamford Bridge was goodwill gesture http://www.themalaymailonline.com/sports/article/tmj-congratulatory-banner-at-stamford-bridge-was-goodwill-gesture

Senarai negara disekat masuk AS bertambah

Senarai negara disekat masuk AS bertambah https://www.bharian.com.my/dunia/amerika/2017/09/329137/senarai-negara-disekat-masuk-bertambah

Zuckerberg plans to sell as much as 18pc of his Facebook shares

Zuckerberg plans to sell as much as 18pc of his Facebook shares http://www.themalaymailonline.com/money/article/zuckerberg-plans-to-sell-as-much-as-18pc-of-his-facebook-shares

German political rivals agree: No lottery for me

German political rivals agree: No lottery for me http://www.themalaymailonline.com/world/article/german-political-rivals-agree-no-lottery-for-me

Article: Newly Discovered Hermit Crab Species Carries Around a Giant Coral House

Newly Discovered Hermit Crab Species Carries Around a Giant Coral House


Japan braces as North Korea threatens hydrogen bomb test in Pacific

Japan braces as North Korea threatens hydrogen bomb test in Pacific


Uber stripped of London licence due to lack of corporate responsibility

Uber stripped of London licence due to lack of corporate responsibility


‘Mentally deranged US dotard’ and other North Korean insults

‘Mentally deranged US dotard’ and other North Korean insults http://www.themalaymailonline.com/world/article/mentally-deranged-us-dotard-and-other-north-korean-insults

UN needs US$200m for ‘catastrophic’ Rohingya influx

UN needs US$200m for ‘catastrophic’ Rohingya influx http://www.themalaymailonline.com/world/article/un-needs-us200m-for-catastrophic-rohingya-influx

RM40m misappropriation of funds probe: CEO Datuk, two others out on bail

RM40m misappropriation of funds probe: CEO Datuk, two others out on bail http://www.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia/article/rm40m-misappropriation-of-funds-probe-ceo-datuk-two-others-out-on-bail

Squeezed on all sides, Hamas bids for reconciliation

Squeezed on all sides, Hamas bids for reconciliation http://www.themalaymailonline.com/world/article/squeezed-on-all-sides-hamas-bids-for-reconciliation

Fly me to the Moon: For some, lunar village takes shape

Fly me to the Moon: For some, lunar village takes shape http://www.theborneopost.com/2017/09/22/fly-me-to-the-moon-for-some-lunar-village-takes-shape/

Puerto Rico battered by Hurricane Maria: ‘Devastation – it’s everywhere’

Puerto Rico battered by Hurricane Maria: ‘Devastation – it’s everywhere’


Article: Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico and cut power to the entire island — here’s what it looks like on the ground

Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico and cut power to the entire island — here’s what it looks like on the ground


Article: Watch How Balls of Steel Are Made

Watch How Balls of Steel Are Made


Article: This Nuclear Bomb Map Shows What Would Happen if One Exploded Near You

This Nuclear Bomb Map Shows What Would Happen if One Exploded Near You


Article: 7 Portable Gadgets Under $30 That’ll Make Your Life Easier Every Day

7 Portable Gadgets Under $30 That’ll Make Your Life Easier Every Day
