Carry Mark Quiz – Elearning (2017-18/Section 3)

Ruling North Korea is a family business, and Kim Jong-Un’s little sister has emerged as its most powerful woman…

Kim Yo-Jong is vice department director of the Central Committee of the Worker’s Party of Korea — and little sister to North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un, which makes her the most powerful woman in the nuclear-armed state’s poltical hierarchy (AFP Photo/STR)
Seoul (AFP) – With her elevation to North Korea’s powerful politburo, leader Kim Jong-Un’s little sister — and chief image-maker — has established herself as the most powerful woman in the nuclear-armed state’s political hierarchy.

Kim Yo-Jong’s promotion to membership of the North’s top decision-making body underlines, analysts say, the level of trust her brother places in one of his closest aides and confidantes.

Ruling North Korea has always been a family business, but one where the substantial personal benefits on offer are matched by the potential for a catastrophic — and sometimes fatal — fall from grace.

Kim Jong-Un’s half-brother, Jong-Nam died in agony at a Malaysian airport earlier this year, poisoned by nerve agent-wielding assassins in a hit that North Korea watchers say must have been given the nod by the leader himself.

Yo-Jong is believed to be in her late 20s, making her the youngest member of the reshuffled Workers’ Party politburo that was unveiled at the weekend.

She is the only one of Kim Jong-Un’s siblings to hold an official title and — in a family tree complicated by their father Kim Jong-Il’s various marriages and partnerships — enjoys a special relationship with her brother in that they also share the same mother.

“They share a life-long bond and her promotion to the politburo means Kim Jong-Un has complete trust in her,” said Professor Yang Moo-Jin of the University of North Korean Studies in Seoul.

“She could be the one to take over from Kim in the event of his absence,” Yang told AFP.

Like her brother, Yo-Jong was partly educated in Switzerland and her first explicit appearance in North Korea’s state media came in 2009 when she accompanied her father on a visit to an agricultural university.

She became a regular member of Kim Jong-Il’s entourage until his death in 2011 and featured prominently in official photos of the funeral, mourning alongside her brother.

After Kim Jong-Un took over the leadership, her public career in the party propaganda department progressed in leaps and bounds and, in 2014, she was listed as a “vice department director” in the party’s central committee.

According to Michael Madden, editor of the North Korea Leadership Watch website, her official propaganda role made her “the leading image maker for her brother and (North Korea) as a whole.”

With the exception of Kim Jong-Un’s wife, Ri Sol-Ju, Yo-Jong is the only relative with whom the supreme leader is known to have a close relationship.

External recognition of her position and influence came earlier this year when she was named among seven North Korean officials targeted with US sanctions for “ongoing and serious human rights abuses and censorship activities.”

Cheong Seong-Chang a senior researcher at the Sejong Institute think-tank in Seoul said her promotion to the politburo presaged a more visible presence at the top of the top of the political hierarchy.

“She is expected to play increasingly greater roles down the road,” Cheong said.

North Korea watchers have long speculated that Yo-Jong was being groomed to play the same leadership supporting role as her once powerful aunt, Kim Kyong-Hui.

Kyong-Hui was a close aide to her own brother and late leader Kim Jong-Il for decades, assuming senior positions in the party and becoming a four-star general in 2010.

But she largely disappeared from public view after her husband Jang Song-Thaek was executed in 2013 for charges including treason.

She and Jang had been seen as the ultimate Pyongyang power couple, and instrumental in smoothing Kim Jong-Un’s transition to power, before Jang fell from grace.

Ruling North Korea is a family business, and Kim Jong-Un’s little sister has emerged as its most powerful woman… –

US B-1B strategic bombers conduct firing drills with South Korea

2 US B-1B strategic bombers conduct firing drills with South Korea & Japan
Two American B1-B bombers have simulated live fire drills over the Korean peninsula, Yonhap news agency reports, citing South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Two US Pacific Command B-1B Lancers were joined by Japanese and South Korean fighter jets in the vicinity of the Korean Peninsula, the US military said in a statement according to Reuters.

The American supersonic bombers flew from Guam and joined two South Korean F-15K fighter jets near the peninsula to stage a “simulated air-to-ground missile-firing drill” which Seoul’s military said took place Tuesday night.

South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff noted that the “training of virtual air-to-ground missiles” took place over the Sea of Japan and the Yellow Sea.

“This exercise is part of regular training to enhance the deterrent effect,” the South Korean Air Force said in a statement, Yonhap reports.

The drill, the statement added, demonstrated the strong willingness and ability of allies to counter the North Korean nuclear and missile threats.

The drills over the Korean Peninsula come amid heightened tensions around Pyongyang’s nuclear and missile test launches. On Monday, the US Defense Secretary James Mattis said the military should be ready to provide all options to the White House on dealing with North Korea.

“There is one thing the US Army can do and that is you have got to be ready to ensure that we have military options that our president can employ if needed,” Mattis said at the annual US Army Association (AUSA) conference. He said the US is currently “in a diplomatic-led effort,” but pointed out that the UN Security Council has unanimously voted twice in a row to impose tougher sanctions on North Korea.

READ MORE: S. Korea & US boost surveillance of North amid fears of new missile tests – media

North Korea conducted its sixth nuclear test on September 3, forcing the UN Security Council to introduce new sanctions against the country. The UN actions, however, did not stop Pyongyang from launching a series of ballistic missiles later in September while vowing to destroy the US and their allies with nuclear weapons if provoked.

With Pyongyang and Washington whipping up tensions, Moscow and Beijing have repeatedly called on both parties to remain calm. Russia and China have called for the implementation of the so-called “double freeze” initiative that envisages North Korea suspending its nuclear and missile program in exchange for the US and South Korea abandoning their military exercises in the region. The initiative been rejected by Washington.

2 US B-1B strategic bombers conduct firing drills with South Korea –

U.S. flies bombers over Korean peninsula with S Korean, Japanese fighters

The U.S. military flew two Air Force B-1B Lancer bombers over the Korean peninsula in a show of force late on Tuesday amid high tensions over North Korea’s nuclear and missile programmes, South Korea’s military said.

The two B-1B bombers were accompanied by two F-15K fighters from the South Korean military after leaving their base in Guam, the South’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said in a news release on Wednesday.

The U.S. military said in a separate statement Japanese fighters had also joined the drill, making it the first night-time combined exercise for the U.S. bombers with fighters from Japan and South Korea.

After entering South Korean airspace, the two bombers carried out air-to-ground missile drills in waters off the east coast of South Korea, then flew over the South to waters between it and China to repeat the drill, the South’s release said.

The South Korean military said this was part of a regular exercise to bolster military defences and also to display the alliance between the United States and South Korea.

U.S. Air Force Major Patrick Applegate said: “Flying and training at night with our allies in a safe, effective manner is an important capability shared between the U.S., Japan and the Republic of Korea and hones the tactical prowess of each nations’ aviators.”

“This is a clear demonstration of our ability to conduct seamless operations with all of our allies anytime, anywhere,” the U.S. release quoted him as saying.

The U.S. bombers had taken off from the Andersen Air Force Base in Guam. In August, Pyongyang threatened to shoot intermediate range missiles towards the vicinity of Guam, a target frequently subjected to sabre-rattling from the North.

South Korean and U.S. government officials have been raising their guard against more North Korean provocations with the approach of the 72nd anniversary of the founding of North Korea’s ruling party, which fell on Tuesday.

North Korea has launched two missiles over Japan and conducted its sixth and biggest nuclear test in recent weeks in defiance of U.N. sanctions as it races towards its goal of developing a nuclear-tipped missile capable of hitting the United States.

The North Korean party anniversary passed without any missile launches or nuclear tests, but officials are wary the North could engage in more provocations at any time, especially with China to begin its all-important Communist Party Congress on Oct 18.

U.S. flies bombers over Korean peninsula with S Korean, Japanese fighters –

U.S. flies bombers over Korea as Trump discusses options

SEOUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. military flew two strategic bombers over the Korean peninsula in a show of force late on Tuesday, as President Donald Trump met with top defense officials to discuss how to respond to any threat from North Korea.

A U.S. Air Force B-1B Lancer assigned to the 37th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron, takes-off to fly a bilateral mission with Japanese and South Korea Air Force jets in the vicinity of the Sea of Japan, from Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, October 10, 2017. Staff Sgt. Joshua Smoot/U.S. Air Force/Handout via REUTERS

Tensions have soared between the United States and North Korea following a series of weapons tests by Pyongyang and a string of increasingly bellicose exchanges between Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

In recent weeks, North Korea has launched two missiles over Japan and conducted its sixth nuclear test, as it fast advances toward its goal of developing a nuclear-tipped missile capable of hitting the U.S. mainland.

The two U.S. Air Force B-1B bombers were accompanied by two F-15K fighters from the South Korean military after leaving their base in Guam, South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said in a statement on Wednesday.

After entering South Korean airspace, the two bombers carried out air-to-ground missile drills in waters off the east coast of South Korea, then flew over the South to waters between it and China to repeat the drill, the release said.

The U.S. military said in a separate statement that Japanese fighters also joined the drill, making it the first night-time combined exercise for the U.S. bombers with fighters from Japan and South Korea.

The U.S. bombers had taken off from the Andersen Air Force Base in Guam. In August, Pyongyang threatened to shoot intermediate range missiles towards the vicinity of Guam, a target frequently subjected to sabre-rattling from the North.


South Korean and U.S. government officials have been raising their guard against more North Korean provocations with the approach of the 72nd anniversary of the founding of North Korea’s ruling party, which fell on Tuesday

A U.S. Air Force B-1B Lancer assigned to the 37th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron, prepare for take-off to fly a bilateral mission with Japanese and South Korea Air Force jets in the vicinity of the Sea of Japan, from Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, October 10, 2017. Staff Sgt. Joshua Smoot/U.S. Air Force/Handout via REUTERS

Trump on Tuesday hosted a discussion on options to respond to any North Korean aggression or if necessary to prevent Pyongyang from threatening the United States and its allies with nuclear weapons, the White House said in a statement.

Trump was briefed by Secretary of Defense James Mattis and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Dunford at a meeting of members of his national security team, the statement said.

U.S. and South Korean wartime operational plans, including a plan to wipe out the North Korean leadership, were stolen by North Korean hackers last year, a South Korean ruling party lawmaker said on Wednesday.

Two U.S. Air Force B-1B Lancers assigned to the 37th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron, taxi before take off to fly bilateral missions with Japanese and South Korea Air Force jets in the vicinity of the Sea of Japan, from Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, October 10, 2017. Staff Sgt. Joshua Smoot/U.S. Air Force/Handout via REUTERS

Some 235 gigabytes of military documents were taken from South Korea’s Defense Integrated Data Center in September last year, Democratic Party representative Rhee Cheol-hee said in radio appearances on Wednesday, citing information from unnamed South Korean defense officials.

In May, an investigative team inside the defense ministry announced the hack had been carried out by North Korea, but did not disclose what kind of information had been taken.

China, North Korea’s main ally and trading partner, has consistently urged Washington and Pyongyang to lower their rhetoric and return to the negotiating table.

In an editorial late on Tuesday, the influential Global Times tabloid expressed alarm at how far the rhetoric on both sides had gone and how it had increased the risk of a “fatal misjudgment”.

“The international community won’t accept North Korea as a nuclear power. North Korea needs time and proof to believe that abandoning its nuclear program will contribute to its own political and economic advantage. This positive process is worth a try,” the paper said.

“War would be a nightmare for the Korean Peninsula and surrounding regions. We strongly urge North Korea and the U.S. to stop their bellicose posturing and seriously think about a peaceful solution.”

Reporting by Christine Kim and Eric Beech; Additional reporting by Soyoung Kim in SEOUL and John Rutwich in SHANGHAI; Writing by Lincoln Feast; Editing by Michael Perry

U.S. flies bombers over Korea as Trump discusses options –

Cocaine paste more commonly used than cash when paying for household staples in depths of Colombian jungle…

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For the 300 settlers of La Paz in the depths of the Colombian jungle the currency used to buy staples is the product they harvest, coca leaves

Customers in Lorena’s shop place innocuous white pebbles on an electronic scale. In exchange they take away staples like cooking oil and eggs – in the depths of the Colombian jungle, you pay with cocaine base paste.

“Everything is bought and sold this way. Cash is very rare and kept for emergencies,” said the 26-year-old woman, adding that in her lifetime, more white powder had passed through her hands than cash.

It’s the same whether locals are paying for beer or the company of a prostitute: coke — or in this case its raw material, coca paste — is king.

Lorena has lived in the tiny jungle village of La Paz for seven years, a hamlet of 300 souls whose reddish earth streets turn to mud in the rain. It lies on the banks of the Inirida River in the remote southeastern department of Guaviare, Colombia’s most underdeveloped region.

The lush greenery of the landscape lends itself to the production of the coca leaf, the basic ingredient of cocaine, of which Colombia, despite the efforts of the government and the United States, is the world’s largest producer.

There is no electricity here, no potable water, no doctor and no police. Authority is exercised by dissident FARC guerrillas who have rejected a historic peace deal to remain in the jungle.

“This is another Colombia. There is no health care, nothing. And there are seven-year-old children here who have never seen money,” said Orland Castilla, a 64-year-old local community leader.

– State guarantees –

The only links to the outside world for La Paz’s 300 souls are the river, one dirt road and two telephone lines. A loudspeaker announces incoming phone calls.

Everyone here owes their existence to the cultivation and processing of the coca leaf. Contrary to the end product, flown the classic route from grass airstrips in Colombia to Mexico and on to the United States, producing coca paste is far from lucrative.

The price of a gram of cocaine in the US is about $150. But for the producers here, the gram of coca paste never exceeds 2,000 pesos, or around 70 cents.

The state guarantees aid to those campesinos or farmers who will substitute coca for legal crops. Those who refuse have to sometimes face the consequences of police raids, leading to occasional clashes. A police officer was held for three days by campesinos after clashes on July 20 on the banks of the Inirida.

Under pressure from the United States, the main market for Colombia’s cocaine, Bogota plans to reclaim 100,000 hectares (250,000 acres) from coca cultivation this year, by force if necessary.

A hoped-for dividend on the December peace deal with FARC is that the former guerrilla movement will encourage a move to legal crops.

– Weakest link –

From first light on the farm of Miguel “Mangos”, laborers empty bags of freshly picked coca leaves in a makeshift jungle laboratory.

Miguel, 56, runs a garden trimmer through the leaves and then sprinkles a mixture of water and lime over them. It’s the beginning of a lengthy chemical process involving cement, fertilizer, gasoline, and acids to extract cocaine. The coca paste that emerges from the first rudimentary process in La Paz has a cocaine content of around 35 percent.

For every $1,000 he invests, he makes 1,200 dollars. It allows him to survive, he says.

“I have planted bananas, maize, cassava, but it is not profitable,” Miguel told AFP. To bring bananas to the market requires transport and he ends up trading at a loss because of the costs involved, he said.

“One kilo of coca, I can take it in my pocket,” he said.

“When people come to buy the merchandise, we do not ask who they are and where they are going,” said Diego Parra, a 50-year-old community leader.

Buyers make themselves scare when the army or police get involved and may not return for a long time. Then the campesinos venture out with the grams of coca to the city of San Jose, almost four hours away by car, risking arrest by the police.

“They tell us we are guerrillas or that we are drug traffickers,” said Cielo Rueda, 40.

“But we are the last link in the chain. In all of the drug business, we are the poorest.”

Cocaine paste more commonly used than cash when paying for household staples in depths of Colombian jungle… –

North Korean special forces use paragliders in simulated attack on South Korean-US military HQ

South Korean radar systems would be unlikely to detect paragliders CREDIT: GETTY

North Korean special forces have carried out an exercise in which they used paragliders to simulate infiltrating behind South Korean lines and launch an attack on the headquarters of the joint South Korean-US military command.

Officials of Seoul’s Defence Ministry told Yonhap news that the exercises were conducted over a number of days in mid-September and were the first time that the tactic had been tested by the North.

Special forces troops used paragliders to land on a training ground where a mock-up of the South Korea-US Combined Forces Command in Seoul had been constructed.

The new infiltration technique has caused concern in Seoul, where a defence source said that existing radar systems would be unlikely to detect such small targets crossing the border. Paragliders can also travel swiftly and in silence and would allow the North’s special forces to carry out an attack with little warning, particularly at night.

“A paraglider flies at low altitude without making a sound”, the official said. It could be useful for making a surprise attack, like a drone.

The replica presidential house (Blue House)
The replica presidential house (Blue House) CREDIT: EPA

“I believe that North Korean special forces are adopting amazing methods of infiltration with limited resources”.

The North is clearly attempting to develop its own “decapitation” capabilities, aimed at the joint South Korean-US command and control capabilities in the event of war breaking out on the peninsula.

Seoul has made no secret of its development of a specialised unit that will be tasked with eliminating the leadership of the North should war appear to be imminent.

South Korea and the US responded to the exercises by staging short-range air defence drills close to the border.

North Korea has carried out previous demonstrations of its special forces’ capabilities, with Kim Jong-un, the North Korean leader, in December overseeing an assault by commandos on a full-scale mock-up of the Blue House, the official residence of the South Korean president.

In footage broadcast on national television, troops used ropes to descend from helicopters before commencing their attack, with the replica of the Blue House later pictured wreathed in smoke. The images also showed attackers firing semi-automatic weapons into the building.

Mr Kim was also pictured standing in front of heavily armed members of the unit.

He also ordered the unit to be ready to “conduct bold combat actions with the southern part of Korea as their theatre”, state-run media reported.

North Korean special forces use paragliders in simulated attack on South Korean-US military HQ –

Growing Good Corn

James Bender, in his book “How to Talk Well” relates the story of a farmer who grew award winning corn. Each year he entered his corn in the state fair where it won a blue ribbon. One year a newspaper reporter interviewed him and learned something interesting about how he grew it.

The reporter discovered that the farmer shared his seed corn with his neighbors. “How can you afford to share your best seed corn with your neighbors when they are entering corn in competition with yours each year?” the reporter asked. “Why sir,” said the farmer, “didn’t you know? The wind picks up pollen from the ripening corn and swirls it from field to field. If my neighbors grow inferior corn, cross pollination will steadily degrade the quality of my corn. If I am to grow good corn, I must help my neighbors grow good corn.” He is very much aware of the disconnectedness of life. His corn cannot improve unless his neighbor’s corn also improves.

So it is in other dimensions. Those who choose to be at peace must help their neighbors to be at peace. Those who choose to live well must help others to live well, for the value of a life is measured by the lives it touches. And those who choose to be happy must help others to find happiness, for the welfare of each is bound up with the welfare of all.
The lesson for each of us is this: if we are to grow good corn, we must help our neighbors grow good corn.

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Can a vitamin product protect kids’ eyes from a tablet’s blue light? 

Vitamin companies are peddling “ludicrous” claims about products that protect children’s eyes from the blue light emitted by digital devices, according to doctors.

Key points:

  • Eye doctors say there is no scientific evidence that blue light is damaging to the eye
  • Blue light refers to a range of the visible light spectrum, and can come from sources such as computers, torches and lasers
  • Scientists say the blue light emitted by phones and tablets is “low intensity”

Ads for the dietary supplements suggest they can “guard” or “shield” children’s eyes from “high energy” blue light.

However the organisation that represents eye doctors, the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists, said there was no scientific evidence that blue light was damaging to the eye or caused disease.

“The idea that a vitamin might stop blue light absorption to me is ludicrous,” the college’s Dr Shanel Sharma said.

Marketing expert Debra Grace, from Griffith University in Queensland, said the ads were aimed at the biggest and most captive market.

“These ads are perfect examples of marketers targeting parents, based on their guilt feelings,” Professor Grace said.

“There may be a bit of guilt thereabouts at their children spending too much time on their iPad or the iPhone.”

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What is blue light?

Blue light refers to a specific range of the visible light spectrum. It can come from artificial sources such as computers, torches and lasers, but Dr Sharma said most of it came from sunlight.

One of the vitamin products advertised recently is sold by Caruso’s Natural Health. The company’s website said the product “may support cells within the eye by absorbing high energy blue light”.

In a statement, Caruso’s Natural Health technical and regulatory manager Gulhan Demirci said blue light’s “cumulative effect is known to cause damage to the retina”.

Scientist Dino Pisaniello, from the University of Adelaide’s School of Public Health, said damage was caused only by high-intensity exposure, such as from a solar eclipse, a welding torch or a laser.

“The emissions from mobile phones and tablets screens have been measured and they are very low-intensity sources,” he said.

However, Professor Pisaniello noted that there hadn’t been any population studies looking into whether the light from screens caused damage.

“What it is doing in terms of affecting the eye is very minor and it’s compensated to a large extent by the existing body defences,” he said.

“It’s not like there isn’t some process for dealing with that kind of exposure anyway, that’s normal vision and it’s normal … body defence.

“The question is whether or not we need to supplement that body defence. I would say no.”

Can vitamins protect the eye?

The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists said the only evidence of vitamins helping eye health applied to the aging-related condition macular degeneration.

Dr Sharma said a very specific combination of vitamins, known as the AREDS formulation, slowed the rate of macular degeneration in one out of four aged people whose disease was in an advanced stage.

“But in patients who have macular degeneration in a milder form, there is no evidence that even if they took the full vitamin complement for five years that there is any reduction in the rate of development of macular degeneration. So I would not prescribe it for children,” she said.

The Caruso product contains two elements from the AREDS formulation, substances called lutein and zeaxanthin. Caruso said they helped “to absorb and filter out blue light”.

TV ads for similar tablets by Bioglan also said they contained lutein, “which may help shield the retina from blue light and support growing eyes”.

Professor Pisaniello said there was scientific evidence that lutein did absorb blue light, but children could get enough lutein from a healthy diet.

“If they had a normal diet with the sort of green vegetables and so on, they wouldn’t have to worry about supplementation,” he said.

Another element of the Caruso product is fish oil, which Dr Sharma said may help soothe dry eyes caused by looking at screens — but she added that dryness did not damage children’s eyes.

The Bioglan product also contains vitamin E, which is part of the AREDS formulation, and betacarotene.

Dr Sharma said there was scientific evidence linking betacarotene to an increased incidence of lung cancer in smokers.

“I would be concerned about children being given this, particularly those exposed to second-hand smoke,” she said.

Can devices harm children’s eyes?

Dr Sharma said there was some evidence that children may become short-sighted if they hold screens at distances less than 30 centimetre for sustained periods of time, but she said vitamins would not protect against that.

She said parents should worry more about UV sunlight than blue light. UV light can damage the eye and most of that harm occurs before a person turns 18.

“So if parents are worried about protecting their children’s eyesight they should be putting properly protective sunglasses on them,” Dr Sharma said.

‘The parental market is huge for manufacturers’

Professor Grace from Griffith University said parents often bought products for their children that they wouldn’t use themselves.

“The parental market is huge for any manufacturer,” she said.

“This is what you see quite often with a lot of pharmacy lines they actually have a line that may be very, very similar to something they already selling but they put the words ‘children’ or ‘kids’ on it, and they have a captive market.

“Modern parents worry about everything and so if there’s even a suggestion that something may be harmful to their children, they’re right onto it.”

Company says evidence supports their product

Ms Demirci from Caruso’s Natural Health said the company was not targeting parents’ feelings of guilt.

She said the company was very careful not to incite fear or distress, or to imply harm will result by not taking Caruso’s products.

“The science and evidence supporting the product is more than adequate,” she said.

“The product was developed and designed to help support children’s diets and help ensure they are getting the correct nutrients they need to help support and protect their eyes in an environment which is increasing their exposure and risk of blue light.”

Ms Demirci said Caruso encouraged parents to limit their children’s time on devices, encourage them to go outside, and to provide a diet with lots of fruit and vegetables.

Bioglan has been contacted for comment.

Vitamin companies are peddling ludicrous claims about products that protect children’s eyes from the blue light emitted by digital devices, according to doctors.

Source: Can a vitamin product protect kids’ eyes from a tablet’s blue light? – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

International Research Symposium Series 2017

Indah Hidup Mengenal Allah 

There’s no will to punish UK for ‘Brexit,’

Fmr. ECB president on Catalonia: It's necessary to preserve unity

Trichet on Catalonia: It’s necessary to preserve unity  8 Hours Ago | 01:51

The European Union isn’t looking to make an example of the United Kingdom for its decision to leave the EU – it is just a “very difficult” situation, former European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet told CNBC on Monday.

On Monday, Prime Minister Theresa May said she expected any deal with the EU to be struck close to the end of the two-year negotiating period. Only then would Britain know the costs or benefits, she said.

Trichet said it was explained very clearly by those in the “remain camp” that leaving the EU would be “catastrophic” for the U.K.

“I don’t think there is any … will to punish Britain. It’s only taking the consequence of the fact that the UK that entered in Europe in order to be part of the single market has decided to get out of the single market. That’s a simple as that and, of course, the consequences are very bad,” he said in an interview with “Closing Bell.”

He also doesn’t think the future of the European Union will be called into question.

“I’m very, very convinced that resilience of the European project is much, much stronger than is very often analyzed or forecasted,” he said.

Meanwhile, in Spain a separatist movement has caused instability. Catalonia’s leader said the region will declare independence from Spain “in a matter of days.” However, Luis de Guindos, the Spanish economy minister, told CNBC on Monday, “It’s very clear the independence of Catalonia is not going to take place.”

Trichet is convinced the separatist movement in Spain will fail, but called it a “very difficult challenge.”

“It is so clearly in the interest of the Catalonian economy as well as the economy of Spain for the province to remain united with Spain,” he said.

Fed chair

As for who should head up the Federal Reserve after Chair Janet Yellen‘s term expires in February 2018, Trichet pointed to “one good candidate” – Yellen.

“She did a good job, it seems to me,” he said.

However, he noted that he’s sure that President Donald Trump “has a number of other excellent candidates.”

—CNBC’s Silvia Amaro and Reuters contributed to this report.

There’s no will to punish UK for ‘Brexit,’ says ex-ECB chief Jean-Claude Trichet –

Las Vegas security guard was shot before gunman opened fire on crowd

Ahotel security guard was shot by the Las Vegas mass shooting’s gunman six minutes before he opened fire on concert-goers, authorities said on Monday, revising the timeline of the attack.

Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo had previously said the guard was shot after gunman Stephen Paddock fired at the country music festival and that the guard’s arrival in the hallway of the Mandalay Bay hotel may have caused Paddock to stop firing.

It was not immediately clear why the timeline of the shooting changed a week later and what the impact could be on the investigation.

On Monday, Lombardo said security guard Jesus Campos was in a hallway of the Mandalay Bay hotel responding to a report of an open door when he heard drilling from Stephen Craig Paddock’s room.

Paddock, who had installed three cameras to monitor the approach to his suite, opened fire through the door, spraying 200 shots down the hall and wounding the guard, who alerted other security officials, Lombardo said.

Social media photo of Las Vegas gunman Stephen Paddock
Social media photo of Las Vegas gunman Stephen Paddock CREDIT: REUTERS

Six minutes later, Paddock began a 10-minute killing spree that killed 58 people in the deadliest mass shooting in modern US history, Lombardo said.

Authorities also said on Monday that Paddock targeted aviation fuel tanks, stocked his car with explosives and had personal protection gear as part of an escape plan.

Paddock had power tools and was attempting to drill a hole in an adjacent wall, perhaps to mount another camera or to point a rifle through, but he never completed the work, Lombardo said. He also drilled holes and bolted a metal bar to try to prevent the opening of an emergency exit stairwell door near the door of his room.

Lombardo again expressed frustration with the pace of the investigation, but not with the investigators who have yet to pinpoint the motive behind the shooter’s decision to fire from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel casino on a Las Vegas Strip concert crowd of 22,000 on October 1.

“It’s because this individual purposely hid his actions leading up to this event, and it is difficult for us to find the answers to those actions,” Lombardo said. “We believe he decided to take the lives he did and he had a very purposeful plan that he carried out.”

 Hotel security guard praised by Trump and Las Vegas police for helping to stop shooter
Hotel security guard praised by Trump and Las Vegas police for helping to stop shooter

There is still no evidence Paddock was motivated by ideology, or that there was another shooter, he said. Investigators have found 200 incidents of Paddock moving through the city, and at no time was he with anyone else, Lombardo said.

Lombardo said police and FBI agents, including behavioural profilers, still haven’t found a particular event in Paddock’s life that might have triggered the shooting. The sheriff added that a complete evaluation of Paddock’s mental condition was not yet done. Authorities didn’t find a note in his room, only a paper with numbers, he said.

Investigators believe the numbers represented calculations for more precise shots, according to a law enforcement official.

The sheriff also confirmed investigators were talking with Paddock’s brother Eric Paddock, who travelled to Las Vegas, and continue to speak with the shooter’s girlfriend, Marilou Danley, to get insight.

Police bodycam video captures chaos of Las Vegas shooting
Police bodycam video captures chaos of Las Vegas shooting

Lombardo declined to reveal what they’ve said, but he stated, “Every piece of information we get is one more piece of the puzzle.”

Eric Paddock said he came to Las Vegas to retrieve his brother’s body in hopes of sending the cremated ashes to their 89-year-old mother in Orlando.

Clark County Coroner John Fudenberg said on Monday he could not discuss the results of an autopsy done on Stephen Paddock, who police said shot himself dead before officers arrived at the Las Vegas Strip hotel suite from which he rained gunfire on a concert crowd below.

Eric Paddock told the Las Vegas Review-Journal that he planned to put his brother’s assets in a trust that would benefit the shooting victims.


Las Vegas security guard was shot before gunman opened fire on crowd –

Sahih Al Bukhari, Chapter#1 Hadith#4

قَالَ ابْنُ شِهَابٍ وَأَخْبَرَنِي أَبُو سَلَمَةَ بْنُ عَبْدِ الرَّحْمَنِ، أَنَّ جَابِرَ بْنَ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ الأَنْصَارِيَّ، قَالَ ـ وَهُوَ يُحَدِّثُ عَنْ فَتْرَةِ الْوَحْىِ، فَقَالَ ـ فِي حَدِيثِهِ ‏”‏ بَيْنَا أَنَا أَمْشِي، إِذْ سَمِعْتُ صَوْتًا، مِنَ السَّمَاءِ، فَرَفَعْتُ بَصَرِي فَإِذَا الْمَلَكُ الَّذِي جَاءَنِي بِحِرَاءٍ جَالِسٌ عَلَى كُرْسِيٍّ بَيْنَ السَّمَاءِ وَالأَرْضِ، فَرُعِبْتُ مِنْهُ، فَرَجَعْتُ فَقُلْتُ زَمِّلُونِي‏.‏ فَأَنْزَلَ اللَّهُ تَعَالَى ‏{‏يَا أَيُّهَا الْمُدَّثِّرُ * قُمْ فَأَنْذِرْ‏}‏ إِلَى قَوْلِهِ ‏{‏وَالرُّجْزَ فَاهْجُرْ‏}‏ فَحَمِيَ الْوَحْىُ وَتَتَابَعَ ‏”‏‏.‏ تَابَعَهُ عَبْدُ اللَّهِ بْنُ يُوسُفَ وَأَبُو صَالِحٍ‏.‏ وَتَابَعَهُ هِلاَلُ بْنُ رَدَّادٍ عَنِ الزُّهْرِيِّ‏.‏ وَقَالَ يُونُسُ وَمَعْمَرٌ ‏”‏ بَوَادِرُهُ

Ibn Shihaab said informed me Abu Salama bin Abd_dur Rahman that Narrated Jabir bin ‘Abdullah Al-Ansari while talking about the period of pause in revelation reporting the speech of the Prophet (s.a.w): “While I was walking, all of a sudden I heard a voice from the sky. I looked up and saw the same angel who had visited me at the cave of Hira’ sitting on a chair between the sky and the earth. I got afraid of him and came back home and said, ‘Wrap me (in blankets).’ And then Allah revealed the following Holy Verses (of Qur’an):’O you (i.e. Muhammad)! wrapped up in garments!’ Arise and warn (the people against Allah’s Punishment),up to ‘and desert the idols.’After this the revelation started coming strongly, frequently and regularly.”

Short Story – Beware of Half Truths or Misrepresentation of Truths

Beware of Half Truths or Misrepresentation of Truths

There was a sailor who worked on the same boat for three years. One night he got drunk. This was the first time it ever happened. The captain recorded it in the log, “The sailor was drunk tonight.” The sailor read it, and he knew this comment would affect his career, so he went to the captain, apologized and asked the captain to add that it only happened once in three years which was the complete truth. The captain refused and said, “What I have written in the log is the truth.” The next day it was the sailor’s turn to fill in the log. He wrote, “The captain was sober tonight.” The captain read the comment and asked the sailor to change or add to it explaining the complete truth because this implied that the captain was drunk every other night. The sailor told the captain that what he had written in the log was the truth.

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Quote of the Day: Acknowledge 


The Star Online: Kim Jong Un praises nuclear programme, promotes sister to centre of power

Kim Jong Un praises nuclear programme, promotes sister to centre of power

The Star OnlineBy James Pearson · Oct 8, 2017

SEOUL (Reuters) – North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un said his nuclear weapons were a “powerful deterrent” that guaranteed its sovereignty, state media reported on Sunday, hours after U.S. President Donald Trump said “only one thing will work” in dealing with the isolated country.

Trump did not make clear to what he was referring, but his comments seemed to be a further suggestion that military action was on his mind.

In a speech to a meeting of the powerful Central Committee of the ruling Workers’ Party on Saturday, a day before Trump’s most recent comments, state media said Kim had addressed the “complicated international situation”.

North Korea’s nuclear weapons are a “powerful deterrent firmly safeguarding the peace and security in the Korean peninsula and Northeast Asia,” Kim said, referring to the “protracted nuclear threats of the U.S. imperialists.”

In recent weeks, North Korea has launched two missiles over Japan and conducted its sixth nuclear test, and may be fast advancing toward its goal of developing a nuclear-tipped missile capable of hitting the U.S. mainland.

North Korea is preparing to test-launch such a missile, a Russian lawmaker who had just returned from a visit to Pyongyang was quoted as saying on Friday.

Donald Trump has previously said the United States would “totally destroy” North Korea if necessary to protect itself and its allies.

The situation proved that North Korea’s policy of “byungjin”, meaning the parallel development of nuclear weapons and the economy was “absolutely right”, Kim Jong Un said in the speech.

“The national economy has grown on their strength this year, despite the escalating sanctions,” said Kim, referring to U.N. Security Council resolutions put in place to curb Pyongyang’s nuclear and missile programmes.


The meeting also handled some personnel changes inside North Korea’s secretive and opaque ruling centre of power, state media said.

Kim Jong Un’s sister, Kim Yo Jong, was made an alternate member of the politburo – the top decision-making body over which Kim Jong Un presides.

Alongside Kim Jong Un himself, the promotion makes Kim Yo Jong the only other millennial member of the influential body.

Her new position indicates the 28-year-old has become a replacement for Kim Jong Un’s aunt, Kim Kyong Hui, who had been a key decision maker when former leader Kim Jong Il was alive.

“It shows that her portfolio and writ is far more substantive than previously believed and it is a further consolidation of the Kim family’s power,” said Michael Madden, a North Korea expert at Johns Hopkins University’s 38 North website.

In January, the U.S. Treasury blacklisted Kim Yo Jong along with other North Korean officials over “severe human rights abuses”.

Kim Jong Sik and Ri Pyong Chol, two of the three men behind Kim’s banned rocket programme, were also promoted.

State media announced that several other high ranking cadres were promoted to the Central Committee in what the South Korean unification ministry said could be an attempt by North Korea to navigate a way through its increasing isolation.

“The large-scale personnel reshuffle reflects that Kim Jong Un is taking the current situation seriously, and that he’s looking for a breakthrough by promoting a new generation of politicians,” the ministry said in a statement.

North Korea’s foreign minister Ri Yong Ho, who named Donald Trump “President Evil” in a bombastic speech to the U.N. General Assembly last month, was promoted to full vote-carrying member of the politburo.

“Ri can now be safely identified as one of North Korea’s top policy makers,” said Madden.

“Even if he has informal or off the record meetings, Ri’s interlocutors can be assured that whatever proposals they proffer will be taken directly to the top,” he said.

(Additional reporting by Yuna Park in SEOUL; Editing by Christian Schmollinger and John Stonestreet)

The Star Online: Kim Jong Un praises nuclear programme, promotes sister to centre of power.

The Star Online: Another govt department, seriously?

Another govt department, seriously?

The Star OnlineWONG CHUN WAI · Oct 7, 2017

YET another government department is going to be set up. Isn’t it common knowledge that the Government has serious budget constraints and is not recruiting to add to an already bloated civil service? And now, another tale of bureaucracy is being spun.

No wonder Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission chief commissioner Tan Sri Dzulkifli Ahmad is upset over the planned formation of the National Integrity and Good Governance Department (JITN)

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Paul Low has said the proposed department is expected to improve good governance in the civil service.

How would the JITN as a new and probably tiny department be able to do the job? It would probably involve plenty of miracles since there is a reported 1.6 million civil servants to deal with, although Cuepacs says the figure is only at 500,000. It will be a Herculean task to move this mountain of manpower for what’s needed.

Low must surely have good intentions in wanting to set up the JITN, but its objectives and plans remain, at best, vague, at this point.

Its name and role seem almost identical to that of the Integrity Institute of Malaysia (IIM) and Enforcement Agency Integrity Commission.

The IIM, the brainchild of then Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, was set up in 2004 and continues to function.

Its website reads: “IIM’s role is to facilitate the aims and objectives of the National Integrity Plan (NIP). The main objective of IIM is to act as a machinery in the implementation of the NIP towards developing a nation that is of high integrity, resilient and that embraces universal good values.”

The key roles of the institute are: to conduct research related to the integrity of institutions and that of the community; to organise conferences, seminars and forums; to elicit opinions from various sectors on the progress made or on the obstacles faced in implementing integrity; to publish and circulate printed materials as well as formulating and implementing training and educational programmes; to recommend new policies for the enhancement of integrity and ethics; and to advise the Government on strategies and programmes in enhancing integrity.

The voice of cynicism is growing loud and people are questioning the functions of this department, more so if it has no bite. MACC has strongly objected to it, with Dzulkifli labelling it a waste of public funds.

Who can blame the graft buster for being disgruntled? His investigators are overworked and the department understaffed, under budget and now, suddenly, the MACC learns that a new department is to be set up.

If it has no powers and does not concern the MACC, then it is on its way to being another government department which publishes more reports that nobody reads and which will most likely end up gathering dust.

Dzulkifli, who is hard-pressed to secure a heftier budget for his department, has publicly objected to the setting up of JITN, saying the funds could be better used to enhance current enforcement agencies and the wellbeing of its staff.

“What needs to be done is improve and strengthen the laws, human resources and welfare of existing agencies.

“The Government should oversee the welfare of law enforcers. Go and see the conditions of police barracks. They are poorly maintained,” he said.

Dzulkifli urged the Government to re-examine the salaries and housing schemes of law enforcers.

“If we want to decrease corruption and abuse of power in enforcement agencies, the problem will not be solved if law enforcers do not have their welfare taken care of.

“I will defend them (law enforcers) when needed, and take action against them (if they do wrong).

“But we also need to see the state of their welfare,” he told reporters at a corruption-free pledge signing ceremony in Sungai Petani recently.

“Forming a new department will be costly and require hiring new staff. Their scope of duties will be similar to (that of) other law enforcers,” he added.

And even in less-than-ideal circumstances, the MACC has continued with its crime-busting duty, its stats backing up its hard work. Up to last month this year alone, the commission has arrested 728 individuals, including 349 civil servants, 215 members of the public and 151 from the private sector.

So far, 316 people have been accused of corrupt practices this year. Nearly half of them – 155 individuals – are from the civil service. Last year, only 113 civil servants had the long arm of the law catch up with them.

MACC statistics reveal that 1,629 cases (up to last month this year) involved civil servants, compared to 2,008 the whole of last year, with 654 cases concerning members of the public and 174 involving those from the private sector.

Until September this year, 432 investigation papers were opened against civil servants, compared to 526 last year. Half of that figure – 215 – implicated members of the public, 102 members of the private sector, and seven from other categories, including politics.

Up until last month, 756 investigation papers were opened.

Low said the Cabinet has given the green light for the setting-up of JITN to serve as a coordinating body to lead transformational changes in the public and private sectors.

He said the department would focus on good governance, integrity and human rights. How it will co-exist with Suhakam (Human Rights Commission of Malaysia) is something which needs explaining.

JITN received the Cabinet’s nod on July 28, and is currently under review by the Public Service Department pending final approval. The department was previously a division under Low in the Prime Minister’s Department.

There isn’t much the MACC can do now since the Cabinet has already approved the move.

But what the Government should consider doing is to beef up the MACC where manpower and resources are concerned, given the flurry of cases flying its way.

The Star Online: Another govt department, seriously?