Squeezed on all sides, Hamas bids for reconciliation

Squeezed on all sides, Hamas bids for reconciliation http://www.themalaymailonline.com/world/article/squeezed-on-all-sides-hamas-bids-for-reconciliation

Fly me to the Moon: For some, lunar village takes shape

Fly me to the Moon: For some, lunar village takes shape http://www.theborneopost.com/2017/09/22/fly-me-to-the-moon-for-some-lunar-village-takes-shape/

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Puerto Rico battered by Hurricane Maria: ‘Devastation – it’s everywhere’


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Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico and cut power to the entire island — here’s what it looks like on the ground


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Hijrah Keluarga Menuju Syurga

Selamat Pagi

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Australia offers to pay Rohingya refugees to return to Myanmar


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US and China agree to ‘maximise pressure’ on North Korea


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Scientists can now store light as sound waves on a computer chip


Mexico earthquake: at least 217 dead after powerful quake – latest updates | World news | The Guardian

Source: Mexico earthquake: at least 217 dead after powerful quake – latest updates | World news | The Guardian

USM: Road to be Entrepreneur

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Leadership and Language Camp

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7 – 10th December 2017
Universiti Sains Malaysia

The first Leadership and English Language Camp (LELaC) was held in 2010 in Universiti Sains Malaysia. About 120 learners all over Malaysia attended the camp over the course of 3 days and 2 nights. The camp was planned and conducted by Professor Dr. Muhammad Kamarul Kabilan Abdullah together with his 6 TESOL students. This English Language-based programme started off with the aim to create a fund to partly sponsor the student’s international teaching practicum in Maldives.

Since then, LELaC has grown into a well known and sought after English Language-based programme within Malaysia and other countries that has the main purpose in helping the learners to learn and to discover their English talents in a fun, challenging and enjoyable approach.

Through LELaC, the learners can discover their English talents by involving themselves with various activities that will challenge the learners both physically and mentally. As for the activities, the participants of this camp will experience the activities in a summer camp vibe. The activities will be conducted in both indoor and outdoor.

To participate, kindly contact:
Contact Mr. Jayson.
(M) 010-395 9816
(T) 04-653 5403/3446
(E) lelac@usm.my
(F) 04-655 1460

LELaC Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/usm.lelac

Corrosion Course

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MM Training/Courses (Corrosion)

Cathodic Protection Engineer
9-12 October 2017
>> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bz9d_v40mMCdNGdyMlUtN0ltN0k <<See more

Format Research Paper In Seconds

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