



The AFOB-Malaysia Chapter would like to invite you to present your valuable research paper at the AFOB-MC International Symposium 2018 (AFOBMCIS 2018) to be held on 18-21 August 2018, Hotel Pullman Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.

This symposium is mainly organised by Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and Universiti Putra Malaysia, supported by AFOB-MC, Sarawak Convention Bureau (SCB) and Department of Agriculture Sarawak (DAS). It is also a joint-collaboration with Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), Universiti Teknologi Mara Sarawak (UiTM), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Universiti of Malaya (UM), International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) and Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI).

The AFOBMCIS 2018 is aimed to provide a platform for local and international scientists, academia and industries to present current research findings, sharing ideas and opinions in various biotechnological fields. The theme of the symposium is “Roles of Biotechnology in Sustainable Growth and Development” and covers 12 technical sessions:

  1. Agricultural and Food Biotechnology
  2. Applied Microbiology
  3. Biopharmaceutical and Medical Biotechnology
  4. Biocatalysis and Protein Engineering
  5. Bioprocess and Bioseparation Engineering
  6. Bioenergy and Biorefinery
  7. Environmental Biotechnology
  8. Marine Biotechnology
  9. Nanobiotechnology, Biosensors and Biochips
  10. Systems and Synthetic Biotechnology
  11. Tissue Engineering and Biomaterials
  12. Bioindustry Promotion and Bioeducation

A special session for young scientist will also be organized with a special award to be presented.

The symposium will invite prestigious speakers in the biotechnology field worldwide to share their knowledge and expertise.

Along with this symposium, a signing ceremony between AFOB-MC and Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering Society of Taiwan (BEST) will also be held after the opening ceremony. The AFOB-MC also would like to invite all active AFOB members registered in Malaysia to participate in the Annual Grand Meeting to be held during the symposium.

As a record, the AFOB-MC had organized the AFOB Regional Symposium 2014 (ARS2014) in Seri Pacific Hotel, Kuala Lumpur and Asian Congress on Biotechnology 2015 (ACB2015) in Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur.

Online registration can be done at

Looking forward to meeting you there.

Best regards,

Assoc Prof Dr Madihah Salleh, UTM

Director AFOBMCIS 2018

Industrial Engagement Day

UTM: Wifi Expansion


Affection of Parenting

Hitachi Scholarship Research Support Program for 2019

The Hitachi Research Support Program for 2019 is now open for application.
The application should be submitted to the Office of Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic & International) before October 11, 2018. 

The Hitachi Global Foundation aims to contribute to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by solving social issues through the promotion of Science and Technology. The Foundation carries out the Hitachi Scholarship Research Support Program that offers research support grants to the faculty members who wish to conduct collaborative researches that contribute to solving social issues at universities or research institutions in Japan.

Contents of the grants are the followings.
(1) Maintenance allowance: 6,000 yen per year
(2) Travel allowance: from 80,000 yen – 150,000 yen


Application must be endorsed by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic & International). Kindly submit the completed application documents to Miss Leilawati Mokhtar, Office of Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic & International) at before October 15, 2018.

Should there be any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us (+607 – 553 0453).



Justeru, mari kita tatapi,tiga panduan yang boleh dijadikan contoh kepada  kita sebagai pekerja iaitu SEBELUM,SEMASA DAN SELEPAS melakukan kerja seharian seperti berikut:

  1. Sebelum melakukan kerja

Sebelum berkerja, tanyalah kepada hati apakah niat kita untuk berkerja pada hari tersebut? Samada ingin mencari rezeki, membela nasib keluarga,berbakti kepada masyarakat dan lain lain. Niat perlu supaya kita dapat fokus semasa memulakan kerja dan ini adalah contoh-contoh niat yang baik. Namun begitu, niat tersebut perlu bersekali dengan niat yang lebih khusus seperti ”aku bekerja untuk mendapat rezeki yang halal kerana Allah SWT menuntutku mencari yang halal” . Perkara ini juga terpakai kepada kepercayaan agama lain, bahawa pekerjaan baik, menghasilkan hasil/rezeki yang baik. Rasulullah SAW menegaskan bahawa sebaik-baik manusia ialah manusia yang memberi manfaat kepada orang lain. Pastikan kerja itu adalah halal dan tiada unsur-unsur haram. Bagaimana menentukannya? Tepuk dada tanya selera. Anda mungkin dapat mengaburi orang lain semasa melaksanakan kerja dalam sambil lewa atau dengan baik, tetapi hakikatnya anda tidak dapat menipu diri anda sendiri. Muhasabahlah……gaji tetap diterima  hujung bulan ya ..

  1. Semasa Melakukan Kerja


Niat yang baik dan yang halal belum menjamin sesuatu pekerjaan dilakukan dengan ikhlas.Kerja akan menjadi ikhlas apabila dilaksanakan dengan cara yang terbaik(optimum). Maksud optimum ialah kita berkerja dengan penuh kemahiran yang dimiliki,berilmu dan etika yang tinggi. Inovatif dan produktif tanpa memilih hanya kerja yang ada nilai “self improvement”(ganjaran pangkat dan gaji. Malah kita patut juga giat dalam kerja – kerja yang memberi nilai peningkatan nilai murni dalam diri. Tidak terlalu berkira dengan tenaga dan masa serta senantiasa bersedia untuk melakukan kerja –kerja sukarela dan khidmat masyarakat.

  1.  Selepas Melakukan kerja

Bagaimana sikap kita di akhir perkerjaan kita? Jika ditakdir kita berjaya menyelesaikan tugas hari itu, hargai kawan-kawan sekerja yang mana membantu dan berkerjasama dalam tugas.Nafikan segala kelebihan, usaha dan tenaga kita di hadapan Tuhan, dengan merasakan semua itu tidak memberi kesan tanpa izin dan bantuan-Nya. Semoga dengan itu, hari pekerjaan kita lebih bermakna dan rezeki kelak diperolehi dirasai keberkatannya, untuk dikongsi bersama keluarga dan anak-anak.


Jika kita dapat laksanakan ketiga-tiga perkara tersebut, ia akan menghasilkan dua bentuk tamadun. Pertama tamadun rohani – wargakerja akan menjadi lebih baik akhlak dengan keperibadian yang unggul . Kedua,tamadun material yang mana diri ,majikan atau masyarakat akan memperolehi kemajuan dan pembangunan fizikal. Justeru, jangan kita berkira dengan kerja. Kita mesti sentiasa ikhlas dan bersedia berkorban untuk perkhidmatan, sebagaimana kita bersetuju  menandatangani Aku Janji pada mula-mula kita melapor diri dahulu. Ingat ya…


18 Julai 2018

Malaysia-Japan Joint International Conference (MJJIC 2018), 17-19th October 2018, Sepang, Malaysia

Dear All,

You are cordially invited to submit your extended abstract to the Malaysia-Japan Joint International Conference (MJJIC 2018) in conjunction with 3rd International Conference on Advanced Technology & Applied Sciences (ICaTAS 2018), 17-19th October 2018, Sepang, Selangor, Malaysia.

MJJIC 2018 is the fifth academic event jointly arranged by Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT) and Japan University Consortium (JUC). It provides a platform for academics, researchers and postgraduate students from MJIIT, JUC members and ASEAN countries to exchange research ideas. In conjunction with this event, MJIIT also collaborates with Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport (AASTMT) to organize the third conference on Advanced Technology and Applied Sciences (ICaTAS 2018). 

The conference will highlight recent and significant advances in research and development in advanced technology, applied sciences, and interdisciplinary works. Encouraging young researcher from multi-discipline engineering background to share their new and innovative ideas and/or findings will be the aim of the conference. With participation of a large number of young researchers, it can be a platform for new collaborative ventures and strategic alliances to gain better insights into engineering research and technology innovation to harness the strength and synergies to bring further prosperity to the nations.

We are calling for extended abstract of 2 pages only and the deadline is 31st August 2018.

Details of the conference can be found at

Let us know should you have any inquiries regarding the conference event. We appreciate if you could disseminate MJJIC 2018 announcement to your contacts

Thank you!


Assalamualaikum wbt & Greetings
30 & 31 July 2018
Disaster Preparedness & Prevention Centre (DPPC)
Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT)
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra,
54100 Kuala Lumpur.
The Disaster Preparedness & Prevention Centre (DPPC) is organising a FREE Training on Resistivity Survey: Acquisition, Processing and Interpretation to showcase good practices in conducting geophysical survey for the environmental and engineering industry. Topics include resistivity survey, data acquisition, processing and interpretation. 
The training is provided on a first-come-first served basis. Seats are limited. Registration may  be made through our website at before 23 July 2018. 
Thank you!


Data Migration Process UTM

Toastmasters Club

Pertandingan Memancing

Call For Late Breaking Poster; The 17th International Conference of Asia Pacific Association of Surgical Tissue Banks (APASTB2018)

APASTB2018: 27th – 30th August 2018

The 17th International Conference of Asia Pacific Association of Surgical Tissue Banks (APASTB2018)
In conjunction with:
8th Malaysian Association of Cell and Tissues Banking Annual Meeting (MACTB);
7th Malaysian Tissues Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Scientific Meeting (MTERMS); and
3rd Regional Biomaterial Scientific Meeting (RBSM)

Theme: Spearheading the Applications of Cells, Tissues and Biomaterials for Regenerative Medicine

Paper submissions:

Venue: Hotel Bangi-Putrajaya, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia

Conference fees:
MYR1,100 (Local Industry)
MYR900 (Local Professional/Academic)
MYR550 (Local Student/Paramedic)
USD600 (International Industry)
USD500 (International Professional/Academic)
USD350 (International Student/Paramedic)
(Including three full day seminar package and meals)

Late Breaking Poster Abstract Submission Deadline:31 July 2018
Early Bird Registration:31 July 2018

The conference will bring together scholars and practitioners who interested to present their research in area of cells, tissues and biomaterials for regenerative medicine and other related topics on human health. This opportunity could be used as a way to broadening international networks. For details of research areas, please refer to our website field of topics). All abstracts must be submitted online and are subject to blind-peer review of our committee members. We will provide you a letter of acceptance or invitation letter for your visa application or financial sponsorship from your institution. Therefore, you are encouraged to submit your abstract at the earliest time possible.

Submission and Review Guidelines:

Please send your abstract by 31 July 2018 by log on to:

The abstract will be reviewed and notification of acceptance will be provided within 2 weeks after we receive them.

Further Information:
Please visit conference website  for detail information.
You can also contact the Organizing Committee via

With best regards,
Secretariat APASTB,


Assalammualaikum W.R.T & Salam 1 Malaysia.

YBhg. Prof. / Dr. / Saudara, 
Dengan hormatnya saya merujuk kepada perkara di atas. 
2. Sukacita dimaklumkan bahawa Pejabat Bendahari UTM akan mengadakan taklimat pengecualian cukai subseksyen 44(6) Akta Cukai Pendapatan 1967 yang akan disampaikan oleh Ketua Penolong Pengarah, Sahagian Kelulusan & Penguatkuasaan, Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN). Taklimat ini penting dalam memahami sesuatu penerimaan seperti derma/endowment/wakaf dan lain-lain sumbangan wang mendapat pengecualian cukai ataupun tidak. Selain itu, para peserta boleh mengambil peluang bertanyakan sebarang isu atau persoalan berkisar pengecualian cukai ke atas sumbangan yang diterima.
3. Sehubungan dengan itu, saudara dijemput hadir ke taklimat tersebut yang akan diadakan pada ketetapan berikut:
TARIKH : 25 Julai 2018 / Rabu
MASA : 9.00 pagi – 11.30 pagi
TEMPAT : Johor Bahru – Dewan Seminar, Aras 4, CICT UTM Johor Bahru
(Lintas langsung) Dewan Seminar, Menara Razak, UTM, Kuala Lumpur – (Lintas langsung) Bilik Mesyuarat Fotosintesis, UTM, Pagoh
Segala kerjasama dan komitmen pihak saudara amatlah dihargai dan didahului dengan ucapan ribuan terima kasih.


The Bursary
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Tel No.: 07 – 55 30571

Karnival Sukan Mahabbah UTMKL_1

Karnival Sukan Mahabbah UTMKL

Karnival Sukan Mahabbah 2018_1