Electric Bus UTM Launched by YB Dato’ Seri Idris Bin Jusoh

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Image may contain: 8 people, people smiling, people standing and suit

Image may contain: 8 people, people smiling, people standing

Image may contain: 6 people, people smiling, outdoor

Setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan terima kasih kepada YB Dato’ Seri Idris Jusoh , Menteri Pendidikan Tinggi atas kesudian hadir ke UTM untuk beramah mesra dengan mahasiswa UTM, berdiskusi dengan rakan-rakan industri, menyaksikan permeteraian kerjasama berkaitan Electric Vehicle (Bus) Project (pertama seumpamanya di kampus Universiti di Malaysia), menyempurnakan pelancaran UTM University-Industry Pavilion dan berkongsi aspirasi serta hala tuju UTM & KPT bersama Pengurusan Kanan UTM di UTM Johor Bahru hari ini.

Tentunya ia mencatat sejarah yang tersendiri buat seluruh warga UTM!

Juga, jutaan penghargaan dan terima kasih kepada seluruh warga UTM yang bertungkus lumus menjayakan keseluruhan majlis pada hari ini.

Tidak ketinggalan kepada semua rakan-rakan institusi pendidikan tinggi, rakan-rakan industri, para media serta seluruh warga UTM yang hadir pada hari ini. Penghargaan khas kepada Prof Arham Abdullah, Pengarah Bahagian Hubungan Industri, KPT

Lif E07 UTM

As Salam/Selamat pagi,

Adalah dimaklumkan bahawa lif di blok E07 ditutup sementara. Ini adalah kerana lif mengalami kerosakan pada sensor pintu lif. Pihak kontraktor perlu memesan alatganti untuk menggantikan alat yang rosak. Jangkaan kerja-kerja pembaikan akan pulih adalah pada hari Isnin 5/2/2018.
Makluman daripada pihak Pejabat Harta Bina.
Harap maklum dan terima kasih kerana bersabar menghadapi situasi ini.

Senior Assistant Admin
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Paris, France, July 26-27, 2018

 2nd IEOM European International Conference on
Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Paris, France, July 26-27, 2018

Venue: IESEG’s Paris Campus, La Défense


Submission Deadline Extended to: February 15, 2018

Submission Link: https://www.xcdsystem.com/IEOM/abstract/index.cfm?ID=JxqPV50

IEOM Society International, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, is a premier international platform and forum for academics, researchers, scientists and practitioners to exchange ideas and provide insights into the latest developments and advancements in the fields of Industrial Engineering and Operations Management. After having successfully 1st European Conference in Bristol, UK, theIEOM Society is organising the 2nd European Conference in Paris, France during July 26-27, 2018. The event will be held at the IESEG’s Paris Campus, La Défense.

The 2nd IEOM EuropeanInternational Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management aims at providing a platform for academics, researchers, scientists and practitioners to exchange ideas and to bridge the gap between the Industrial Engineering and Operations Management theory and its application in solving the most current problems and challenges faced by 21st century organisations. Hence, the conference is also expected to foster networking, collaboration and a joint effort among the conference participants to advance the theory and practice as well as to identify major trends in Industrial Engineering and Operations Management.

Topics covering industrial issues/applications and theoretical research, but are not limited to:

  • Big Data and Analytics
  • Decision Sciences
  • E-Business and E-Commerce
  • Energy and Resource Efficiency
  • Engineering Economy, Education & Management
  • Facilities Planning and Management
  • Global Manufacturing
  • High Value Manufacturing
  • Human Factors and Ergonomics
  • Information Technology and Information Systems
  • Inventory Management
  • Knowledge Management
  • Lean and Six Sigma
  • Logistics, Transport and Traffic Management
  • Manufacturing Design and Servitisation
  • Operations Management and Operations Research
  • Product design and development
  • Production Planning and Control
  • Project Management
  • Quality Engineering, Control and Management
  • Reliability and Maintenance
  • Reverse Logistics and Green Systems
  • Service Systems and Service Management
  • Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Management
  • Sustainability in Supply Chains and Operations
  • Sustainability in Manufacturing, Services, Logistics, and Freight transportation
  • Sustainable Manufacturing
  • Systems Engineering
  • Technology Management
  • Tools for Sustainable Manufacturing and Service Systems Design, Management, and Performance Measurement
  • Waste Management

SPECIAL TRACK: Systems Dynamics

Student Competitions

  • Undergraduate Student Paper Competition Sponsored by SIEMENS
  • Graduate Student Paper Competition Sponsored by EATON Corporation
  • Master Thesis Competition
  • Doctoral Dissertation Competition
  • Final Year Project (FYP)/Senior Capstone Design Project Poster Competition
  • High School and Middle School STEM Competition
  • Simulation and PLM Competition
  • Poster Competition

Important Dates

Paper submission deadline: 15 February 2018
Notification of acceptance: 15 March 2018
Camera-ready paper submission deadline: 15 April 2018
Registration deadline: 1 May 2018
Conference: 26-27 July 2018

Conference Chairs

Dr. Linda L. Zhang, Professor of Operations Management, IESEG School of Management, Paris La Défense, France
Dr. Ahad Ali, Associate Professor and Director of Industrial Engineering Programs, Lawrence Tech University, Michigan, USA

2018 IEOM Paris Website: www.ieomsociety.org/paris2018/
Email: info@ieomsociety.org


Salam Sejahtera dan Salam 1Malaysia,

YBhg. Datin Paduka Ir. Dr./Tuan,


Saya dengan hormatnya merujuk perkara di atas.

2.         Untuk makluman YBhg. Datin Paduka Ir. Dr./Tuan, Bank Pembangunan Islam (IDB) telah menawarkan biasiswa di peringkat Doktor Falsafah (Ph.D) dan Penyelidikan Pasca-Kedoktoran (post-doktoral research) secara sepenuh masa dalam bidang pendidikan berkaitan. Tawaran biasiswa ini terbuka kepada warganegara Malaysia dan pembiayaan adalah meliputi bayaran yuran pengajian, kos sara hidup bagi pemohon sahaja (single-status basis), insurans kesihatan dan tiket kapal terbang pergi-balik.

3.         Tawaran biasiswa selama 3 tahun sepenuh masa di peringkat Ph.D adalah dikhususkan dalam bidang-bidang berikut:

i.          Pertanian Lestari (Sustainable Agriculture);
ii.         Pendidikan (Education);
iii.        Pendidikan untuk Pembangunan Mampan (Education for Sustainable Development);
iv.        Perubahan Iklim (Climate Change);
v.         Tenaga (Energy);
vi.        Bandar Mampan (Sustainable Cities);
vii.       Pertumbuhan Bertanggungjawab (Responsible Growth);
viii.      Pengurusan Sisa (Waste Management);
ix.        Perkembangan Populasi (Population Growth);
x.         Kimia Hijau (Green Chemical);
xi.        Biodiversiti (Biodiversity);
xii.       Pencemaran Plastik dan Mikroplastik (Plastic Pollution and Microplastics);
xiii.      Air dan Kebersihan (Water and Hygiene);
xiv.       Kesihatan (Health);
xv.        ICT untuk Pembangunan (ICT for Development);
xvi.       Inovasi dan Pembangunan Infrastruktur (Innovation and Infrastructure Development);
xvii.      Ekonomi, Kewangan dan Perbankan Islam (Islamic Economics, Finance and Banking); dan
xviii.     Sains Sosial Berkaitan Pembangunan (Development-Related Social Sciences).

4.         Biasiswa ini ditawarkan bagi sesi pengajian di institusi terkemuka di negara maju atau negara ahli IDB. Namun begitu, keutamaan akan diberikan kepada calon Ph.D. yang telah mendapat tawaran pengajian di universiti yang mempunyai kerjasama dengan IDB seperti berikut:

i.          University of Cambridge, United Kingdom;
ii.         University of Birmingham, United Kingdom;
iii.        Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom;
iv.        Imperial College London, united Kingdom;
v.         Copenhagen University, Denmark;
vi.        Princeton University, USA, KAUST, Saudi Arabia; dan
vii.       McGill University, Canada.

5.         Permohonan bagi biasiswa ini dibuka sehingga 9 Februari 2018 dan borang permohonan yang telah dilengkapkan sepenuhnya perlu dikembalikan kepada :

Ketua Setiausaha Perbendaharaan
Kementerian Kewangan
Bahagian Antarabangsa
Aras 8, Blok Tengah
Kompleks Kementerian Kewangan
Persiaran Perdana, Presint 2
62592 Putrajaya.
(u.p.: Unit Kerjasama Pelbagai Hala 2)

Bersama ini dilampirkan butiran lanjut berkaitan permohonan biasiswa (Lampiran 1) untuk rujukan. Borang permohonan biasiswa dan maklumat lanjut mengenai biasiswa ini boleh didapati di laman sesawang IDB (www.isdb.org<http://www.isdb.org/>).

6.         Sehubungan itu, dengan hormatnya perkara ini diangkat untuk makluman dan tindakan pihak YBhg. Datin Paduka Ir. Dr./Tuan selanjutnya untuk dipanjangkan kepada calon yang layak dan berminat dengan tawaran biasiswa daripada IDB ini.

Perhatian dan kerjasama pihak YBhg Datin amatlah dihargai dan didahului dengan ucapan ribuan terima kasih.

Sekian, terima kasih.


Saya yang menurut perintah,

Bahagian Hubungan Antarabangsa | International Relations Division​
Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi, Malaysia | Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia
Aras 14, No.2, Menara 2 | Level 14, No.2, Tower 2
Jalan P5/6, Presint 5,

Tel​ (Pejabat) : +603 8870 5383
Fax    : +603 8870 6817 (Fax)
Emel   : maagiendran@mohe.gov.my<mailto:irwan@mohe.gov.my>

Launching of “Loji Nyahgaram Air Laut” by the Minister of Higher Education, YB. Dato’ Seri Idris Jusoh

Fun English Game

Inline image 2

University – Industry Dialog UTM

Solat Gerhana UTM

A Sign Language tutorial application to be develop by UTM PhD student

JOHOR BAHRU, 14 January 2018 – A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) student from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) will develop the application about teaching the normal man to communicate using sign language.
The application called Bahasa Isyarat Malaysia on Augmented Reality

Ruzimi developing the BIMonAR application at his home. When fully developed, the BIMonAR application will be the first application in Malaysia which provides complete tuturial about sign language.

or BIMonAR was planned to be develop to assists the normal people in learning the sign language to communicate more effectively with the hearing impaired Malaysians.

Being born without left hand and both legs, Ruzimi Mohamed @ Mahmood, 32, was motivated to develop this application after knowing that no education system specifically designed for this kind of disabilities.

“In Malaysia, apart from the Special Education School (goverment school that specially made for disable children) there are no other option of education system to train normal people to communicate using the sign language.

“As a result of their ‘unique’ language that are unable to be spoken by normal people, this deaf group were being left behind in various opportunities such as pursuing tertiary education and employment sector especially the Malaysian public service,” he said.

According to Ruzimi, the number of disabled persons (OKU) on deaf category who are registered with the Malaysian Social Welfare Department (JKM) is up to 60,000 but the normal people who are skilled in using sign language less than 20 people.

“This is a very sad fact because with a total of 60,000 deaf people registered throughout Malaysia, we should have at least 5 to 6 thousand normal people who are skilled in communicating with sign language,” he said.

Speaking about the development of BIMonAR’s application, Ruzimi said that he would be willing to devote all his efforts to complete this application in the targeted timeframe.

“I am targeting the end of 2018 as a target for this app to be completed and then introduced to the public,” he said.
The idea of creating this BIMonAR application has led to Ruzimi’s success when winning RM500, 000.00 as a business grant through the Skim Permulaan Usahawan Bumiputera (SUPERB) programme organized by Unit Peneraju Agenda Bumiputera (TERAJU), Prime Minister’s Department (JPM) last December 2017.


IMELC 2017: Cheque Handover Ceremony by Sponsor to Winner Schools

JOHOR BAHRU, 28 January 2018 – The 5th Iskandar Malaysia Ecolife Challenge (IMELC) 2017 jointly organized by Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA) and Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri Johor (JPNJ), sponsored by SWM Environment Sdn Bhd has been successfully conducted throughout the year of 2017.

Cheque handover ceremony with SJK(C) Kuo Kuang.

A total of 346 primary schools involving about 34,000 Year 6 students in Johor had participated in IMELC 2017.

The purpose of the ceremony is to handover the cheques and prizes to the winners sponsored by SWM Environment Sdn Bhd.

Cheque handover ceremony with SK Kempas.

The organizing team visited six winner schools on 23thuntil 24th of January 2017 to handover the cheques and prizes.

Cheque handover ceremony with SJK(C) Masai.

The ceremony is led by  Manager of Corporate Communications, SWM Environment Sdn Bhd, Melissa Ananthraj accompanied by Head of Environment, IRDA, Boyd Dionysius, Deputy Head of Academic Management Sector, JPNJ, Haji Shahilon Abd Halim and  Senior Lecturer, UTM, Dr. Nor Farahwahidah Abdul Rahman.

IMELC aims to create awareness of Low Carbon Society (LCS) among students, teachers and their families in achieving the target of carbon reduction for Iskandar Malaysia by year 2025 as outlined in the Low Carbon Society Blueprint for Iskandar Malaysia 2025, which was endorsed by the Prime Minister of Malaysia, and presented at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) the 18th session of Conference of Parties (COP 18) in 2012.

The cheque handover ceremony took place at SJK(C) Kuo Kuang , SJK(C) Masai, SK Kempas, SK Nong Chik, SJK(T) Permas Jaya and SJK(C) Tampoi. These schools won the final presentation of IMELC 2017 which was previously held on 7th November 2017 at Dewan Seminar JPNJ. Below is the result of the competition and the prizes:

Final Presentation:

First place: SJK(C) Kuo Kuang (RM10,000 cash prize)

Second place: SJK(C) Masai (RM8,000 cash prize)

Third place: SK Kempas (RM5,000 cash prize)

Recycling Module:

First place: SK Nong Chik (18,949.5kg collected; RM2,000 cash prize)

Second place: SJK(C) Kuo Kuang (11,024kg collected; RM1,500 cash prize)

Third place: SJK(C) Masai (8,765kg collected: RM1,000 cash prize)

Water and Electricity Saving Module:

First place: SJK(T) Permas Jaya (RM1,200 cash prize)

Second place: SK Kempas (RM800 cash prize)

Third place: SJK(C) Tampoi (RM500 cash prize)

SJK(C) Kuo Kuang bagged a total of RM11,500 cash prize in total. All the schools also received a 3R cage from SWM Environment Sdn. Bhd.

From the data collection and analysis by UTM, a total of 510,126.29kgCO2 is reduced by the participating schools. A total of RM15,543.96 electricity bills and RM30,860.56 water bills were saved and RM27,281.33 was collected from recycling module. If the pattern is replicated to all 346 schools for a year, a total of 2,215,733.55kgCO2 can be reduced and RM21,975,339.90 can be saved and earned. As more awareness on LCS is instilled in the school teachers and students, more LCS related projects are carried out by primary schools as the by-product of IMELC. IMELC 2018 will continue to be expanded to 403 schools.


MJIIT, UTMKL Received Visit From Japanese Council For Science, Technology And Innovation, Government of Office

Kuala Lumpur, 16 January 2018 – Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT) received a courtesy visit led by Dr. Kazuo Kyuma, Executive Member, Council for Science, Technology and Innovation, Cabinet Office and his team; Prof. Kishi Teruo, Prof. Yozo Fujino, Prof. Noboru Noguchi, Dr. Seki Katsumi, Mr. Shiro Takegami, Mr. Masahiro Takemura dan Mr. Masaki Sato. Also accompanying the delegates were Mr.Ichiro Kuronuma, Education and Science Attache from Embassy of Japan in Malaysia.

The delegates were taken to visit the laboratories at MJIIT and was later given a presentation on the academic program, research collaboration. They were also shown the existing state of the art machines and equipment available at MJIIT and the various student activities conducted involving students from the Japanese university partnership programme.

Dr. Kazuo Kyuma introduced the SIP (Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program), a national program to realise the scientific and technological innovations in Japan. Among the high impact projects to be implemented are Enhancement of Societal Resiliency against Natural Disasters and Smart Agriculture toward Society 5.0 in Japan (Technologies for Creating Next Generation Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and Utilization of OT, Bigdata, AI and Robot).

MJIIT expressed its desire to cooperate and hoped to bring Japanese technology in Robotic Applications in the Agriculture Industry to Malaysia.


Universiti Teknologi Malaysia leading the Autonomous Driving R&D field resulting to 1st Demo in Malaysia.

In conjunction with the Ministry of Higher Education’s motto “Soaring Upwards”, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), being one of the main research universities in the country, has always envisioned to produce research outputs which can benefit the country and society, thus facilitating Malaysia’s dream to be a developed nation. Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) is one of the main areas which is heavily discussed around the world. It is an umbrella term which foresees the birth of emerging technologies with disruptive effects, which in return will lead to the development of a smart city.

One of the pillars of innovation of 4IR is the autonomous vehicle (AV). The automated driving feature of the AV enables the host vehicle to navigate independently without any intervention of human driver. In Malaysia, the pioneering research group in the field of driverless vehicle is the Intelligent Drive team of the Vehicle System Engineering Research Group (VSE) from Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), UTM, Kuala Lumpur.

The team, led by Associate Professor Dr. Hairi Zamzuri with the support of Dr Mohd Azizi Abdul Rahman and Dr Mohd Hatta Mohd Arif, has initiated the in-house work in the said field since 2012. However, as AV is a very competitive and challenging area, the first phase of research in 2012-2016 focused on the Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) and Vehicle Active Safety work, which are the main components of AV.

Since 2017, the team has quietly worked on a fully-automated vehicle development. An AV prototype was developed through the collaboration between UTM and Moovita Pte Ltd . The protoptype is based on a 7-seater vehicle and encompasses several aspects and combining different modules (i.e. perception, localization and mapping, as well as guidance, navigation, and control). Just six months of extensive development and testing with two days setup demo, beginning Friday, 19 January 2018, the vehicle made its debut to the public. The team has successfully showcased the driverless vehicle prototype at the Malaysian Global Innovation & Creativity Centre (MaGIC, Cyberjaya). The significance of this demo is it exhibited the first driverless vehicle in Malaysia with full Level 5 automation. It is with much pride to mention that the showcased prototype was developed mostly by Malaysian talents.

Surely, this is only a step forward to a long and arduous journey ahead which will pose challenges and demands for further improvements. However, this achievement should be remembered and is hoped to expedite and catalysed the AV development in Malaysia. In addition, to enable the vehicle to be fully utilized on Malaysian roads, research in the area of AV development, covering other aspects such as user acceptance, policymaking as well as improvement on the prototype, should be continuously carried out.

UTM, soaring upwards!

UTM International KL organises Leader’s Hike-Camp

Hiking at the Cape Rachado, Bukit Putih, Tanjung Tuan, Port Dickson

A total of 30 participants from Nigeria, Somalia, Sudan, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Syria, Egypt Malaysia had joined the program.

In this program, all students have been involved in the bonding activities including Great Explorace, Fishing, Bonding Games and BBQ which required them to work in a team and support each other to complete the program.

On the second day of the program, the students have been brought to Cape Rachado, Lighthouse, Tanjung Tuan to hike a hill called Bukit Putih.

The student had hiked for about 1.8km before reaching the beautiful peak. Later on the same day, the students was challenged with an obstacle course and jungle survival trekking.

The program climax is on the last day when the students are required to build their own raft before sailing to the sea.  Overall, every student has shown a great leadership quality and enjoyed the program.

Intense Obstacle Courses at the PDS Training Camp.

UTM Benefits from CEO@Faculty Programme Industry Network

Resources by The Dean, Faculty of Civil Engineering

UTM-Terreal to collaborate in testing roofing products

Terreal, a well-known builders for roofing products originated from France will collaborate with UTM in testing its products in the Aeronautical Laboratory.
The Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research and Innovation), Prof. Datuk Dr. Ahmad Fauzi Ismail said that UTM Aeronautical Laboratory is equipped with a high-tech subsonic wind tunnel which meets aerodynamic testing requirements.
“Clay and mineral-based roof tile produced by Terreal will be tested in the UTM wind tunnel to study the effects of strong wind towards the building roof in accordance with standards applicable in America, Europe, Australia and most other countries.
This is intended to analyse the strength of such roof fixings under wind pressure load,” said Prof. Ahmad Fauzi.
He was saying that after the MoU signing ceremony between UTM and Terreal which held at Dewan Sultan Iskandar, Johor Bahru campus. Also attending was Industrial Manager Terreal Malaysia, Franc Molto.
The cooperation between UTM and Terreal has been established over the past two years and more future collaboration plans will be discussed by both sides.
“This MoU will embark UTM industrial collaboration with Terreal and to further strengthen the cooperation besides supporting its industrial training programmes and consultations,” said Prof. Fauzi.
The document was signed by Prof. Datuk Dr. Ahmad Fauzi Ismail on behalf of UTM while representing Terreal was its Industrial Manager, Mr. Franc Molto.

Terreal Industrial Manager, Franc Molto (left) exchanging the MoU document with Prof. Ahmad Fauzi at Dewan Sultan Iskandar, Johor Bahru campus

Six Key Focus Areas of UTM 2018 Strategic Planning

The main focus areas are excellence in Teaching and Learning, Research and Development, Campus Sustainability, Talent Transformation, University Financial Sustainability and Global Persuasion.
Commenting about the above KFAs, UTM Vice Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Ir. Dr. Wahid Omar said the most essential element is UTM to achieve excellence in Research and Development as well as financial sustainability to ensure the operation of the university.
“Strategic financial management is a key strategy in ensuring the financial sustainability of the university. The real definition of strategic financial management is to ensure that each Centre of Responsibility (PTJs) implements sustainable financial management by maintaining cost effectiveness while at the same time ‘keeping’ the quality of service to staff and students,” he said.
Prof. Wahid said this at a press conference session after giving his yearly address to the UTM community at the ‘Majlis Perutusan Tahun Baru Naib Canselor 2018’ at the Sultan Iskandar Hall, Johor Bahru campus yesterday.
As one of the public universities which hold the Research University (RU) status, UTM should emphasize the element of research excellence to enable the institution to move in line with the government’s current aspirations.
“A total of RM70 million has been set as the target of the UTM research grant for 2018 from government agencies, governments, industries and international organizations.
“To increase industrial and international funding grants, UTM has a Grant Champion group that will continue to be strengthened in all faculties by intensifying the number of proposal papers to apply for international and industrial grants,” he said.
Also attending the ceremony were the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and Internationalization), Prof. Dr. Zainuddin Abdul Manan, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation), Prof. Datuk Dr. Ahmad Fauzi Ismail, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Development), Prof. Dr. Azlan Abdul Rahman and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs), Prof. Dr. Durrishah Idrus.

Prof Wahid (standing right) giving a lecture at Majlis Perutusan Tahun Baru 2018 Naib Canselor held at Dewan Sultan Iskandar, UTM Johor Bahru.

IP Awareness 

Numerical Computing of Preimage Domains of Slit Domains

TM Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (UTM-CIAM) & Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science would like to invite you to a talk entitled:

Numerical Computing of Preimage Domains of Slit Domains

by: Prof. Dr. Mohamed M.S. Nasser (Qatar University)

Lecture Hall 1, 105 – Block C17,

Faculty of Science UTM, JB

22 Jan 2018 (Monday)

2.30 pm – 4.00 pm

This talk is a part of UTM-CIAM & Department of Mathematical Sciences monthly

Mathematics in Industry Seminar Series.

The abstract and poster about the event is attached below.
Please feel free to extend the invitation to your colleagues and students.

31 architectural students from KU visits Malaysia

JOHOR BAHRU, 3 January 2018-  About 31 architectural students and two faculty members from Kansas University (KU) Lawrence, United States of America have participated in Malaysia Architectural Study Tour 2018 organized by Institut Sultan Iskandar (ISI) of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM).

The delegation which led by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kapila Silva will be staying in Malaysia for seven days and six nights starting from 3rd January 2018 to 9th January 2018 visiting state of Johor, Selangor,Perak and Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur.

Programme Leader for Malaysia Architectural Study Tour 2018, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gurupiah Mursib said that the tour is part of Kansas University Study Abroad Programme which involves three countries namely Malaysia, Singapore and Japan.

“As for tour in Malaysia, ISI has prepared a ‘short and sweet’ seven days and six nights programme that covers the three above mentioned states.

Assoc. Prof. Gurupiah Mursib (most left in the front row) and Ar. Razin Mahmood (second right on the front) after the lucheon visit by KU students at Denai House in Johor Bahru.

“Excusion includes architecture that is award winning and iconic to the traditional.  Among highlights are Petronas Twin Tower Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur Tower, Mesiniaga Tower, The Troika, Tha Capers and Universiti Teknologi Petronas,” said Assoc Prof. Gurupiah.

Also visited were Arc Rimbayu, National Mosque, Bamboo Playhouse, Lantern Hotel, OBYU Tower, PAM Centre, Penghulu Seman House, Badan Warisan and many more. Other significant places in the visit list are Lake Garden, China Town and Batu Caves.

The tour also features Malaysia’s prominenet regionalist architect, Ar. Jimmy Lim who will share his ‘Tropical Laboratory’ and the implementation in regionally rooted contemporary houses.

A welcoming luncheon was held in Denai house of Ar. Razin Mahmood in Johor Bahru today. The warm ceremony was also attended by Dean Faculty of Built Environment, Prof. Dr. Mohd Hamdan Hj. Ahmad, Head of Architecture Department, Dr. Abdul Halim Hussein and ISI Executive Director, Assoc. Prof Dr Syed Ahmad Iskandar Syed Ariffin.


Ar. Razin Mahmood giving a briefing about Malaysian architecture to the visiting KU architectural students at Denai House.

Source: 31 architectural students from KU visits Malaysia

Study Visit Program from Universitas Negeri Surabaya Masters students to Faculty of Education UTM

UNESA Students group photo at Faculty of Education Signage.

The ten days program started 7 January 2018 and will end 16 January 2018. The program is organized by academic and non-academic staffs of Faculty of Education, led by Dr. Zainudin Hassan.

Throughout the program, the delegation will attend workshops, seminars, and outdoor activities. The program is designed to develop the participants’ generic skills, enhance their knowledge in areas related to education and expose them to the current usage of multimedia and technology in learning.

A workshop on Using Games in Teaching and Learning is to expose the participants to suitable games which they can use in classrooms. In addition, the participants will also get the opportunity to understand about primary school education in Malaysia since they will visit two schools in the area of Skudai.

This program is one of the initiatives by Faculty of Education UTM to foster international collaborations with international universities

UNESA students attending STEAM workshop at the Faculty of Education.

It is hoped that study visit program will help to increase visibility of the faculty and UTM at the global stage and thus achieve UTM’s mission for a greater recognition by global communities.

UNESA students at Faculty of Education Outbound Centre.