Exclusive MATLAB sessions by a MathWorks-Expert, Dr. Loren Shure


Balai Cerapan UTM 2019

Elearning restoration steps UTM


Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange – Ulam Program

Dear Researchers,
The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) is pleased to announce its new programme for incoming researchers: The Ulam Programme .
The objective of The Ulam Programme is to help foreign researchers to develop their career by intensifying international mobility as well as will allowing them to establish scientific cooperation with excellent host institutions in Poland.
Activities to be carried out during the scholarship may include:
  • conducting research and/or development work
  • post-doctoral training
  • obtaining materials for scientific work or publication
  • conducting didactic classes at the host centre

Visits within the programme can last from 6 to 24 months. The Programme provides financing for a scholarship covering both the Beneficiary’s allowance costs in relation to their stay at a host institution, in an amount of PLN 10,000 a month, and a mobility allowance.

In order to submit an application, one shall register an application in the ICT system of the Agency and send electronically the completed application together with the necessary attachments. The call for proposals is open from 22nd January to 23rd April 2019.

Thank you


Building a Floating Bridge Competition 2019

Penggunaan Borang Pengesahan Rawatan Pergigian Staf/Tanggungan Edisi Terbaharu Tahun 2019 UTM

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Assalamualaikum wrt. wbt dan Salam Sejahtera
YBhg. Datuk./Dato’/Prof./Prof. Madya,/ Dr./Tuan/Puan/Saudara,

Perkara di atas dirujuk.
2.  Untuk makluman, Bahagian Pengurusan Organisasi (BPO) telah membuat beberapa penambahbaikan pada borang pengesahan rawatan pergigian staf/tanggungan bagi tahun 2019. Borang tersebut akan berkuatkuasa mulai 1 Februari 2019 dimana staf/ tanggungan yang hendak membuat rawatan pergigian perlu membawa borang berkenaan untuk mendapatkan pengesahan rawatan di klinik.
3. Sehubungan itu, bersama ini dilampirkan borang pengesahan rawatan pergigian staf/tanggungan terbaharu untuk simpanan YBhg. Datuk./Dato’/Prof./Prof. Madya,/ Dr./tuan/puan/saudara selanjutnya. Penggunaan borang ini secara automatiknya membatalkan penggunaan borang lama.
Sebarang pertanyaan, sila hubungi butiran di bawah:
Noor Amalina binti Abu Bakar

Bahagian Pengurusan Organisasi, 
Jabatan Pendaftar, 
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
81310, UTM Johor Bahru,
Tel   : 07-5530130/30130
Faks : 07-5545755 




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Electrospinning Workshop

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What Can You Do with MATLAB Programming?

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Kursus Asas Renang







Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera,

Untuk makluman, sebahagian BLOK MA1, KTDI terutama di Wing A, M22 dan M23 sedang mengalami gangguan rangkaian/ internet disebabkan sambungan kabel fiber optik ke lokasi berkenaan terputus.


Kerja-kerja pembaikan sedang diusahakan dan dijangka akan selesai dalam tempoh 3 hari.

Segala kesulitan amatlah dikesali dan harap maklum.

New Deadline: February 22, 2019

Position your research and organization as heat treating thought leaders by submitting original, previously unpublished, non-commercial papers for oral and poster presentations for the Heat Treat 2019 technical program!

Exciting changes are coming!

Heat Treat 2019 will feature NEW technologies, NEW market trends, and NEW market segments. Be a part of the change and help shape the future of your industry by submitting an abstract!


Completed manuscripts that are of sufficient quality may be selected to be published in a special issue of the Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance (JMEP). Please indicate your interest in that option when submitting your abstract, and note that earlier manuscript deadlines will apply to allow for the peer review process.

Complimentary registration will be provided for presenting authors who submit a full manuscript (6-10 pages) for the conference proceedings and for students who submit either an extended abstract (3-4 pages) or full manuscript (6-10 pages).


Prof. Valentin S. Nemkov Academic Research Award

Heat Treat 2019 will offer Post-Doctoral Researchers, Lecturers and Professors (Academic Researchers) a competition-based award and recognition program, seeking to encourage increased participation of Academic Institutions in ASM Heat Treating Society (HTS), and to provide attractive offers and opportunities in the worldwide Materials and Thermal Processing communities. We are soliciting abstract submissions based on thermal processing of metal or metal containing components for this competition. The winner will receive $2,500 that can be used to support research activity at the Academic Researcher’s Institution.  Abstracts should be submitted through the link above.

Fluxtrol Student Research Competition

Abstracts are being accepted for the Fluxtrol Student Research Competition. We are soliciting abstract submissions based on thermal processing of metal/metal containing components for this competition.


Exhibit & Sponsorship Opportunities

Don’t miss out on this special opportunity to reach the movers and shakers in the heat treating and thermal processing markets! Reserve an exhibit space or sponsorship before they sell out!

RESERVE TODAYHeat Treat 2019


MLC 2019



Latest Banner 11 Feb.jpeg

Empowerment Through Mentorship Forum

Merujuk perkara di atas, dimaklumkan Pusat Kepimpinan Akademik UTM (UTMLead) telah dipertanggungjawabkan untuk menyediakan kelompok pemimpin yang kompeten melalui program pembangunan pendayaupayaan dan pemerkasaan kepemimpinan yang berstruktur dan dinamik.  Oleh itu, salah satu inisiatif yang akan dilaksanakan mulai tahun ini ialah program pementoran atau dikenali sebagai Mentoring For Excellence (M4E).  Program ini dibentuk berdasarkan perhubungan antara mentor dan menti di mana mentor dapat berkongsi ilmu, nilai dan pengalaman sendiri, memberi keputusan dan bertindak berdasarkan idea yang dihasilkan sementara menti dapat mempelajari ilmu, nilai dan pengalaman tersebut dan memindahkannya dalam realiti pekerjaan dan kehidupan.
Sehubungan dengan itu, UTMLead akan mengadakan program ‘Empowerment Through Mentorship Forum’ seperti butiran di bawah;
Tarikh    :    26 Februari 2019 (Selasa)
Masa      :    9.00 pagi – 5.00 petang
Tempat  :    Dewan UTMLead, Bangunan Pusat Siswazah, UTM Johor Bahru
Sukacita dimaklumkan, nama saudara adalah terpilih daripada senarai yang dicalonkan oleh pihak fakulti.  Sehubungan itu, saudara adalah dijemput hadir.
Tentatif program dilampirkan sebagai rujukan.
Sukacita mendapat kerjasama baik saudara untuk mengesahkan kehadiran ke program ini melalui pautan https://goo.gl/forms/QOn4SRHvzCoS3mQC2 pada atau sebelum 13 Februari 2019 (Rabu) untuk tindakan awal pihak urusetia.
Kerjasama yang diberikan amat dihargai dan diucapkan terima kasih.

Mesyuarat  JK Pembangunan Pelajar Bil. 2/20182019

Profesor Dr. Adi Amimun Abdul Malik           –           Ahli Jawatankuasa (Penasihat Tekno Marin)

Dr. Amir Putra Md Saad                                 –           Ahli Jawatankuasa (Penasihat PETERA)

Dr. Wan Fahmin Faiz Bin Wan Ali                  –           Ahli Jawatankuasa (Penasihat IMM)

Dr. Saiful Anuar Abu Bakar                            –           Ahli Jawatankuasa (Penasihat Kelab Autech)

Dr. Wan Zaidi Wan Omar                              –           Ahli Jawatankuasa (Penasihat Kelab Aero)

Dr. Norizah Binti Redzuan                              –           Ahli Jawatankuasa (Penasihat SME)

Dr. Jafri Bin Mohd Rohani                              –           Ahli Jawatankuasa (Penasihat IEC)

Ir. Dr. Mohd Azman Abas                              –           Ahli Jawatankuasa (Penasihat SAE)

Dr. Mohd Nazri Mohd Nasir                            –           Ahli Jawatankuasa (Penasihat IMechE)

Dr. Jaysuman bin Puspanathan                    –          Ahli Jawatankuasa (Penasihat PGSS)

Cik Enna Fasihah Binti Fadilah                     –           Penolong Pendaftar HEP FE



Mesyuarat  JK Pembangunan Pelajar Bil. 2/20182019

Dengan hormatnya saya merujuk kepada perkara di atas.  Sukacita dimaklumkan bahawa mesyuarat di atas  akan diadakan pada tarikh dan tempat seperti berikut;


               Tarikh    :    11 Februari 2019 (Isnin)

               Masa      :    2.30 petang

               Tempat  :    Bilik Mesyuarat, Aras 5, Blok E07

               Agenda  :   


  1. Pembentangan Laporan Program Semester 1 2018/2019
  2. Pembentangan Aktiviti Semester 2 2018/2019
  3. Penerangan Kemasukan Data Program oleh Penolong Pendaftar TD HEP, FE
  4. Speakers Corner


  1. Sehubungan dengan perkara tersebut, diminta penasihat memastikan persatuan masing-masing menyediakan report program bagi sepanjang tahun 2018 dan juga pembentangan ringkas bagi program yang akan dijalankan pada semester 2 sesi 20182019.

Kehadiran dan kerjasama daripada Prof/Dr amat dihargai.  Sekian, terima kasih.


With the great success of the 4th International Conference on Computational Methods in Engineering and Health Sciences (ICCMEH 2017) held at Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), India. Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Malaysia in collaboration with MAHE (India) and Kyushu Institute of Technology (Japan) will be jointly organizing the 5th International Conference on Computational Methods in Engineering and Health Sciences (ICCMEH 2019) on July 16-17, 2019. 
The first conference on behalf of UPM was successfully held at the Faculty of Engineering UPM in 2015. A total of 80 people including students and lecturers from several countries including India, Japan, the United States and Singapore are participated in this conference. Interestingly, all papers were successfully published in indexed journals.
It is our pleasure to invite you to participate in ICCMEH 2019, organized at, Faculty of Engineering, UPM, Malaysia. ICCMEH 2019 intends to bring together all the computational scientists, Engineers and Medical fraternity from various interdisciplinary domains under a common forum. The theme of this conference will be broad covering several analytical and numerical techniques, and composites/materials applied in engineering, health sciences, and other computational disciplines.
The details of this event are available in our official website http://conference.manipal.edu/ICCMEH2019. I request you to kindly send the abstracts of your research work to iccmeh2019@gmail.com. Authors with accepted abstracts are required to submit full papers, details of which are provided in the website. All Accepted and Paid Papers will be published in SCOPUS Indexed. 
We would be extremely grateful if you could assist us by disseminating the information related to ICCMEH 2019 among your staff, colleagues, students and institutional network. We have also attached posters and brochures at your disposal.
We look forward to meet you in UPM for a truly rewarding experience.
Thank You.
Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Hj. Kamarul Arifin bin Ahmad,
Chairperson, ICCMEH – 2019,
Universiti Putra Malaysi