Dear all,
RINA-IMarEST MJBSC would like to invite everyone to a talk on: “How to Apply RINA-IMarEST Professional Memberships Elevation, and Alternate Route of Getting Professional Engineer (BEM) thorugh Route 3” by First Admiral Adjunct Prof. Dato’ Ir. Hj. Ahmad Murad b. Hj. Omar.
The details of the event are given as follows:
Title: How to Apply RINA-IMarEST Professional Memberships Elevation, and Alternate Route of Getting Professional Engineer (BEM) through Route 3
Date: 8 January 2018 (Monday)
Time: 2.00PM – 5.00PM (refreshment is provided)
Venue: Dewan Seminar, Ground Floor, Block C23, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, UTM.
Talk Synopsis:
The Engineering Council is the UK regulatory body for the engineering profession. The Council holds the national registers of 222,000 Engineering Technicians (EngTech), Incorporated Engineers (IEng), Chartered Engineers (CEng) and Information and Communications Technology Technicians (ICTTech). In addition, the Engineering Council sets and maintains the internationally recognized standards of professional competence and ethics that govern the award and retention of these titles. This ensures that employers, government and wider society – both in the UK and overseas – can have confidence in the knowledge, experience and commitment of professionally registered engineers and technicians.
The Talk will cover the details of RINA-IMarEST professional membership elevation procedures and requirements. As for those who have already attained Professional Engineer with an overseas regulatory body, he/she will also be briefed on Route 3 (i.e. the route for a Professional Engineer of RINA-IMarEST to be registered as Professional Engineer of BEM).
Admiral Murad is a FELLOW of IMarEST, UK. In Feb 2012, he was elected as the President of IMarEST South East Asia Division (SEAD) for a two-year term heading one among six Divisions worldwide. He is a Chartered Engineer (CEng) registered with the UK Engineering Council. From Apr 2010 until Mar 2015, he was appointed as the Council Vice President. Recently in Nov 2015, he was awarded Honorary Vice President of the Institute for life. He is also a FELLOW of the Institute of Engineers Malaysia (IEM) since 21 Mar 2005 and had acquired his Professional Engineer (PEng) qualification in 1989. In 2005 he was admitted as a member of SNAME (Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers) USA. Currently in IEM, he holds the post as Advisor to the Marine Engineering & Naval Architect Technical Division and Public Sector Engineers Special Interest Group. Admiral Murad had been admitted as a Program Advisory Committee (PAC) in UniKL, MIMET, and currently serving as UTM Industrial Advisory Board (IAB). In Feb 2011 he was appointed as Adjunct Professor of Faculty Marine Science, University Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) for 4-year tenure.
Note: This event is supported by RINA-IMarEST and FKM
We look forward to meeting all of you at the aforementioned event. If you have any enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact Dr Tang Howe Hing.