NWO Domain Applied and Engineering Sciences (TTW) invites applications for its perspective call. This supports collaborations between businesses, public organisations and end users working on innovative and technological projects that address research areas set out in the top sectors high tech systems and materials, life sciences and health, agrifood, chemistry, creative industry, energy, horticulture, logistics and water.

Applications must be submitted by at least three different institutes or universities and the entire chain of end-users, including companies and universities of applied science. The following persons may act as main applicants: assistant, associate and full professors with a tenured position at Dutch universities or university medical centres, KNAW and NWO institutes, the Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI), the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen, DUBBLE beamline at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility in Grenoble, Naturalis Biodiversity Center and the Advanced Research Centre for NanoLithography.

Grants are worth up to 4,000,000 Euro For Fund Programme & 750,000 Euro For Individual Project.

Closing date: 03 November 2017


Interested in applying for this grant? Please click this link to show your interest and RMC officer will get back to you for assistance