Introduction to Mechanical Engineering

Assalamu’alaikum and Good day,

This message is to all lecturers teaching SKMM/SKMO 1922 Introduction to Mechanical Engineering because I don’t know who is teaching this course.

Please take note that for the Laboratory/workshop class for the first 2 weeks starting tomorrow, ALL the respective lecturers are to go and meet your students at Dewan Seminar C23 according to the schedule given.
Only sections having their schedule on Tuesday afternoon (2.00pm – 5.00pm) will have to use the discussion room at Makmal Elektrik E07 Level 1 for this coming Tuesday.

For next week, all sections can use the Seminar room.

Please remind your students too that they are to attend the FKM Safety Pass (GLL 1040) class as scheduled. It is a replacement for GLL1040 OSHE.

Failure to attend and pass the test at the end of the class will require them to retake the test again. Without the safety pass, they will not be allowed to use all the workshops and laboratories in FKM.

Please remind them to check the schedule to be posted this week.

Saturday 16 September – SKMM 1922 Sections 1 to 10

Saturday 23 September – SKMM 1922 Sections 11 to 17 and SKMO 1922