Invitation to Workshop on High Resolution

Invitation to Workshop on
High Resolution Low KV
Transmission Electron Microscope V2
19-20 September 2017
Microscopy & Imaging Laboratory
University Industry Research Laboratory (UIRL)

Dear All,

We are happy to invite you and your colleagues to participate in a two-day workshop on High Resolution Low KV Transmission Electron Microscope V2, to be held on 19th to 20th of September 2017 at Blok T03, UIRL, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru Campus.

In almost all fields of modern science and technology the demands on high resolution imaging on delicate nanomaterials are becoming ever more challenging. The answer to these challenges is a low voltage high resolution 120kV Transmission Electron Microscope with the new HR objective lens that minimizes spherical aberration coefficient and Dual Objective lens for both High Contrast/High Resolution imaging

The main topics covered in these course will
1) Basic Theory of TEM
2) TEM design and its imaging capabilities
3) Analytical attachments
4) Demonstration of the HR 120kV TEM and sample discussions

Therefore, this workshop is COMPULSORY for those who want to run analysis using TEM at UIRL.

For more details about the workshop can be found in the brochure as attached.

We are looking forward for your participation! Thank you.
Thank You/Terima Kasih.

“Berkhidmat Untuk Negara kerana Allah”

Unit Pengurusan Makmal Universiti
T03,University Industry Research Laboratory
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
81310 Johor Bahru
Office: 07-5610263 EXT:10263

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