Nippon Sheet Glass Oct 2017

Nippon Sheet Glass Foundation for Materials Science and Engineering invites the researchers to apply our Overseas Research Grant this year !

As a general principle, any research project on Science and Technology of Inorganic Materials is covered. Fundamental and application researches on amorphous and crystalline solid materials having a potential to be applied to photonics, electronics, high temperature, structure, etc. are typical subjects for the research grant.

Nippon Sheet Glass Foundation for Materials Science and Engineering
1. Scope
As a general principle, any research project on Science and Technology of Inorganic Materials is covered. Fundamental and applied researches on amorphous and crystalline solid materials having potential to be applied to photonics, electronics, bio and medical technologies, etc. are typical subjects for the research grant.
2. Amount of Grants
An amount of US$2,000~6,000 is provided for one research project with the term of 12 to 24 months (from January, 2018 through December, 2018 — December, 2019).
3. Applications
Each applicant is requested to describe the proposal in English using “Application for Research Grant” form of 4 pages, and submit it to NSG Foundation until October 16, 2017. It is also requested to append a recommendation letter signed by Chancellor ( or Deputy Chancellor in charge of academy affairs ), a copy of curriculum vitae of the applicant, 5 pages in maximum, and “Applicant_Info.xls”. The maximum number of reprints of representative research papers that can be attached is five, but full pages are allowed only for two papers. Only first page can be attached for another three papers. Please pay attention that pages exceed the page limitation will NOT be sent to Evaluation Committee. CVs of co-researchers are NOTrequired.
NSG Foundation only accepts Word file of Application Form, “Applicant_Info.xls”, PDF files of the recommendation letter, the CV, and the reprints of the papers sent by e-mail. Please pay attention that the maximum size of our e-mail system is 5MB. Application number will be sent to applicant within three working days as confirmation of the acceptance.
4. Selection and Presentation
Evaluation Committee Meeting of NSG Foundation is to be held in December, 2017 in Tokyo to select the research grant items. Based on the selection by Evaluation Committee, NSG Foundation will decide the research grant items to be granted after the meeting. The research grant fund will be presented until January, 2018, so that the granted research will be able to start early in 2018.
Note that the researchers who received this research grant after 2015 are ineligible to apply for the overseas research grant this year.
NSG Foundation accepts the application only from the designated universities and institutes in Malaysia, Vietnam, and Brazil.
For further information, please contact with;
Kenjiro Hamanaka, Secretary General
Nippon Sheet Glass Foundation for Materials Science and Engineering
5-27, Mita 3-Chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 108-6321 Japan
Phone: +81- 3- 6757- 1203 Fax: +81- 3- 6757- 1204


Grants are worth US$2,000~6,000

Closing date: 16 Oct 17

