Postgraduate opportunities ; USM

Postgraduate study opportunities at School of Materials Engineering. Engineering Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia with possibility of attachment in universities in Japan (depending on progress and output of research).

Funded by Fundamental Research Grant Scheme, Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia & University Research grant.
Typically around RM1x00/month for MSc (2 years) RM2x00/month for PhD (3 years). Terms and conditions applied. Local students. 3+ CGPA.

Research on Nanomaterials Synthesis and Characterisations for Environmental Protection and Applications.

Knowledge of materials science and engineering is essential. But chemical engineering, chemistry and physics graduates are considered as well.

“We contribute to the greener and better earth each day through science and engineering of nanomaterials”

Interested? Email:

*Thanks Admin for the post pollution. Cheers.*