SEM MATIC Look for UTM Expert for Industrial Solution
November 28, 2017 by WFFWA
JOHOR BAHRU – 3 UTM Experts were invited by the SEM-MATIC Sdn. Bhd. on the 16th November, 2017 to help them in solving a few materials and machining/tuning issues. SEM-MATIC which is one of the leading industries in precision manufacturing solutions who believe that UTM is the best platform to refer to, has invited Dr Norhayati, Dr. Norizah and Dr. Wan Fahmin Faiz from Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (FME) to have a short visit to their production plants – so that the delegates could have a clear understanding on the said issues. Although the company has been established in 2002 by three business partners; Switzerland, England, and Malaysia company, however, the production yield recorded is still unsatisfactory. The SEM-MATIC chief operating officer, Mr. Raul Garcia Elvira said: “we never expected to be approached by the UTM Experts to assist us in production line albeit we already have our own team to look into our production problem yet, it remains the same” during Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) signing. The UTM teams were expected to solve their issues especially in materials for the load-bearing shaft and the optimization of the machining process. In the continuation of the first phase meeting, several students were brought to visit the production plant so that they can have practical exposure and insights to the real working environment such as the working of an automated production line. Students were amazed at the automated system which could be set accordingly without involving much human intervention. “From phase 1 and 2, we are now looking for the next phase of the collaboration as they (the SEM-MATIC) are ready to discuss a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for 5 years of collaboration in December 2017” said Dr. Norhayati. This collaboration will not only be for the benefit of research and development but will also be beneficial to the UTM staff/students for industrial attachment. This collaboration also would be a significant opportunity for the UTM Experts to share, to market the UTM brand and contribute more to the society.
Industrial Visit at SEM MATIC Sdn Bhd.
NDA Signing between UTM-SEM MATIC
Source: SEM MATIC Looking for UTM Expert for Industrial Solution