UTM Thesis Word Template

  • You can download the templates for PSM/FYP (Make sure you have the latest version):
  • If you are using previous versions, these are the amendments that you have to make. Thank you to Puan Lizawati (through her students) for pointing out some of the spacing mistakes.
  1. Pergi ke LAYOUT -> SPACING.
  2. Letak cursor di ABSTRAK. (Tidak perlu highlight seluruh tajuk, hanya letak di salah satu huruf di dalam perkataan ABSTRAK)
  3. Tukar spacing mengikut arahan di dalam kotak hijau di dalam gambar.

** JANGAN SEKALI-KALI MERUBAH STYLE DI HALAMAN HOME. Hanya letak cursor di salah satu huruf di dalam tajuk.

  1. Ulang langkah 2 dan 3 bagi:
    1. BAB 1 (mewakili semua Bab)
    2. {TC 1”1 .} (mewakili semua Chapter Title)
    3. 1 Pengenalan (mewakili semua Heading 2)
    4. 2.1 Sistem Pesanan (mewakili semua Heading 3)
    5. 3.2.1 Rajah Kelas (mewakili semua Heading 4)
    6. Ayat di dalam perenggan (mewakili semua Paragraph Body)


  • You can also use them for your Masters and PhD thesis. Just change the headers.
  • This is built using Word 2016, should be ok with other Word versions but just in case, download the latest Word from CICT.
  • From time to time I will add different versions and further instructions. Feel free to drop by to ask me anything.Good luck!

[download template]