UTM Global 

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19-20 December, 2017
Dewan Banquet, Bangunan Canseleri Sultan Ibrahim, UTMJB

UTM International is proud to extend our invitation to UTM staff and students to UTM Global Day, which will be held on 19-20 December 2017.

UTM Global Day will be a platform to meet and engage with our partners from all over the world. We have lined up various programmes to entertain and enlighten UTM staff as well as students on internationalization activities.

Please mark in your calendar if you are interested to know the followings:
• Global Mobility: Where is your next destination? What are available scholarships?
• UTM Global Partners: Who are they?
• Global Experience : Activities of International Student Society & Internationalization at Home
• International Student and Staff Pass and Visa

Please register here :-

*free gifts available for the first 200 registered!

On behalf of
UTM International