Travel With Good Health & Protection

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Travelers are potentially exposed to a variety of health risks in unfamiliar environments. Most such risks, however, can be minimized by suitable precautions taken before, during and after travel.

Forward planning, appropriate preventive measures and careful precautions can substantially reduce risks of adverse health consequences during travel. Although the information here can guide the public and health-care provider toward more healthy and safe travel, a risk assessment of every traveler should be performed. Travel health advice needs to be tailored both to the individual and to the itinerary.

This information is designed to complement and not replace the relationship that exists with your existing family doctor or travel health professional. Please discuss your travel health requirements with your regular family doctor or practice nurse. Remember that you should always discuss your particular needs or health requirements with your own doctor or nurse.

Tips before travel

  • Buy adequate and appropriate travel insurance
  • Check with Ministry of Health for general advice for travelers
  • Check what vaccinations and chemo-prophylaxis you need with your doctor at least six weeks before you travel
  • Pack all medicine in your hand luggage
  • If you are taking prescribed medication take the prescription and a doctor letter with you
  • Most airlines restrict the amount of hand luggage allowed on flights. Check with your airline prior to flying.
  • Check your passport validity and visa requirement.

Tips when you are away

  • Be safe in the sun. Avoid excessive sunbathing, and wear a high factors sunscreen.
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Practice safe sex – always use a condom
  • If you are staying in one place for a while, find out the local emergency number and the address of the nearest hospital.

