Food For Travel?
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What a good things about night market or pasar malam? FOOD!!!  i really enjoy local/street food while travelling especially in Thailand. Eating: It’s one of life’s great pleasures. And for travelers, it’s even more than that. When you’re traveling, food isn’t … Read More

Why we miss travel so much?
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“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all … Read More

Urgent Notice by UTMDigital
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UTMID PASSWORD CHANGE NOTICE Assalamualaikum and Good Day,  Based on the latest information security risks, Department of Digital Services (UTMDigital) UTM is urging all staff to change the UTMID password via this link – UTMID PASSWORD GUIDELINE ·       Use creative passwords (combinations of letters, … Read More

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Based on the latest information security risks, Department of Digital Services (UTMDigital) UTM is urging all staff to change the UTMID password via this link – UTMID PASSWORD GUIDELINE ·       Use creative passwords (combinations of letters, numbers and symbols). ·       Avoid revealing passwords to others. … Read More

Kursus Anjuran UTMDigital
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UTMDigital telah menganjurkan kursus Develop Your Personal Brandin: Self Confidence & Public Speaking Skills penceramahnya Puan Nur Farisya Abdul Shukor secara online di platform webex. Penerangan dan pengisian yang baik dan ada aktiviti yang dibuat bersama peserta dengan menggunakan Bahasa … Read More

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