A Traveler tips: Sanitize Hotel Room
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How to Sanitize a Hotel Room Don’t spend the night with the last guest’s germs. As soon as you walk into your hotel room, you should clean these germy areas (after you check for bedbugs, of course). Don’t know how … Read More

MCO Info for Staf (4)
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PEMAKLUMAN PROSES PERMOHONAN MASUK KAMPUS PASCA PKP / NOTICE ON THE LATEST APPLICATION PROCESS TO ENTER CAMPUS DURING POST-MCO Selaras dengan penguatkuasaan Panduan Bekerja Pasca PKP yang telah dimaklumkan melalui Pekeliling Bil 31/2020 Pemakluman Pemakaian Panduan Bekerja Pasca Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) Bagi Staf Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Berkuatkuasa … Read More

MCO Info For Staff (3)
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It is our pleasure to announce that the University is constantly aware and concern with the health of UTM staff. In an effort to curb the outbreak of the COVID 19 pandemic, UTM has initiated a survey to obtain information … Read More

MCO vs Traveler
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It’s day 43 ~ Movement Control Order (MCO) ?? #StayHome #DudukRumah #KitaJagaKita I missed my 2 bckpack trip this year 2020. It makes me nuisance at first, either to proceed or cancel. Even my mom tak boleh nk ckp.My heart … Read More

MCO Info for Staff (2)
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MEREKOD LOKASI KEBERADAAN STAF DALAM TEMPOH PERINTAH KAWALAN PERGERAKAN MELALUI KAEDAH GPS CHECK-IN MENGGUNAKAN APLIKASI UTMSMART   Assalamualaikum w.b.t dan Selamat Sejahtera, Y.Bhg. Prof./Prof Madya/Dr./Saudara/Tuan/Puan/Encik/Cik, Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Pengurusan Universiti Bil 9/2020 bertarikh 20 April 2020 telah bersetuju supaya semua staf … Read More

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