Asalamu alaikum Qur’an Weekly,
I picked an ayah from juz number 5, from Surah Al-Nisaa’ today and this is ayah number 29. It has very powerful phrasing and it really captures one of the main ethical principles of Islam.
Those of you who claim to believe, ‘يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لَا تَأْكُلُوا أَمْوَالَكُم بَيْنَكُمبِالْبَاطِلِ’ (Yā ‘Ayyuhā Al-Ladhīna ‘Āmanū Lā Ta’kulū ‘Amwālakum Baynakum Bil-Bāţili) — don’t consume each other’s money using falsehood. Don’t lie about your hours at your job when you have to punch in; don’t lie about it.
SOurce: Nouman Ali Khan, Quran Weekly