When we read books or lecture notes on geodesy usually there is a chapter on history of geodesy. The history is described way back to a certain period suited the materials organized by respective author. An example taken from one source (may be V & K, 1987) divide the history into four eras as follow;
- Period from Thales till the end of Roman Empire**. Thales (624 BC to 546 BC) was the founder of science in Ancient Greece – the first scientist in history. Link – https://www.famousscientists.org/thales/
- The Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the beginning of the era of rationalism till the mid-eighteen Century (1740-50). Up to the period acceptance of Newton Gravitational Law.
- Next two hundred years up to WW2 – Einstein theory of gravitation.
- Last recent developments from WW2 to current.
** The Roman Empire (RE) began when Augustus Caesar (27BCE-14CE) became the first emperor of Rome. RE lasted about 500 years, ended (in the West) when the last Rome emperor, Ramulus Augustulus, was deposed by the German King Odoacer (476 CE).
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