Tesis Sains Islam Zaman Ibn Khaldun

Sebuah tesis phd bertajuk “The Fate of Islamic Science Between Eleventh and Sixteenth Centuries: A critical study of scholarship from Ibn Khaldun to the present” membincangkan tentang perkembangan sains Islam di zaman silam. Tesis oleh Mohamad Abdalla, School of Science, Griffith University pada tahun 2004.



The importance of Islamic Science – progressive understanding in the scholar community.

The scholarly community – ideal standards and constraining problems.

A comprehensive review of scholarship from Ibn Khaldun to the present.

The fate of Islamic mathematics in the Maghrib between the eleventh and sixteenth-centuries.

The fate of Islamic astronomy in Persia between the eleventh and sixteenth-centuries.

The fate of Islamic astronomy in Egypt and Syria between the eleventh and sixteenth-centuries.

The fate of Islamic medicine in Egypt and Syria between the eleventh and sixteenth-centuries.

A discussion on the quality of scholarship on the fate of Islamic science.

The fate of Islamic science – a possible adequate intellectual model.

Concluding remarks.

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