Height network and geodynamic effects

Height network is one of important geodetic infrastructures needed in any country. The normal practice of establishing height network is by levelling network which requires bench marks been placed at suitable locations.  A good practice of keeping the bench marks height up-to-date requires the network been measured repeatedly at appropriate time interval. Another consideration is to look at the effect of geodynamics to such height network.

In order to understand how the geodynamic factors impacted levelling network lets review the following articles;

“Impacts of geodynamic phenomena on systems for height and gravity” Martin Ekman, Bull Geod 63, 1989. 16 pages.

“Geodynamical studies using gravimetry and levelling” PhD Dissertation, Jaakko Makinen 2000, U of Helsinki, 18 pages.

“To determination of the heights on geodynamic and technogenic polygons” Lviv Uni Ukraine, Geodesy and Cartography, Vol 44, No 2, 2018.

Another interesting readings;

“On the use of repeat levelling for the determination of vertical land motion: artifacts, aliasing,  and extrapolation errors” Featherstone, Filmer – JGR Solid Earth 2018 (link)

“Vertical crustal movements based on precise levelling data in Estonia” Tarmo Kall, PhD thesis, Tartu Uni 2016, 236 pages – (link)

“Towards worldwide height system unification using ocean information” Woodworth, Hughes, Bingham & Gruber, J of GS, 2(4) 2012 – 17 pages.


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