Encyclopedia of Geodesy

Encylopedia of Geodesy yang diedit oleh Grafarend dan diterbitkan Springer telah menyenaraikan sejumlah entri seperti berikut:

Attitude Determination

Best Integer Prediction in Mixed Models

GNSS Ambiguity Resolution and Validation; GNSS Meteorology

High Precision GNSS

Indoor Navigation

Inertial Navigation Systems: Geodesy

Marine Positioning

Multi-Sensor Systems

Precise Point Positioning

International Gravity Field Service (IGFS)

The Remove-Restore Method

Absolute Gravity Measurements

CHAMP-, GRACE-, GOCE-Satellite Projects

Cold-Atom Absolute Gravimetry

Digital Terrain Model

The FFT in Local Gravity Field Determination

Geodesy in Polar Regions

Geodetic Boundary Value Problems

Global Models

GPS/Levelling (Ambrus Kenyeres)

Gravity Anomalies (George Balmino)

Gravity Field of Planetary Bodies

Least-Squares Collocation

Loading Effects

Local Geoid Determination

Mass Change Trends from GRACE Gravity Field Time Series

Satellite Altimetry

Tidal Effects

Topographic Effects

GPS Reference Systems

Precision, Accuracy, and Consistency of GNSS Products

Loading Effects and Reference Frames

Gravity Forward Modelling

Isostasy Geodesy

A Survey on Classical Boundary Value Problems in Physical Geodesy

Geodetically Relevant Finite Point-Set Method (FPM)

Radio Occultation: Principles and Modelling

Disturbing Potential from Gravity Anomalies: From Globally Reflected Stokes Boundary Value Problem to Locally Oriented Multiscale Modelling

Disturbing Potential from Deflections of the Vertical: From Globally Reflected Surface Gradient Equation to Locally Oriented Multiscale Modelling

Modelling Oceanic Flow: From Global Napier-Stokes to Local Geostrophic Wavelet Modelling

Multi GNSS Positioning

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