Recent articles on geoid

Berikut adalah beberapa artikel jurnal terkini berkaitan dengan geodesi fizikal;

“An alternative approach to generate temporal geopotential models similar to GRACE”. Survey Review, Vol 52, Issue 374, 2020.

“The impact of terrestrial gravity data density on geoid accuracy: case study Bilogora in Croatia. . Survey Review, Vol 52, Issue 373, 2020.

“The 5mm geoid model for Estonia computed by the least squares modified Stokes’ formula”. Survey Review, Vol 52, Issue 373, 2020.

“Study on the selection of optimal global geopotential models for geoid determination in Kuwait. Survey Review, Vol 52, Issue 373, 2020.

“Precise local quasigeoid modelling using GNSS/levelling height anomalies and gravity data. . Survey Review, Vol 52, Issue 370, 2020.

Accuracy on unmodified Stokes’ integration in the r-c-r procedure for geoid computation” by Zahra Ismail and Olivier Jamet. Journal of Applied Geodesy, 2015, 9(2). 22 pages. Link – hal.

“Hybrid geoid model theory and application in Brazil”. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (2017) 89(3): 1943-1959. (Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences). Link – scielo.

“Evaluation of transition to updated regional Q-geoid model”. Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Science, 2018. 11 m/surat. Link – sciencedo.

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