Pemakaian komputer dalam bidang geomatik adalah satu yang sangat perlu. Pemakaian komputer amat relevan kerana geomatik melibatkan banyak kerja hitungan. Sebut sahaja apa bidang pun dalam geomatik – astronomi, geodesi, pelarasan spatial dan sebagainya pasti ada hitungan yang terlibat.
Berikut adalah satu contoh pemakaian komputer dalam bidang astronomi yang melibatkan celestial mechanic.
Satu tesis phd dalam sejarah bertajuk “Just a beginning: computers and celestial mechanics in the work of Wallace J Eckert” selesai pada 2011 lalu. Tesis oleh Allan Olley dikemuka ke Institute for History and Philosophy of Science, University of Toronto.
This thesis details and analyzes the interaction between computers and science in a particular case. The case is the career of Wallace J. Eckert (1902-1971). Eckert was a professor of astronomy at Columbia University and scientific researcher for IBM. He has received some attention in the history of computing for his significant work in machine computation in the 1930s and 1940s and was the foremost expert on lunar theory for much of his life.
The methods of celestial mechanics
Eckert before computer
Ever onward – Eckert at IBM
Eckert’s work on the SSEC
Eckert’s later work on lunar theory

Source: Dell D – web fght – Ogos – Ogos G – french expedition
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