by idiana | Jan 25, 2011 | Messages
Greetings. On behalf of the UTM Management Team, I would like to wish Happy Chinese New Year to all UTM Staff and students of Chinese origin and also to all International students from China. May this New Year Bring Happiness, Prosperity and Good...
by idiana | Dec 31, 2010 | Messages
Salam and Greetings. On behalf of the UTM Management Team, I would like to wish everyone a Blessed and Happy New Year. May the year ahead inspire us to strive to greater heights as we transform towards excellence in all dimensions, guided by wisdom.
by idiana | Dec 17, 2010 | Messages
Wishing everyone a Blessed Maal Hijrah. May the year ahead be better than before as we transform towards excellence as an innovation-led, graduate-focused and value-driven research university.