Designation:                              Secretary General (Grade: Staff 2)

August 2016-now                     Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water (KeTTHA), Malaysia

                                                         August 2016-July 2018


Designation:                              Secretary General (Grade: Staff 2)

June 2013-July2016                 Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE), Malaysia

                                                         (MOHE was called Higher Education Sector in Ministry of Education, June 13-July 16)


Designation:                              Vice-Chancellor/President (Grade: Staff 3)

Sept 2008-June 2013              Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)


Designation:                              UTM Professor (Grade: C, B, then A)

2002-2013                                   Universiti Teknologi Malaysia



Date/Place of Birth:         3 March, 1965 / Kampung Inas, Johol, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia


Citizenship:                          Malaysian (IC 650303-05-5207)


Languages:                           Malay (excellent), English (excellent), Indonesian (excellent), Arabic (reading)


Major awards:                    n Merdeka Award – Outstanding Scholastic Achievement 2009

n Malaysia Water Award (Research) 2004

n The Oustanding Young Malaysian Award (Academic Leadership) 2004

n Rockefeller Foundation (Fellowship for Bellagio Team Residency, Italy, 2003)

n International Collaboration Award (Inst.Teknologi Surabaya, Indonesia, 2008)


Other awards:                    n Darjah Seri Setia Tuanku Muhriz Yang Amat Terbilang (SSTM), 14 January 2013

n Darjah Panglima Jasa Negara (PJN), 2 June 2012

n Darjah Dato’ Setia Negeri Sembilan (DSNS) 2007

n Darjah Setia Negeri Sembilan 2005

n Pingat Pekerti Terpilih (Negeri Sembilan) 1998


n Anugerah Tokoh Maal Hijrah 1433 Negeri Sembilan 2011

n Special Contribution to Eucation Award, Asia’s Best Business School 2011 @ Singapore

n Anugerah Melayu Cemerlang (Akademik) 2006

n Anugerah Penghargaan Kertas Kerja Jurnal Kebangsaan UTM 2006

n Gold Medal for Research Innovation, Public Higher Institution R&D Expo 2005

                                                  n Special ICT Award, Public Higher Institution R&D Expo 2005

n UTM Excellent Research Award (Team) 2004

n UTM Excellent Service Award 1996, 2004

n Publication Award 2004, Faculty of Civil Engineering, UTM

n Malaysian Public Service Department (PSD) Scholarship 1994-96 (Ph.D.)

n Malaysian PSD Scholarship 1990-91 (M.Sc.)

n Malaysian PSD Scholarship 1983-88 (B.Eng.)

n Japanese International Co-operation Agency (Academic visit to Japan, 1986)

n British Council CICHE Awards for Academic Exchange 1999-2000 (Middlesex Univ)

n COE-TokyoUniversity Award for Academic Exchange 2000

n British Council CICHE Awards for Academic Exchange 2001-4 (Cranfield Univ)

n Japanese Society for Promotion of Science (Fellowship at Kyoto Univ, 1993, 2001-3)


Hobby:                                   Wide-range reading, essay writing, horse riding, cycling, walking and books.


Sports:                                   Horse endurance (40 km and 20 km events) and cycyling (50 km).


Marital Status:                    Married with four children (3 daughters – Fatimah, Aishah, Maryam – a son, Arif)


Wife:                                       DR. ZAINAH BINTI MOKTAR, Medical Doctor

(Holistic health, dermatology, anti-aging, health consultant and book author)





  • Public administrator (2013-2018; speciality on higher education policy and funding, and environmental sector mainly on water, green technology and energy)
  • Academic leader (2006-2013; speciality on directing organization on research and innovation, ICT, asset management and infrastructure development)
  • Professor (2002-2013) of environmental bioengineering, and water sustainability for undergraduate and postgraduate studies
  • Policy advisor (2009-2016) to the Malaysian Government as Chairman of Environmental Quality Council (EQC)
  • Policy maker (2009-2015) as Commissioner of National Commission of Water Services (SPAN), Malaysia
  • Wide experience in advanced training, consultancy, research on various environmental sectors.
  • Author of academic publications
  • High profile networking among academics and industries, both local and international levels
  • Skillful in project management, financial planning and corporate negotiation
  • Wide exposure in marketing, commercialization, project implementation, appraisal and human resource management.
  • Public relation strategist in media as a newspaper columnist, tv commentator and freelance writer on environmental, innovation and higher education issues.
  • Skilfull in lateral and vertical public relations.

n     Excellent in public speaking and communication.




  • Policy making. Secreatry General of Ministry of Higher Education and Ministry of Energy, GreenTech and Water. Chairman of Environmental Quality Council (EQC) Malaysia. Member, National Council Water Services (SPAN) and contribute water policy formulation. Member, Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA (since 2016). Member, Water Asset Management Corp (PAAB since 2016). Member, National Higher Education Fund Copr (PTPTN 2013-2016), Member of the Office of the Minister of Education (1997-98). Involved in strategic planning and management of energy, water and greentech sectors; corporatization of public universities and formulation of private colleges and universities. Media strategy and penetration. Management of various programs on R&D and internationlization.
  • Academic administration and leadership. Secreatry General of Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia. UTM Vice-Chancellor (similar position to University Rector or President in the US or Europe), UTM, Deputy Vice-Chancelor (Research and Innovation) and Dean of Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Natural Resources (FKKKSA); Chairman UTM Senate. Involved in strategic planning particularly on internationalisation and world-class status; financial and administrative; academic and non-academic matters. Research and publications committee member; Heading a center of excellence on water and environmental management. Head Focus Group on Environmental Technology. Branding of academic institution and institutional transformation.
  • International sector leadership. Vice-President of International Water Association (IWA), and Chairman of IWA Specialist Group on Water and Waste Management for Developing Countries. Chairman of various academic and technical committee, conferences and technical assignment at both national and international levels. Deputy-President, Malaysia Water Association.
  • Lecturing (1997-2013) in environmental science and engineering for undergraduate and postgraduate courses, specialising in water and wastewater treatment, membrane technology, clean technology, river rehabilitation, particularly issues related to developing countries. Invited as visiting professor at various universities in the US, Europe, Middle East and Asia.
  • Facilitator of professional development programs for professionals and business leaders in the area of environmental management and water resources under WET Program (Water Executive Training) and SWET Program (Solid Waste Executive Training) both at local and international events.

n     Ph.D. & M.Sc. research supervision. Supervising more than 20 PhD and 100 Masters students; and several Post-Doctoral fellows.

  • Chartered engineer / Professional engineer. Conducting professional advisory services on consultancy basis for UTM Innovation and Consultancy Unit and others.
  • Chartered Scientist. Heading and conducting scientific research

n     Writing and communication skills, and public speaking.

n     Public relation and networking among professionals, businessmen, bureaucrats and public figures.

n     Media strategy using conventional and new media outlets.

  • Software developer on simulation and modelling on wastewater treatment plants design advisory (WASDA), risk assessment systems (RISKAS), air pollution design advisory system (AIPAD), integrated solid waste management plan (ISWAM) and costing for water and wastewater facitities (COWAS)..
  • Computer modelling on water quality control, particularly ASIM, WEST, AQUASIM and MINTEQ-A2.

n     Licenced-computer modeler using WEST package for surface freshwater, water and wastewater treatment modeling and simulation. Principals: HEMMIS (Belgium) &University of Gent.





2009                    Advanced Management Program (AMP177)

Harvard Business School, Harvard University, USA


1997-8                Master of Management (Human Resource Management)

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia*


1994-96            Doctor of Philosophy (Environmental Engineering)

Title of Thesis: Treatment and Reclamation of Heavy Metals in Electroplating Wastes by Reverse Osmosis Membranes**

Supervisor: Professor G.K. Anderson, Newcastle University, England


1990-91            Master of Science (Environmental Engineering)

Title of Dissertation: Treatment of High-Ammonia Leachate by Rotating Biological Contactors***

Supervisor: Professor M.B. Pescod, Newcastle University, England


1983-88            Bachelor of Chemical Engineering (Hons.)

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


* Incomplete because of my transfer to Johor Bahru from Kuala Lumpur. Only completed 4 papers (12 credits)

** Completed within 2 years 8 months. A record for UTM academic staff at that time.

*** Award for the best project of M.Sc. Dissertation.





(My technical expertise has been chronologically developed through my formal training and professional involvement, particularly through my research and consultancy services. About 40% of my professional time is devoted to research and advisory services on membrane technology, 40% of bioprocess for wastewater treatment, and the rest on other subject matters as shown below. Since 2007 I had developed interest and expertise on sustainability, innovation, advanced management and leadership).


n     Sustainability Governance: SDG-related subjects in macro perspectives, and local implementation.

n     Green Technology: SDG-related subjects in macro perspectives, and local implementation; Design concept, Develiping Structure and System, Control & Modeling

n     Membrane Technology for Water & Wastewater Treatment:- Low-Pressure-Driven Membrane System; Membrane bioreactor; membrane fouling and process design

n     Biological Wastewater Treatment:- Granular Activated Sludge, Wastewater Characterization, Industrial Wastewater, PHA Production & Modeling, Nutrient Removal, Nutrient Recovery

n     Hazardous Waste Management:- Reclamation, Reuse & Recycle, Waste to Wealth

n     River rehabilitation and modeling:- Design, Control & Modeling, Policy and Management

n     Industrial Ecology:- Waste Minimization, Pollution Prevention, Water Pinch Technology

  • Sustainability Policy and Strategy – Module on Eco-Strategy & Eco-Shift – Business model, policy formulation, Standards, Environmentalism, Water tariff and financing models, Water sustainability, Conservation, Waste to Wealth, Sustainable Tax
  • Innovation: – business model, sustainability,leadership and university-led innovation.





Chartered or professional status:


Honorary Fellow, ASEAN Engineering Federation, since 2011


Fellow, Royal Physiographic Society of Lund (Sweden)


Chartered Engineer, Engineering Board (United Kingdom), 2003-2011.


Chartered Scientist, Science Council (United Kingdom), 2004-2011.


Chartered Water and Environmental Manager (CIWEM, United Kingdom), 2003-2011.


Professional Engineer – PE12466 (Board of Engineers, Malaysia), since 2005.


Fellow of the Institute of Chemical Engineering (IChemE) (United Kingdom) (No. 99911067), since 2008.


Fellow of the Academy Sciences of Malaysia (FASc Malaysia), since 2009.


Fellow, the Institution of Engineers (Malaysia), Membership since 2004, upgrade to Fellow in 2018.


Fellow, Institute of Maritime Engineering, Science & Technology (UK), since 2010.


Fellow, Malaysian Institute of Management (FMIM) since 2010.


Licensed EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) Consultant (Dept. of Environment, Malaysia) 2007


Registered Member, Environmental Professionals Register of Malaysia, ENSEARCH, 1996.



Professional membership with non-chartered status:


Fellow, International Water Association, 1995. (Vice President 2004-6)


Member, Malaysian Water Association, 2000. (Vice President 2005-7, Deputy President 2007-9)


Vice-President and Member, Havard Business School Alumni Club of Malaysia, 2010 – now


Member, American Society for the Advancement of Science, 2003


Member, Malaysian Institute of Chemical Engineers, Malaysia, 1990.


Member, Water Environment Federation (USA), 1996


Member, American Society for Engineering Education (329738), 30 May 2010-30 May 2011






Academic Publications


Editor, Journal of Water Science & Technology, published by the International Water Association (IWA) (previously known as International Association on Water Quality, IAWQ). London (2000 – 2016).


Editor, Journal of Water Science & Technology – Water Supply, IWA. London (2000 – 2016).


Editor, Water and Environmental Management Series, IWA. London (2003 – 2016).


Editor, Membrane Water Technology. Techno-Press, Korea (2009 – 2014).


Senior Advisor, Prince Khalid bin Sultan Chair on Water Research, Univ. King Saud, Saudi Arabia (2009 – 2011).



(Appointment to serve local Malaysian universities to review promotion for Professorship, and as PhD and MSc examiner, since 1997 are not shown here. Approximately 3 reviews and 3 PhD theses annually)




Vice-Chancellor/President (Sept 2008-July 2013)

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Johor Bahru Campus, Johor, MALAYSIA

Other responsibilities: (Sept 2008-July 2013)

  1. Chairman, UTM Senate
  2. Chairman, UTM Management Committee
  3. Board Member, UTM Board of Director
  4. Deputy Chairman, UTM Institute of Sultan Iskandar (ISI) for High Rise Buildings & Urban Habitat
  5. Head, Consultancy projects
  6. Head, Research projects
  7. Supervisor to postgraduate students
  8. Chairman, Environmental Quality Council (EQC), Malaysia
  9. Board Member, Council of Examination, Malaysia (MPM)
  10. Chairman, Environmental Quality Council (EQC) Malaysia
  11. Commissioner, National Commission on Water Services (SPAN)
  12. Vice Chairman, System, Product & Material and Research & Development Committee, National Water Services Commission (SPAN)
  13. Chairman, Critical Agenda for the National Higher Education Strategic Plan (PSPTN), Ministry of Higher Education: Academia
  14. Chairman of Group Process, Halal Requirements for the Manufacturing of Chlor-Alkali and Coagulant Product, Sirim Berhad
  15. Nominee Director of Permodalan Nasional Berhad in Chemical Company of Malaysia Berhad.
  16. Non-Independent Non Executive Director, Chemical Company of Malaysia Berhad.