Zulhilmi graduated with B.Eng in Civil Engineering from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Johor. Then, with the same university, he completed a Master of Engineering (M.Eng) in Hydraulics. Following completion his Doctor Philosophy (PhD) in Hydraulics River from Loughborough University, United Kingdom, he start focus for his research interest on physical and numerical modelling in flooded rivers, sediment transport in straight and meandering compound channels. Zulhilmi started his academic career at UTM as a Tutor. Been as a Head of Department Hydraulics and Hydrology, Faculty of Civil Engineering for 5 years (2013-2017) and currently, he is a Director of Centre for River and Coastal Engineering (CRCE) for 5 years (2018-2023). At the same time Zulhilmi has also appointed as a Research Fellow for CRCE modelling team and managed to conduct several consultancy projects that require river and coastal area studies.