Some publication for reading pleasure;
December 2018 No. 41 (Special Issue) _ ___ ISBN 0127-3396
Anchovy Processing Machine with Specially Designed Sorting Mechanism
– Muhamad Haikal Mohamad Noor and Zulkepli M………………………………………………………………………………………..1-10
[Full text]
Anchovy Processing Machine – Head and Stomach Contents Removal Mechanism
-Mohamad Hafiz Akmal Mohd Nazri ..and Zulkepli Muhamad……………………………………………………………………….106-111
[Full text]
Disember 2003 Bil. 16 ___ ___ ISBN 0127-3396
Feature Extraction from Step AP224 File Sets
-Azwan Iskandar Azmi, Jamaludin Mohd Taib & Zulkepli Muhammad ……………………………………………………………….31-46
[Full text]
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