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  • Scopus ID: 25031192500
  • ORCiD: 0000-0002-1096-1126
Congratulations! Hi Dr. Shahda…

Congratulations! Hi Dr. Shahda…

[25 June 2023] Congratulations Shahda for your viva voce, successfully defend your thesis to the satisfaction of both examiners … Thank you PM Dr Noorminshah Iahad who helped a lot with supervisory matters, personally I learnt a lot from my guru. May Shahda's next...

NALI2022 – Plenary 2

NALI2022 – Plenary 2

NALI2022 is conducted every year in UTM to promote new academic learning innovations. This year, it is focusing on "Nurturing Hyflex Teaching and Learning Innovation".  One of the speakers for the Plenary Session is Prof. Dr. Abdul Karim Alias from Universiti Sains...