Name Title Role of Supervision
FOLASHADE OYINLOLA ADEDOKUN Gamification in eLibrary Services [Ongoing] Main-SV
LINA FATINI BINTI AZMI Gamification in eCommerce [Ongoing] Main-SV
ZIKRIA MIAN Impact of Distance Education on Students Academic Performance in Pakistan University [Ongoing] Main-SV
RASHA NAJIB AHMED ABDULLAH AL-JABALI Continuance Intention Model for Mobile Health App for Diet and Fitness [Ongoing] Main-SV
SHAHDATUNNAIM BINTI AZMI Gamification in Collaborative Learning [Ongoing] Main-SV
KEN DITHA TANIA Compliance Intention Model for Continued E-learning Usage in University [Ongoing] Co-SV
NURHIDAYAH BINTI ARIPIN Collaborative Learning [Ongoing] Co-SV



Improving Multicultural Group Performance in CSCL Environment [Ongoing] Co-SV
DR. YUNIS ALI AHMED Social Media-Based Knowledge Sharing Intention Model in Somalia Disaster Relief Organization [Graduated] Co-SV