1. Potential of Biogas Production From Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Hydrothermal Pre-Treated OPEFB and Digested Sludge. Journal of Advanced Research in FLuid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences. 2. Optimization of Process Parameters Using Response Surface Methdology for Essesntial Oil Extraction From Canarium Odontophyllum Kernels by Subcritical Water Treament. Food Analytical Methods. 3. Biocomposite Material Using Sugarcane Bagasse and Modified Starch for Potential Packaging in Agroindustry. Malaysian Journal of Catalysis
1. Optimization of Electrochemical Pre‐Treatment for Essential Oil Extraction From Lemon Myrtle (B. Citriodora) Leaves By Response Surface Methodology. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization.
2. Impact of Pandemic COVID-19 on Solid Waste Compositional Trends in Pasar Awam Maharani in Muar. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 3. Rapic Production of Organic Fertiliser using Subcritical Water Treatment on Waste Biomass. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 4. Banana Stem Based Activated Carbon as a Low-Cost Adsorbent for Pb(II) Ion Removal. Semarak Engineering Journal.