

1. Potential of Biogas Production From Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Hydrothermal Pre-Treated OPEFB and Digested Sludge. Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences 117.
2. Optimization of Process Parameters Using Response Surface Methdology for Essesntial Oil Extraction From Canarium Odontophyllum Kernels by Subcritical Water Treament. Food Analytical Methods 17 (6), 910-929.
3. Biocomposite Material Using Sugarcane Bagasse and Modified Starch for Potential Packaging in Agroindustry. Malaysian Journal of Catalysis. Malaysian Journal of Catalysis 8 (1), 14-18.
4. Biosorption of Caffeine from Contaminated Water onto Sugarcane Bagasse Biomass. Semarak International Journal of Chemical Process Engineering 1 (1), 1-11. 
5. Comparative Analysis of Building Energy Performance in Malaysia: A Multiple Linear Regression Study on Green VS. Conventional Buildings. Journal of Energy and Safety Technology (JEST) 7 (2), 54-82.


1. Optimization of Electrochemical Pre‐Treatment for Essential Oil Extraction From Lemon Myrtle (B. Citriodora) Leaves By Response Surface Methodology. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization.

2. Impact of Pandemic COVID-19 on Solid Waste Compositional Trends in Pasar Awam Maharani in Muar. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.
3. Rapic Production of Organic Fertiliser using Subcritical Water Treatment on Waste Biomass. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.
Banana Stem Based Activated Carbon as a Low-Cost Adsorbent for Pb(II) Ion Removal. Semarak Engineering Journal. 


1. Nor Yazjehan Binti Yahya, Abd Halim Md Ali. Rashdan Bin Rahmat, Maryam Sumaiya Binti Ahmad Termizi, Ahmad Khairi Bin Zazali, Siti Nur Fariha Binti Jamalluddin. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. Preparedness towards Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNE) threats among healthcare personnel in Pasir Gudang, Johor, Malaysia.  Q1


1. AHM Ali, PA Christensen, J Norruwaida, MP Khirunnisa, Mohd Nor Syahrir Abdullah. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Non-Thermal Plasma Conversion of N2, CO2 And CH4.

2. Sirinon Suwanmolee and Abd Halim md Ali. 6th UPI International Conference on TVET 2020 (TVET 2020). The gamification of covid-19 pandemic as an active learning tool in disaster education.

3. Nor Yazjehan Yahyaa, Abd Halim Md Ali, J Nor Ruwaida, Khairunnisa MP, Pramila Tamunaidu. Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry. Disaster Preparedness in Case of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive (CBRNE) events: A Review.

4. Hasnida Mohamed Haniffa and Abd Halim Md Ali. Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM). Application of construction suitability map in sustaining the highland development from geohazard in Malaysia.

5. S NurAisyah, NWC Jusoh, Abd Halim Md Ali, J Nor Ruwaida, MP Khairunnisa. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Enhanced carbon dioxide adsorption by potassium hydroxide modified peat soil as porous adsorbent


1. S Nuraisyah, MP Khairunnisa, J Norruwaida, AH Md Ali, M Dewika, M Rashid, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Soil with high porosity as an excellent carbon dioxide adsorbent carbon-rich soil as an effective adsorbent for carbon dioxide.

2. NR Jamian, M Rashid, SMM Muzi, N Hussein, D Munisamy, KM Pa’ad, AHM Ali, SY Yusuf. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Estimation of Particulate Emission Generation in Palm Oil Mill Boiler

3. Ainaa Amirah Md Zubir, MP Khairunnisa, Nur Atiqah Surib, J NorRuwaida, M Rashid, Abd Halim Md Ali. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Electrospinning of PLA with DMF: Effect of polymer concentration on the bead diameter of the electrospun fibre.

4. Nur Aisyah Selamat, Mohd Rashid Abd Halim Md Ali, Mohd Yusof, Nurfatehah Wahyuny Che, Nor Ruwaida Jamian Jusoh, Khairunnisa Mohd Pa’ad. Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences. Development of carbon dioxide adsorbents from renewable and non-renewable sources: A review.


1. PA Christensen, Z Mashhadani, Abd Halim Bin Md Ali, DAC Manning, MA Carroll, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21 (3), 1354-1366. An in situ FTIR study of the plasma-and thermally-driven reaction of isopropyl alcohol at CeO 2: evidence for a loose transition state involving Ce 3+?. 


1. PA Christensen, Z Mashhadani, Abd Halim Bin Md Ali. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (14), 9053-9062. In situ FTIR studies on the oxidation of isopropyl alcohol over SnO2 as a function of temperature up to 600° C and a comparison to the analogous plasma-driven process. 

2. PA Christensen, Abd Halim Bin Md Ali, Z Mashhadani, MA Carroll, PA Martin. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing 38 (3), 461–484. The Production of Ketene and C5O2 from CO2, N2 and CH4 in a Non-thermal Plasma Catalysed by Earth-Abundant Elements: An In-Situ FTIR Study.  

3. PA Christensen, Abd Halim Bin Md Ali, Z Mashhadani, PA Martin. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing 38 (2), 293-310. A Direct Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopic Comparison of the Plasma- and Thermally-Driven Reaction of CO2 at Macor. 

4. PA Christensen, Z Mashhadani, Abd Halim Bin Md Ali, MA Carroll, PA Martin. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 122 (17), 4273-4284. The Production of Methane, Acetone,“Cold” CO and Oxygenated Species from IsoPropyl Alcohol in a Non-Thermal Plasma: An In-Situ FTIR Study.