
Ahmad Fadhil Yusof is a Senior Lecturer in Department of Applied Computing & Artificial Intelligence, Faculty of Computing, UTM. Nearly, 10 years of his service in an academic field and has been actively involved in teaching, research, publications, professional services, consulting, and administration. He has also been appointed for holding various administrative positions in faculty and university. Beginning on February 1, 2020, and up to now, he serves as Mobility Manager, Global Education & Experience, at the UTM International, UTM. At the same time, he is also the Head of Information Engineering and Behavioral Informatics (INFOBEE) Research Group from 2021 – 2023. He has graduated Bachelor of Computer Science at the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in 2009. In 2010, he has continued his studies and obtained Master of Information Technology (Computer Science) in 2011. He received his Ph.D. Information Systems in 2015 and was nominated with Best Student Award in 54th UTM Convocation. Every level of his studies was finished in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. During his service as academic staff, he has taught many different courses for undergraduate and postgraduate. His experience gained not only from the aspect of academic, but also from the aspect of faculty industrial linkages, research grant management and managing UTM student mobility program. Prior to his position as Senior Lecturer, head of Information Engineering and Behavioral Informatics (INFOBEE) Research Group and Mobility Manager, Global Education & Experience, at the UTM International, UTM, he produced many publications mostly published in SCOPUS and Web of Science.

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Senior Lecturer of Faculty of Computing
Department of Applied Computing and Artificial Intelligence

Manager (Inbound Mobility)

UTM International, Block S19
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
81310 UTM Johor Bahru
Johor, Malaysia
Tel: +607-5538007 (off), +6017-6662937 (mobile)
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