Aishah Rosli has a Doctor of Philosphy (Ph.D) in Chemical Engineering, specialising in Membrane Technology for Environmental Pollution Control from Universiti Sains Malaysia. She completed her Bachelor in Engineering with Honours (First Class) in Chemical Engineering from Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS.
Currently, Aishah is a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Chemical and Energy Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Previously, she had worked as a Post Doctoral Fellow in Universiti Sains Malaysia for two years. She also briefly interned in General Electric (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Florence, Italy) for eight months. She is a member of the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) and Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM).
Her research interests are Separation Technology, specifically in Membrane Technology, Freeze Concentration and Nanotechnology for Membranes, as well as Engineering Education. The courses that she teaches includes Transport Processes, Separation Processes, Separation Processes Laboratory I, Separation Processes Laboratory II, Introduction to Engineering, and Industrial Seminar and Profession.
Updated March 2024