Introduction To Deep Neural Network & Convolutional Neural Network (Part 2)
This is the continuation from the Part 1. In this page, the exploration of deep neural network especially convolutional neural network is presented further.
DL and CNN (Part 1)
DL and CNN (Part 2)
DL and CNN (Part 3)
DL and CNN (Part 4)
DL and CNN (Part 5)
DL and CNN (Part 6)
DL and CNN (Additional Lecture – Introduction to 1D and 2D Signal Representation; and Convolutional Operation)
DL and CNN 2 (Part 1-Convolutional Layer)
DL and CNN 2(Part 2-Other Items and Stride)
DL and CNN 2 (Part 3 – Padding)
DL and CNN2 (Part 4 – Pooling Layer)
DL and CNN2 (Part 5 -Activation Function)
DL and CNN2 (Part 6 -Batch Normalization)
DL and CNN2 (Part 7 -AlexNet)
DN and CNN 3 (Part 1-Matlab Create CNN From Scratch)
DL and CNN 3 (Part 2 – Matlab CNN Using Transfer Learning)