Courses & Classes

I’m teaching Mechanical Engineering Design, a process of devising system, components or process to meet desired needs.

Research & Innovation

Focusing on design and modelling, porous structure, bio-mechanics, bio-degradation and tribology. For those who are interested in one of these area and would like to further study on Master or PhD level, please do no hesitate to contact me.

Looking forward to see you!

Consultancy & Training

Pushing the boundaries of our research to solve common problems in Industry. 

My News & Events

Geomagnetic reversal : Are we going to die?

Geomagnetic reversal : Are we going to die?

Many times over our planet’s history, Earth’s magnetic poles have reversed, meaning that sometimes a compass pointing north will be aimed at Antarctica rather than the Arctic. This might sound strange, but it’s a relatively predictable quirk. Powered by the...

Waterwheel Relaxation DIY

Design makes your life easier! The concept of rotational motion could generates power towards certain extend. When we thinking to rotates something, what is the source to push something to rotate. Here comes the...