Since the spreading of Novel Coronavirus, all lecturers in the public university were mostly encouraged to conduct the class through an online platform. However, current facilities that we have still cannot afford to handle too many online classes at the same time. In regard to this matter, many online classes face difficulties through online learning sessions such as lagging in the video and audio. It is quite disturbing for both lecturers and students thus it makes teaching and learning sessions become less effective and might lead to frustration. Hence, here are some tips for lecturers and students in order to have smooth online learning sessions :

  1. The lecturer might want to ask students not to share their webcam during the lecture. Only ask the students to share their webcam during the presentation or question and answer sessions.
  2. The lecturer can also ask the students to mute themselves during the lecture sessions. Only turn them on when they need to speak or present during the session.
  3. The lecturer might want to segment the class into several sections. Lecturers might want to take a break for 10 to 15 minutes before continue to the next sessions so that the online learning session will not be too long and lagged towards the end.
  4. The host might turn off the recording during the online class and just focus on the live session.
  5. If the online platform you used allowed you to upload the slide presentation to the platform, it is suggested to separate your slides into several small parts and upload it one by one.
  6. The lecturer can also pre-record the lectures and upload it to Youtube then share the link at the online platform during the online learning session. Therefore, lecturers just need to facilitate the learning process during the session while replying to students’ questions, chat, and discussion.

That’s all from me. All the best in conducting teaching and learning sessions using online learning platforms. I hope it does not make you become stress and frustrated 😀

Here some pictures of me conducting online class with my students 🙂