Due to this COVID-19 situation, most of the things that we do will be change into the online platform. And surprisingly most of us can handle meetings, talk, and classes through online platforms. To quote our Prime Minister in his speech on 10 April 2020, he did mention about the “new normal”. Everything will be new to us and we must do our best to cope with this new normal situation. Hence, one of the new normal that I as an educator need to face is the online internship supervision. One of my internship students has presented about her supervision last Thursday (16 April 2020). The presentation was conducted through Google Meet along with her company supervisors.   Although the presentation was conducted on an online platform, I feel that she has done good enough at the company and I got enough information regarding her internship. The company’s supervisors were very satisfied with the student and asked the university to send many more students to their company. haha. It is actually really good to have online supervision like this since it can save costs as well as save time to travel to the students’ internship company. I think this kind of supervision can be continued even after this COVID-19 situation. If we need to check on the site of students’ workplaces, we can ask the students to make a proper video to be presented to us, the University supervisor. Here I are some photos during the online internship supervision 🙂