Teaching and Learning using Blog

Web 2.0 technologies bring the web to a new phase, which allows users not only to use information but also to be directly involved in generating new information. Social Media as one of the Web 2.0 tools allow social interaction and easy creation of … [Continue reading]

Building Your Personal Websites

A one-day hands-on workshop for lecturers to learn how to build a personal website (or improving an existing site) and use the internet in smarter ways. Instructor: Associate Professor Dr. Nor Azman Ismail … [Continue reading]

6th Regional Conference On Engineering Education 2016

CONFERENCE: CALL FOR PAPERS RCEE 2016 aims to provide an independent, international and inclusive forum to advance scholarly discourse in engineering education as well as build a global community of scholarly practitioners & researchers in the … [Continue reading]

3rd Innovative Practices in Higher Education Expo 2016 (I-PHEX 2016)

UTM Centre for Engineering Education (CEE) and Society of Engineering Education Malaysia (SEEM) are please to bring you 3rd Innovative Practices in Higher Education Expo 2016 (I-PHEX 2016) on 10 August 2016 in Kuala Lumpur. Innovative Practices in … [Continue reading]