Let me introduce myself

I’m not perfect, but I’m always myself

Area of my expertise

the true meaning of life is to protect, recharge and flow in an aquifer, from which you do not expect to pump

Hydraulics and Hydrology

It focuses on the flow and conveyance of fluids, primarily water. It involves designing and managing systems to control and utilize water effectively.

River Engineering

It involves designing, constructing, and managing structures to improve and restore rivers for human and environmental needs. 

Water Resources

Water resources studies focus on understanding and managing the availability, quality, and distribution of water and, consider the impacts of climate change on water resources and promote integrated management approaches to ensure sustainable and equitable use across different regions and sectors.

River Health Assessment

Green Technology

Erosion and Sedimentation

True education will change history

Let get in touch!

“Failure is success in progress!”

albert einstein

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