Research Areas/Interest


  • Software Reuse
  • Embedded Real Time System
  • Agent Oriented Software Engineering
  • Verification And Validation
  • Service Oriented Architecture
  • Web Services
  • Service Oriented Computing



The Software Engineering Research Group (SERG) is one of the most vibrant research group in this region. It actively involves in the  research efforts that aim to improve the techniques, methods, processes and tools for development and maintenance of the large and  software systems. The contributions of our research activities extend over various software engineering knowledge areas with the focus on  certain research themes such as Software Modeling and Specification, Software Verification and Testing, Software Usability and Reusability,  Dependable Real-time Systems, Intelligent Software Systems, and Software as Service.

The research results may be applied to a variety of application areas ranging from small embedded systems to large scale software applications. Most of the research is conducted with close industrial contacts using surveys, experiments and case studies.



The Embedded & Real-Time SE Laboratory (EReTSEL) Group located at the Faculty of Computing in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia is part of Department of Software Engineering research theme. The group’s research focus is actively involved in the research efforts that aim to improve the techniques, methods, processes and tools for development and maintenance of embedded real-time software systems. The research results may be applied to a variety of application areas ranging from small embedded systems to large scale software applications. Most of the research is conducted with close industrial contacts using case studies and experiments. Current research themes include:

• Reusable software components

• Advanced software analysis and design methods and techniques

• Software development tools to support component reuse

• Reliable software system

• Human computer interaction