2018 ASEAN Conference and Exposition on Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation (ACEDRMCCA 2018)

Lt Col (CD) Mohamad Fazli Sardi, Razak Faculty of Technology and Informatics UTM KL postgraduate student, under the supervision of Dr Khamarrul Azahari Razak attended a disaster management conference, “2018 ASEAN Conference and Exposition on Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation (ACEDRMCCA 2018)” from July 25-27, 2018 at Batangas State University, Batangas City, Philippines.

This conference gathered experts and disaster manager partners from Malaysia, Taiwan, Japan and also from Philippines.

The delegates from Malaysia were lead by:

(1) Prof Dr Zulkifli Yusof, Dean of Research (Resource Sustainability) UTM JB;

(2) Prof Dr Azlan Adnan, Head of Research Group, Structural Earthquake Engineering Research (SEER) UTM JB;

(3) Dr Nor Eliza Alias,  Senior Lecturer Department of Hydraulics and Hydrology, Faculty of Engineering, Climate Change Research Group UTM JB; and

(4) Lt Col (CD) Mohamad Fazli Sardi, Malaysia Civil Defence Force (MCDF), Geohazard Research Lab Group, UTM Faculty of Technology & Informatics UTM KL.

Malaysia delegates presented topics related to DRM/CCA and further discussed on the conference theme “Converging with the ASEAN Community in Managing Disaster Risks and Climate Change for a Resilient Community”.

We sincerely hope that this international partnership will be useful at the ASEAN level in managing disaster. Part of the concept of Civil Defence Emergency Response Team (CDERT) was presented as well by Lt Col (CD) Mohamad Fazli Sardi.