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Deputy Head of Advanced Manufacturing Research Group
Both designs are open-sourced design, please share it, print it and distribute it, stay safe.
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Persatuan Kejuruteraan Jentera (PETERA), Sekolah Kejuruteraan Mekanikal (SKM), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia telah menganjurkan Innovation Design Exhibition (IDeX’19) pada 12 Januari 2020 lalu melibatkan pelajar tahun akhir seramai 260 orang pelajar yang mengambil kursus Rekabentuk Sistem pada Semester 1 Sesi 2019/2020.
Pelajar tersebut dibahagikan dalam 60 kumpulan untuk mempertandingkan hasil rekabentuk yang bertemakan “Sustainable Energy and Materials Handling”.
IDeX’19 merupakan program tahunan yang dijalankan bagi pelajar tahun akhir Sekolah Kejuruteraan Mekanikal yang mengambil kursus Rekabentuk Sistem dan diadakan bertujuan untuk membangunkan teknik reka bentuk yang cekap dan berkesan serta kemahiran berorientasikan projek dari pertimbangan teknikal dan bukan teknikal.
Selain itu, ia juga diadakan untuk membantu pelajar meningkatkan kemahiran kerja berpasukan dan komunikasi mereka.
Pada akhir kursus ini, pelajar diharapkan dapat mengenal pasti dan menggunakan metodologi yang sesuai dalam melaksanakan tugas reka bentuk, mengiktiraf prinsip-prinsip asas reka bentuk dan amalan mekanikal, dan merumuskan dan menggunakan strategi pemecahan masalah umum dalam analisis situasi, masalah dan masalah yang berpotensi.
PETERA merupakan persatuan pelajar di SKM yang terdiri daripada pelajar-pelajar pelbagai program Kejuruteraan Mekanikal.
Rekabentuk Sistem merupakan kursus yang memberi fokus kepada memperluaskan pendedahan topikal terperinci kepada kaedah reka bentuk dan prinsip khusus untuk amalan reka bentuk mekanikal.
Program bermula seawal jam 8:30 pagi apabila pendaftaran dibuka bagi persediaan pameran produk dan pembentangan kumpulan masing-masing.
Proses pendaftaran telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendaftaran online iaitu menggunakan imbasan QR code yang telah di’link’ kepada pendaftaran google form bagi setiap para peserta.
60 kumpulan peserta tersebut dipecahkan kepada lima ruang pameran yang mana satu ruang menempatkan sebanyak 12 kumpulan. Selesai sesi pendaftaran, para peserta bergerak ke tempat pameran yang ditetapkan untuk membuat persiapan terakhir.
Sesi Pendaftaran IDeX’19
Persiapan Akhir peserta IDeX’19
Sesi pameran IDeX’19 bermula pada jam 11.00 pagi. Pameran turut dimeriahkan dengan kehadiran sekumpulan pelajar berjumlah 15 orang dan 3 orang guru pengiring dari Sekolah Kebangsaan Pulai Perdana untuk menyaksikan pameran produk.
Murid SK Taman Sri Pulai Perdana menyaksikan Pameran IDeX’19
Dekan Fakulti Kejuruteraan, Prof. Dato’ Ir. Dr. Mohamed Rafiq Bin Dato’Haji Abdul Kadir turut tidak melepaskan peluang untuk menyaksikan pameran produk peserta.
Pada jam 1.30 ptg, seramai 15 orang juri tiba untuk sesi taklimat penjurian. 5 orang juri terdiri daripada wakil industri iaitu Dyson Manufacturing Sdn. Bhd. 3 orang Juri daripada Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal, Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Pasir Gudang dan 7 orang juri daripada UTM yang mana salah seorang adalah dari Sekolah Pendidikan dan 6 dari SKM.
Taklimat penjurian disampaikan oleh Dr. Amir Putra Bin Md Saad yang merupakan Penasihat IDeX’19 dan Penasihat PETERA.
Setelah tamat taklimat penjurian, juri-juri dibahagikan kepada 5 kumpulan dan sesi penjurian bermula dari pukul 2.00 petang hingga 4.30 petang di mana setiap bilik mempunyai 3 juri diiringi seorang penjaga masa.
Taklimat Juri
Sesi Penjurian IDeX’19
Selesai penjurian bagi semua kumpulan, semua juri berkumpul semula untuk pemarkahan memilih pemenang bagi 5 kategori iaitu “Most Effective Award, Most Creative Award, Most Attractive Award, Most Potential for Comercialization Award, Best Presentation Award dan Best of the Best”.
Pada masa yang sama, para peserta dikehendaki memenuhi dewan untuk sesi seterusnya. Pada jam 4.45 petang, semua juri beserta para pensyarah bergerak ke dewan untuk sesi majlis penutup.
Para peserta IDeX’19 bersedia untuk majlis penutup
Barisan Juri bersama Pengerusi Sekolah Kejuruteraan Mekanikal, Prof. Dr. Mohd Hasbullah B Hj. Idris
Majlis Penutup IDeX’19 dirasmikan oleh Pengerusi SKM, Prof. Dr. Mohd Hasbullah B Hj. Idris serta diteruskan dengan majlis penyampaian hadiah. Anugerah Best of the Best telah dimenangi oleh Kumpulan Solar Tracker.
Ucapan Pengarah program, Amirul Fariez Bin Mohamad Syafii
Ucapan wakil Juri daripada UiTM Pasir Gudang, Dr. Ab. Aziz bin Mohd Yusof
Ucapan wakil Industri – Dyson Manufacturing Sdn. Bhd., Pn. Azalea Shezdiana Binti Badrulshah.
Ucapan Perasmian oleh Pengerusi Sekolah Kejuruteraan Mekanikal, Prof. Dr. Mohd Hasbullah B Hj. Idris.
Produk Solar Tracker telah memenangi anugerah Best of the Best IDeX’19
Sesi bergambar antara juri, peserta dan Pengerusi Sekolah Kejuruteraan Mekanikal.
JOHOR BAHRU, 15 Jan. – The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities organized the FSSH Togetherness Day Programme, in line with the theme ‘Unite Through Nature’. The programme was held at the UTM Johor Bahru recreational forest.
This teambuilding-focused programme aimed to strengthen the bond between FSSH staff as well as to produce a happy, connected, engaged, and productive team of FSSH staff, with lasting impact on their work motivation and culture.
In the spirit of synergy, the programme brought together around 180 staff comprising management, academic and support staff from UTM Johor Bahru and UTM Kuala Lumpur.
The Togetherness Day Programme involved jungle trekking, life survival activities, and ‘Explorace’ to provide opportunities for FSSH staff to know each other better and work as a team. Through the activities, teamwork skills and selflessness were nourished and energised among all the staff regardless of their positions at the faculty.
The Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Professor Ts. Dr. Zaidatun Tasir, expected that all the staff enjoy their time together and recognising their strengths and weaknesses by accomplishing the activities created specifically for them. It is hoped that those memories and lessons will be remembered and applied to their professional lives as part of the synergy at FSSH. Together we stand, together we strive. Humanizing and Educating!
Prepared by: Mohd Rustam Mohd Rameli
HULU SELANGOR, 28 Jan. 2020 – Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) researchers have once again been recognized for its expertise as recently, the university has officially handed over the Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) 4.0 software to UMW Corporation Sdn. Bhd.
The handover ceremony was held at UMW Aerospace Sdn. Bhd, the subsidiary office of UMW Corporation Sdn. Bhd. located in the suburb of Serendah, Hulu Selangor. UTM was represented by Assoc. Prof. Dr Mohd. Yazid Idris while UMW was represented by its Manufacturing and Engineering Division President, Dato’ Abdul Rashid Musa.
Currently serving as the Director of Media and Game Innovation Center of Excellence (MaGICX) UTM, Dr Mohd Yazid said the software was developed by UTM MaGICX at a cost of RM1.5 million provided by UMW Corporation since January 2019.
“The Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Software signifies a substantial component of industrial vision to improve health and safety at workplace and protects environment which will in turn, contributes to increase job efficiency and eliminate losses.
The efforts of HSE leaders and experts are highly commendable to demonstrate the importance of HSE Software to be implemented in their workplace for the 4th Industrial revolution readiness,” said Dr Mohd. Yazid.
According to Dr Mohd Yazid, UMW and UTM have studied and developed an integrated HSE Software which aligns and supports the 4th Industrial revolution technology which involves a complete software development process including design, code development, verification and validation, software integration and training.
“Beginning in 2018, we collaborated with UMW to bring out two HSE Transformation programs which include educating their workforce with the necessary skill sets and knowledge to excel in Industry 4.0 and also to develop software which enhances the overall work environment.
Both parties have conducted preliminary research into developing an HSE Software prototype that focuses on selected Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) Procedure on the Web and Android mobile platform, “said Dr Yazid.
The HSE 4.0 software developed by UTM is capable of identifying workplace hazards, reducing the rate of workplace accidents, minimizing human error, increasing productivity, providing an online platform for HSE communication and documentation and establishing long-term cost-saving.
Also attending the ceremony were Prof. Dr Shahrizal Sunar and UMW Group Chief Human Resources Officer, Zailani Ali.
From second left, Prof. Dr. Shahrizal Sunar, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Yazid Idris, UMW Group Chief Human Resources Officer, Zailani Ali and UMW Manufacturing and Engineering Division President, Dato’ Abdul Rashid Musa and the handover ceremony held in UMW Aerospace Sdn. Bhd.
Roll it, spread it, square it, it’s just flour; fill it with chicken for the cooked meal of the hour – That’s one of the ten riddles that was given to the twenty-one Korean students from Kookmin University (KMU) and 9 students from the School of Mechanical Engineering (SME), who participated in the Summer School Explorace at the Pasar Malam Taman Universiti.
The 7 teams had to obtain the local food described in the form of simple riddles within the hour given. The interesting part was that it must be a Korean student who had to request to purchase the food from the vendor involved by using Malaysian Language. Each team was given RM25 to buy the 10 food items having to list the cost of each and returning the balance at the end of the Explorace.
The venue to meet at the end of the Explorace was given as an address which happened to be Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norhayati’s house at Taman Sri Pulai. Everyone enjoyed themselves and the different food that they bought were then shared where some of them had never been tried by the Korean students yet throughout their 2 weeks of Summer School programme, Dr. Norhayati also made the effort to cook ‘jemput-jemput pisang’, with the bananas from her garden.
Figuring out the riddles
What do we have here…
The final destination of the Explorace
Students from the KMU, Seoul, Korea have annually participated in the Summer School, A Global Learning Experience in Malaysia (AGLEIM) in January of each year which is during their winter season in Korea. For the year 2020, the summer school activities involved laboratory exercises (with lab reports), technical talks and a weekend visit to Kuala Lumpur, among many other activities.
Most importantly, the students from KMU and UTM get to know each other quite well by staying together 24/7 for the whole 2 weeks. This friendship could extend for years, as reported by previous UTM students. The summer school also exposed the Korean students to the Malaysian culture – understand, appreciate, respect. What one does not like in one’s culture could be what is desirable in another, and vice versa.
The Summer School AGLEIM is open for undergraduate students from any engineering fields from all countries, the KMU students have been a regular in the summer school program since 2015.
Two of our master’s degree graduates were selected to pursue their PhD studies in Japan under the Japanese Government Scholarship (MEXT) for the 2019/2020 academic calendar. The graduates were Nurhafiza binti Mohd Noor and Nor Anita binti Rezle from the Department of Physics, Faculty of Science.
Both of them received their offer letters from the Minister Counselor Hiroyuki Orikasa of the Japanese Embassy in Malaysia last year after a long battle of document screening, written test, and interview. It was reported that more than 800 Malaysian students applied for the scholarship but only 26 of them were selected.
Currently, Nurhafiza and Nor Anita are preparing for their University Entrance Exam while sitting for Japanese language classes. Nurhafiza aims to pursue her doctoral study in the field of experimental nuclear physics at Osaka University while Nor Anita looks forward to studying quantum chromodynamics at Kyoto University. Both of them graduated with a master’s degree in physics in the recent 63rd UTM convocation. They were, however, unable to attend the ceremony since they were already in Japan at that time.
During their master’s study, both of them showed great dedication and determination in their work culminating in a joint publication in a highly reputable Physical Review C journal. They have also undertaken research attachment in the Centre of Nuclear Studies Bordeaux Gradignan (CENBG), University of Bordeaux, France under the supervision of Professor Dr. Philippe Quentin. The financial support from the French Embassy in Malaysia for their visits is highly appreciated.
The Department of Physics, UTM congratulates both Nurhafiza and Nor Anita and wishes all the best for their future endeavor.
Department of Physics,
Faculty of Science, UTM
The Sustainable Environmental Assembly (SUTERA) 2020 was successfully organised by the Society of Landscape Architecture (EARTH) from 13th to 15th January 2020. Coordinated by Dr. Norliza Mohd Isa, this program provided an intellectual seminar and activities dedicated to the staff of Pejabat Harta Bina (PHB) UTM, Kuala Lumpur. With the theme of Landscape, Sustainability, and Work Culture Impact, SUTERA 2020 was designed in line with the policy to ensure Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) acts as a sustainable campus.
The objectives was to provide exposure and encourage the staff to gain extra input regarding the implementation of campus sustainable activities, to realise UTM’s desire to become a model of a sustainable society according to own ability, and to develop a work culture that is integrated, creative and innovative in achieving outstanding performance in the environmental management, especially in the UTM campus.
By choosing Classic as the theme, it represents the preservation of high values by past generations to be maintained by the future generations. This concept also refers to the relationship between Art and Science; and human and nature. Therefore, it will provide a starting point for sustainable and quality environmental development.
There are various activities throughout the program such as a seminar on ‘Campus Sustainability’ presented by Adjunct. Prof. LAr. Zainul Hakim bin Mohd Zain that explained about the early history of UTM construction. Also, a seminar on ‘From Waste to Energy’ presented by LAr. Gs. Dr. Abdul Rahim bin Abdul Hamid explained the residual waste which could be used as a landscape asset from the view of a foreign country like Singapore. Besides that, LAr. Mohd Za’i bin Kandar discussed the professional work culture in the ‘Professional Ethic’ seminar slot.
On the second day, participants had the opportunity to participate in the Ecological Walk slot, in which they were given a briefing on the UTM environment by Prof. LAr. Dr. Ismail bin Said and LAr. Dr. Hamidah bt. Ahmad. In this slot, participants learned about the process of preparing Madu Kelulut by Kolej Tun Hussein Onn (KTHO). While on the last day, participants joined a sharing session by Assoc. Prof. LAr. Dr. Sapura bt. Mohamad on the topic of Trees: The Living Machine and also from Mr. Mohd. Faizal bin Abd Latib on the topic of Campus Safety and Security.
In conclusion, the organisation of the SUTERA 2020 program gave benefits to everyone, not only the participants, staff of the PHB UTM KL in general and all persons involved including those who provided inputs throughout the program. The focus of this seminar was an additional effort to foster teamwork spirit through the sustainable development-based activities in line with the university’s commitment to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Hopefully, the knowledge gained from this program could be applied in their daily lives as well as in the working environment, in line with the UTM desire in making UTM campus a sustainable campus.
Seminar 1: ‘Campus Sustainability’ by Adjunct Prof. LAr. Zainul Hakim bin Mohd Zain
Seminar 2: ‘Professional Ethic’ by LAr. Mohd. Za’I bin Kandar
Seminar 3: ‘From Waste to Energy’ by LAr. Gs. Dr. Abdul Rahim bin Abdul Hamid
Seminar 4: ‘Ecological Walk’ by Prof. LAr. Dr. Ismail Said
Seminar 4: ‘Ecological Walk’ by LAr. Dr. Hamidah binti Ahmad
Seminar 5: ‘Trees: The Living Machine’ by Assoc. Prof. LAr. Dr. Sapura bt Mohamad
Seminar 6: ‘Campus Safety and Security’ by En. Mohd Faizal bin Abd Latib
Fun Game: Guess Who? Game
Fun Game: Giant Drawing
Fun Game: Balancing the Ball
Fun Game: Balancing the Ball
Prepared by :
Mohamad Hazlin Mohamad Pawi
Nur Mashitah Othman
Secretariat Society of Landscape Architecture (EARTH)
The Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Innovation and Commercialization Centre (UTMICC) with the collaboration from the Marketing Research Group (MRG) of Azman Hashim International Business School (AHIBS) and UTM Library had organized the Go To Market (GTM) Plan Competition 2020.
The final presentation session was held at Sultanah Zanariah Library (PSZ), UTM Johor Bahru campus on January 6th, 2020 involving 50 students who took the Marketing for Innovative Products or SHAF3043. They presented 11 comprehensive and intensive marketing plans and strategies for UTM products.
The event started with a product exhibition followed by a pitching session and finally concluded with the award-winning ceremony, enlivened with the speech by the representative of the ICC Director, Dr. Noorsidi Aizuddin Mat Noor. In his speech, Dr. Noorsidi emphasized how GTM provided the opportunities for marketing students to collaborate in the marketing initiatives, as well as being a platform for gaining real experience in commercializing real commercial products.
“The collaborative effort amongst the students, their mentors as well as the product inventors have given a huge impact on this program,” said Dr. Noorsidi who later handed the prizes to the winning groups who participated in this presentation.
The group who presented the product of the ‘Autonomous Fish Trap For Coastal Fisheries’, rebranded into ‘The Coral’ appears to be the best marketing plan in the program which later won RM1,000.00 Grand Prize. Following that, the ‘Dual-Function Sizing Agent From Anionic Tapioca Starch’ project presented by the ‘Arora-CS’ declared as the first-runner up, winning RM750.00 cash prize. The Second-Runner Up winner with the project ‘Meal-2-Heal Food For Emergency Relief’ won RM500.00 cash prize and a few consolation prize winners won RM200.00 cash prizes.
All cash prizes were sponsored by ICC as part of its product commercialization effort for UTM, together with UTM Library as the co-sponsor who prepared the venue for the final event, and the Marketing Research Group (MRG), and AHIBS, in the form of lecturing and coaching part.
The program is hoped to be conducted frequently to sustain the momentum of collaboration and product marketing efforts. Congratulations to all winning groups and all product inventors!
GTO competition participants were being evaluated by the panel of judges.
‘The Coral’ appears to be the best marketing plan in the program which later won RM1,000.00 Grand Prize.
Among the projects which competed in the GTO competition 2020.
The participants and panel of judges in GTO competition 2020.
CHENNAI, INDIA: UTM Expert challenged the participants of World Engineering Education Forum (WEEF) 2020 to use problems as the starting point of learning.
WEEF 2019 is an annual prestigious platform to connect practitioners of engineering education with stakeholders, leaders, students, industry, governmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, etc. from all over the world. Prof. Khairiyah Mohd Yusof and Dr. Nina Diana Nawi represented Universiti Teknologi Malaysia at this acclaimed engineering education event held on 15 Nov. 2019.
Prof Khairiyah Mohd Yusof, the Director of the Centre for Engineering Education, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia was invited to deliver a keynote speech in the Disruptive Teaching and Learning theme of WEEF 2019. Other keynote and plenary speakers included Dr. Michael Milligen (CEO of ABET), Xavier Fouger (Dassault Systemes, France), Dr. Tanya Mortan (Mathworks), Prof. Roger Hadgraft (University of Technology Sydney, Australia), Prof. Lisa Rooney (Dublin City University), Prof Sirin Tekaney (Sabanci University, Turkey and Chair of GEDC) and Dr. Tom Lee (Chief Education Officer, Quanser, Canada).
Prof Khairiyah Mohd Yusof was lauded by the audience of WEEF 2019 for her impactful keynote speech.
Prof. Khairiyah spoke on using problems at the initial point of learning new concepts instead of at the end to invoke curiosity and engagement in a typical classroom. In this world, problems are one of the many things that make us have sleepless nights. Amusingly, while problems can be troublesome because they are difficult to forget, they can also be harnessed to engage students in learning. In her keynote speech, she addressed the essence of problems that are required to engage students in meaningful, deep learning.
She emphasized that educators should use real-world problems to the students when learning new content or concepts, which can illustrate the gap in the students’ knowledge. Depending on the intended outcomes, the problems can be real, or crafted realistically, ranging from simple to complex. She provided various examples that can be used in a typical classroom, ranging from a simple problem on chlorine concentration in a swimming pool to complex engineering problems for designing control systems in the industry.
Dr. Michael K. J. Milligan, the Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) who were engaged with the keynote session said, ‘She aptly pointed out that using problems brings out the natural way for humans to learn. It only makes sense to identify the need for learning first before the content. We should see the problem first and then we will see the need for learning.’
Prof Khairiyah, who is also a former Vice President of IFEES, was given the honor to present a token of appreciation to Dr. Mylswamy Annadurai, Indian Scientist, Vice President for Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology. The event received full support from their State Council.
Prof Khairiyah presenting a token of appreciation to Dr. Mylswamy Annadurai, Vice President for Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology.
The UTM representations to the vibrant engineering education scene in India were then continued in the next conference, the Regional Research Symposium on Problem-based Learning (PBL) which was held back-to-back with WEEF 2019, in Hubbali, Karnataka from November 22-24, 2019 in collaboration with the Aalborg UNESCO Centre for PBL in Engineering Education and Sustainability. During the symposium, the UTM team conducted a workshop on Problem Crafting and Prof. Khairiyah delivered a keynote speech on systematically supporting faculty members in developing 21st century educators.
Prepared by: Dr. Nina Diana Nawi (School of Education, FSSH) and Prof. Dr. Khairiyah Mohd Yusof (Centre for Engineering Education)
Roshini a/p Mahendran a year 1 Bioinformatics student from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia(UTM) did an amazing community service by adopting a koala bear that was a victim of the Australian bushfire. This was a simple act of pure kindness that has indeed played a major role in helping those poor creatures to get all their medical and basic necessities. Roshini adopted a young male koala that was the first live koala found at the Crestwood/Lake Innes Nature Reserve fire ground. Lake Innes Nature Reserve Paul was found curled up on the burnt ground by a member of the public who brought him to the Koala Hospital. Paul was severely dehydrated and had suffered burns to his hands and feet which usually occured when the koala climbed down the burning trunk of the tree. His fur was also singed over 90% of his body. Roshini said that “A small act of kindness could make a major difference”. A koala hospital in New South Wales known as Port Macquire Koala Hospital, allows you to adopt the wild koalas in their care from wherever you are in the world. The hospital has been helping injured and sick koalas all over the region for years now and they’re especially doing a big part to take care of the poor animals that have been affected by the recent massive bush fires. You can adopt a koala by firstly visiting the hospital’s website and choosing the koala you’d like to adopt. Once you’ve selected your furry friend, you can choose from three different packages on how you would like to support them!
MJIIT Bulletin 2019
MJIIT had secured several awards in “e-Portfolio and Video CV Competition 2019” organized by Office of Undergraduate Studies, UTM Johor Bahru
Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT) is pleased to announce that three of Chemical Process Engineering (CPE) students had won several awards in the “e-Portfolio Champion and Video Competition 2019” that was organized by the Office of Undergraduate Studies, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Johor. Ms. Siti Junaidah Mohd Manshor was awarded as a Champion for the Third Year e-Portfolio Category receiving cash of RM 300 and a certificate. Her peers, Ms. Ina Nazatul Farhana Samudin and Ms. Nur Maisarah Azizul were awarded a First Runner-up and Second Runner-up winners for the same category receiving RM 200 and RM 100 with certificate, respectively. Besides the e-Portfolio competition category, Ms. Siti Junaidah Mohd Manshor and Ms. Ina Nazatul Farhana Samudin also won the First Runner-up and Second Runner-up winners for the video CV competition category receiving cash prizes of RM 200 and RM 100 with certificate, respectively. All the awards were handed over by UTM Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International), Prof. Ir. Dr. Zainuddin Abdul Manan during the Closing Ceremony of the 3rd Undergraduate Research Conference 2019 (URC 2019) that was held on 23rd December 2019 at Senate Hall, UTM Johor Bahru.
Ms. Siti Junaidah Mohd Manshor, Champion for the e-Portfolio competition of the Third Year Category, with the certificate.
Ms. Ina Nazatul Farhana Samudin, the First-Runner up for the e-Portfolio competition of the Third Year Category
Ms. Nur Maisarah Azizul, the Second-Runner up for the e-Portfolio competition of the Third Year Category
Ms. Ina Nazatul Farhana Samudin, the First-Runner up for the Video CV competition of the Third Year Category
Ms. Siti Junaidah Mohd Manshor, the Second-Runner up for the Video CV competition of the Third Year Category
My e-Portfolio@UTM was implemented to offer a platform for students to document, manage, and reflect upon their own learning during the undergraduate study at UTM. The students are encouraged to refer to the Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) in order to reflect on their learning and correlate with their personal development achievements throughout the four years or eight semesters at MJIIT UTM. The documented files, reflections and videos were properly presented and accessible to the public for online reviewing. Some of the documents were presented on their e-Portfolio homepage as a platform of assessment for the lecturer. The reflection on the e-portfolio allows students to reflect on their gaining experiences and learning outcomes from active-learning during their teaching and learning (T&L) activities.
In order to promote Education 4.0, UTM under the Office of Undergraduate Studies has progressively promoted and encouraged the implementation of My e-Portfolio@UTM among UTM users especially undergraduate students. Therefore, the “e-Portfolio Champions and Video CV Competition” was organized to further promote the development of My e-Portfolio@UTM system as well as to broadcast the activities and achievement of UTM students by conquering more up-to-date technologies which are aligned with the twenty-first-century young generation.
Prepared by :
Nabilah Zaini
e-Portfolio Coordinator
MJIIT UTM Kuala Lumpur
Posted by FAZ J | Jan 15, 2020 | Razak Faculty of Technology and Informatics, School of Professional and Continuing Education (SPACE) | 1
Kuala Lumpur – UTM International, Kuala Lumpur hosted Tianjin University, China for a courtesy visit and discussion on potential collaborations on 13 December 2019. The visit which was chaired by Assoc. Professor Dr. Norhayati Abdullah, Associate Director of UTM International Kuala Lumpur was attended by six delegates from Tianjin University (TJU), China.
Tianjin University is the first modern higher education institution in China, and now a national university under the direct administration of the Ministry of Education of China. The University was established in 1895 as Imperial Tientsin University and renamed in 1951 to Tianjin University. They have become one of the largest multidisciplinary engineering universities in China and possess an excellent Civil Engineering program. Tianjin University boasts a special fact whereby it is the very first University that offers the first Diploma program in China and is regarded as pioneering university in China.
During the visit, several programs were discussed including potential staff and students’ exchange under the auspices of the China-ASEAN Scholarship. The scholarship was initiated by the ASEAN China network and Exchanges among Engineering and Technology Universities (ACNET-EngTech) to strengthen academic collaborations between Tianjin University and other Universities in ASEAN countries.
If you are interested to know more information regarding the sponsorship, please do not hesitate to contact our office (UTM International, Level 8, Menara Razak, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia) at 03-21805207 or email us at
Thank you!
UTM International
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
A collaboration between UTM-MJIIT & RSA was officially established on 9 January 2020 through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). UTM was represented by YBhg. Prof. Ali Selamat ( MJIIT Dean) while YBrs. En. KT Ong (Country Manager Dell) represented RSA.
The MoU was a culmination of industry and academic sector partnerships that have been in place since 2017. MJIIT has sought to foster the development of ASEAN region in cybersecurity education through the existing close ties between UTM and industry, and also close ties between MJIIT with the Japan University Consortium (JUC ).
A strong partnership between the public and private sectors is imperative to mitigate threats and respond effectively to cyber incidents. A close rapport is necessary given the proliferation and increased sophistication of cyber attacks in recent years. Ad hoc responses to cyber attacks are insufficient to counter the damages incurred, hence a coordinated effort among key players comprising industry, academia, and the government sector is necessary. Strategies and policies need to be in-placed and sharing of resources including information and expertise among key players is paramount.
Through this collaboration, MJIIT is able to exploit industry expertise while providing a conducive environment for producing excellent students in the field of cybersecurity which is much sought after now.