Two representing UTM to the 12th SEATUC Meeting and Symposium in Yogyakarta

YOGYAKARTA, 13 March 2018 – Deputy Director and Senior Assistant Registrar of UTM International Associate Professor Dr Mohd Ismid Md Said and Siti Rahimah Mohd Yusop represented  Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) to the 12th South East Asia Technical University Consortium (SEATUC) Meeting and Symposium hosted by Universitas Gadjah Mada at Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

This year’s Symposium theme was entitled Engineering Education and Research for Sustainable Development.

The SEATUC fosters international collaboration and comprehensive exchange programs. Members include Shibaura Institute of Technology (Japan), King Mongkut University of Technology Thonburi (Thailand), Institut Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,Hanoi University of Science and Technology (Vietnam), Suranaree University of Technology (Thailand), Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (Vietnam) and Universitas Gadjah Mada (Indonesia).

This year’s symposium saw a total of 17 papers presented by UTM students from the faculties of Built Environment, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Language Academy, Faculty of Chemical& Energy Engineering and Faculty of Geoinformation and Real Estate. Associate Professor Dr Mohd Ismid also participated in the President Panel Session presenting a paper on UTM Sustainable Campus.

UTM participation in SEATUC provides UTM students with the opportunity to undergo 10 weeks internship program and also an opportunity to receive a scholarship to further study in Master & PhD programs at Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan under the Hybrid Twinning Program. To date, there are a total 15 students from UTM have been accepted in HBT program.

During their short stay in Yogyakarta, Assoc. Prof. Dr Mohd Ismid and Ms Siti Rahimah also visited UTM partner universities in the city namely Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan and Universiti Negeri Yogyakarta to discuss on further collaboration between both universities and to promote Asia Pacific Association for International Education (APAIE) 2019 which will be held in Kuala Lumpur.


The 12th South East Asia Technical University Consortium (SEATUC)
The 12th South East Asia Technical University Consortium (SEATUC)


The 12th South East Asia Technical University Consortium (SEATUC)
The 12th South East Asia Technical University Consortium (SEATUC)


The 12th South East Asia Technical University Consortium (SEATUC)
The 12th South East Asia Technical University Consortium (SEATUC)


The 12th South East Asia Technical University Consortium (SEATUC)
The 12th South East Asia Technical University Consortium (SEATUC)


The 12th South East Asia Technical University Consortium (SEATUC)
The 12th South East Asia Technical University Consortium (SEATUC)


Vice Rector III Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
Vice Rector III Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta


Visit to Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta visit

UTM IBD Industrial Engagement Day – Synergising Industry and academia on biotechnology innovations

JOHOR BAHRU, 28 March 2018 – Malaysia, rich with its abundance of bioresources has provided numerous R&D and commercialisation opportunities to the industry and academia. This is further reaffirmed by the Malaysian government with the launching of the National Biotechnology Policy (BNP) in 2005 anchored by Bioeconomy Corporation, MOSTI.

Additionally, the synergizing of industry-academia has been gaining traction in order to drive high-value innovation, commercialisation, talent and skills development imperative for nation-building. As such, the Institute of Bioproduct Development (IBD) have participated actively in supporting BNP’s national agenda by collaborating and providing added value services for local biotech based companies.

To communicate our latest service offerings, IBD have organised the first series of its Industrial Engagement Day for 2018 featuring mini-exhibitions and five presentations by representatives from our R&D Unit and Technology Platforms comprising of Herbal Extraction Centre (HEC), Biovalidation and Analytical Unit, Cosmeceutical and Fragrance Unit, Food and Nutraceutical Unit, and Microbial Bioprocessing Unit.

The event also featured a concluding Sharing Session by Dato Tony Peng, CEO of All Cosmos Biotech Corporation entitled “Growing with Biotech” as he conveyed the positive impact of long-term R&D collaboration with IBD’s Microbial Bioprocessing Technology Platform since 2009.




According to Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Hesham El Enshasy, Acting Director of IBD, they were delighted to host this first industrial engagement day aiming at strengthening collaborations with our current and future industrial partners.

“As a HICOE (Service Thrust) mandated by Ministry of Higher education (MOHE) to carry out herbal, microbial bioprocessing, and bioproduct development activities, IBD has now positioned itself to be a techno-industrial research partner with many local and international companies ranging from SME’s to international public listed corporation.

“We capitalize on our experts, world-class facility, and world-wide academic and industrial linkages to play a strong role in innovation and human capital development. We do not consider today as just a one-day event but as part of our long-term relationship with the industrial society,” he cited.



The event was attended by a total of 137 participants with 52 coming from biotech based industry, 3 of which is a Singaporean company and 85 from the academic sector. IBD is also honoured to have the presence and support of Mr Shazaril Adri Mohd Shariff (Vice President of Corporate Strategy) from Bioeconomy Corporation and Mr Aizi Reza Razak (Vice President Strategy and Corporate Planning) from Bioexcell Sdn Bhd.

Another series of events is set to be held in other regions across Malaysia, with the next program tentatively planned in May 2018 at UTM Kuala Lumpur Campus. In essence, IBD services comprise of contract research and consultancy, analytical services, postgraduate programs and professional training programs in the area of bioprocessing and bioproduct development.

For any inquiries and interest in our offerings, kindly e-mail to

IBD UTM conducts 3 days course on cGMP facility

JOHOR BAHRU, 13 March 2018 – Institute Bioproduct Development (IBD) Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) has conducted a three day course on cGMP Facility (Pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceuticals) for the German world known high-tech design and Contractor Company M+ W Group has successfully concluded today.

The course was attended by eight M+W senior and junior project managers, engineers, and Quality Assurance and Quality Control Managers.

The program serves as an initiation towards further long-term cooperation with M+W Group with IBD’s role as the training provider for its employees and clients.

IBD consistently conducts courses of relevance to the industry, in which our program approach combines theoretical and practical know-how to the participants by leveraging on our technology experts and technical facilities.

For this particular course, the program was headed and taught by Prof. Dr. rer. Nat. Hesham A. El Enshasy, who has more than 20 years experience as a consultant to biopharmaceutical industries.

Additionally, IBD’s Bioprocessing Technology Platform provides real case studies to participants to engage in the process of establishing and maintaining a cGMP facility.



M+W Group GmbH, is a German company established in 1912 and has a presence in more than 30 countries with an estimation of 6,000 employees. The company is one of the global leaders in the design, engineering and construction of high tech facilities and major complex projects in different sectors including Biopharmaceuticals, Pharmaceuticals, Electronics, Chemicals, Energy, and Information Technology worldwide. The next course is scheduled to be conducted on the 13th and 14th August 2018, at IBD UTM Johor Bahru.

International Conference on X-Ray & Related Technique in Research and Industry 2018

For more details, please visit:

UTM 5ETP Organised “Malaysia Bioinformatics Students Conference (MABIOS) 2018”


JOHOR BAHRU, 25 FEBRUARY 2018 – Malaysia Bioinformatics Student Conference (MABIOS) 2018 is organised by 5 Excellence Track Programmes (Global Leadership Tracks) with the collaboration of Persatuan Mahasiswa Sains Komputer (PERSAKA) from 24th to 25th of February 2018 at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM).

MABIOS’18 Director, Yap Sin Yee said, the conference is a platform to provide the insight on current and future trend of bioinformatics to the participants and bond undergraduate bioinformatics students from different university together. The participants came from five different universities such as Universiti Malaya (UM), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Management and Science University (MSU), Multimedia University  (MMU) and UTM.

“The main objective of MABIOS is to provide a platform for the undergraduate bioinformatics students from different universities to exchange their idea and opinion toward the on current and future trend of bioinformatics.

“For the two days conference, MABIOS achieved the objectives via the activities planned such as keynote, forum internship sharing and bioinformatics night, she said.

Yap who is also the secretary of Global Leadership Track of 5 Excellence Track Programme (5ETP) UTM cited, all the participants enjoyed and feel satisfied towards the conference organised by 5 Excellence Tracks Programme (Global Leadership Tracks).

“MABIOS is glad to invite Deputy Minister Technology and Innovation Datuk Wira Dr. Abu Bakar Mohamad Diah for closing ceremony at Banquet Hall, Sultan Ibrahim Chancellery Building, UTM, she explained.

A bioinformatic society is established and lead by undergraduate students from these five universities. The will be a great success for organizing MABIOS conference for the undergraduate students in UTM.

Datuk Dr Abu Bakar hitting gong and witnessing by Deputy Vice Chancellor (Students Affairs) Prof Dr Durrishah Idrus and Dean of Faculty of Computing Prof Dr Abdul Samad Ismail (left).
Students from five universities taking part in MABIOS 2018 at UTM.
MABIOS’18 Director, Yap Sin Yee delivering her opening speech, welcoming the participants from all around Malaysia.

High Commission of Canada in Malaysia visit UTM Kuala Lumpur

Kuala Lumpur, 15 March 2018 – UTM Kuala Lumpur received a courtesy visit from Trade Commissioner from High Commission of Canada in MalaysiaMs. Bethany Tien Hui Ling.

Her arrival was warmly welcomed by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abd Rahman Abdul Rahim from UTM International Kuala Lumpur.

The purpose of the visit is to introduce the Canada-ASEAN Scholarships and Education Exchanges for Development (SEED) which was announced by the Government of Canada in August 2017 for students who wish to pursue their study or conduct research in Canada. SEED intends to provide approximately 200 scholarships in 2018-2019.

There are also other Canadian scholarships and awards available for qualified Malaysians such as Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship, Canadian Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarship, CIFAR Global Scholars, IDRC Doctoral Research Awards, Mitacs Step, and Trudeau Doctoral Scholarships.

She also provided a list of more than 200 universities and educational institutions in Canada for UTM to consider establishing academic cooperation.

Acting as a representative to the High Commission of Canada, she is ever willing to offer a helping to see the cooperation between UTM and the Canadian universities materialise.

With UTM’s participation in and Canadian universities’ presence at APAIE 2018 Conference and Exhibition that will be held from 25 to 29 March this year, it would be a great opportunity for both parties to learn and benefit from each other.

From CNN: Saudi Arabia intercepts 7 missiles fired from Yemen

Saudi Arabia intercepts 7 missiles fired from Yemen

From CNN: Disgraced Aussie cricketer quits IPL role over cheating scandal

Disgraced Aussie cricketer quits IPL role over cheating scandal

From CNN: Fire exits blocked in Russian mall devastated by blaze

Fire exits blocked in Russian mall devastated by blaze

UTM attends Erasmus+ SPIRE Project Capacity Building Training on IP Management at Chulalongkorn University

The second Capacity Building program within the Strategic Intellectual and Property Management Workshop for Effective Research and Innovations in Asian Higher Education (SPIRE) project was hosted by Chulalongkorn University, Thailand from 5-9 March 2018.

Located in Piman Room at Montien Hotel Bangkok, the second international workshop was held to discuss ‘Technology Transfer Management’ to give the exposure for universities staff working in IP Management area.

The trainers from Finland, Dr Pasi Malinen and Mr Petteri Sinervo share many experiences at the University of Turku and also case studies from all around Europe.

This capacity building Module II is based on the fundamental needs at the universities and will address the following aspects of research and technology commercialisation at HEIs. Content includes technology transfer management practices at HEIs at the European level and deeper insight into various approaches to technology transfer, IP policy implementation, laws and regulation and technology transfer management in different European countries (based on European case studies in UK, Sweden, Finland and Belgium)

The next capacity building for the project will be at the University of Turku, Finland next year.

The project was co-funded by Erasmus+ of the European Union.

Volunteer Abroad with AIESEC

Global Volunteer Program:
What is Global Volunteer?

  • Global Volunteer is AIESEC’s 6 to 8 weeks cross-cultural volunteer experience for young people who seek to develop themselves and the world. Discover the art of experiential wanderlust by working with NGOs or on projects directly contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Global Volunteer is an intensive international volunteer abroad experience that enables you to work on projects that impact social issues. Through this, we empower communities by developing the people and enabling them to develop a more sustainable and healthy future.
  • Overall, through this program, AIESEC is providing young students with an opportunity to develop entrepreneurial and leadership skills through international internships mainly on social issues which will help them enrich their education, challenge their worldview and help them gain a unique combination of multicultural, social and entrepreneurial experience during the formative years of their lives.

Why do we do it?

Our projects exist because we shape everything we do around what the world needs. We are committed to creating a youth movement to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals by the year 2030. Click here to learn more about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

By joining Global volunteer you will:

  • Make a real impact by working on the ground level with locals. Volunteer abroad in NGOs or on projects that contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Tackle pressing global issues to create a positive impact in local societies. Don’t just travel. Develop the world.
  • Become a local and immerse yourself in an unknown environment. Understand more about yourself – your passions, skills and strengths – as you challenge yourself to step into a completely new environment. Our people offer the support to guide your learning, realisations, and self-discovery.
  • Grow and develop by going through practical experiences and learning-by-doing. An intense cross-cultural environment allows you to increase your self-awareness and solution orientation, improve communication skills and make friends. Become the best version of yourself!

How does it work?

  • Sign-Up on our website here.
  • Start searching for your desired opportunities based on the issue you are passionate about here.
  • Apply for the project. Go through an interview with our overseas Project Managers.
  • Once you get approved for an opportunity, we can start the process of putting things together for your internship experience.
  • Attend an official Outgoing Preparatory Seminar and prepare for an unforgettable adventure ahead!

For inquiries, feel free to contact this email:



3rd International SME Conference

1st and 2nd SME Conferences were held in collaboration with local and international partners in May 2016 and March 2017 at Lahore, Pakistan. A diverse set of stakeholders participated in the conferences. Building upon the momentum created by the former conferences, the 3rd International SME Conference will be organized in April 2018. The conference, thus, seeks to understand and develop recommendations for policymakers, researchers and development practitioners to cope with the challenges of entrepreneurship development, sustainability and regional integration. Research papers, case studies, and successful development initiatives falling within the realm of entrepreneurship, regional integration, specifically opportunities emerging through CPEC are therefore solicited.


Please submit your manuscripts at

The last date for submission is March 25, 2018


Authors can send empirical and conceptual papers as well as case studies and development initiatives. The papers should include objectives, data and methods, results, up to 6 keywords, and conclusions with significance. All papers will undergo the double-blind review process and a notification of acceptance of contribution will be served within 4 weeks after submission.


Abstracts of all selected papers will be published in Conference Proceedings in online and hard-copy formats. With the consent of authors, top 5 papers – based on reviewers’ evaluation – will be published in Volume 5, Issue 1 of SMEDA Research Journal (ISSN: 2220-7570).


Research grant, worth Rs. 15,000 per paper, will be awarded to all accepted papers being presented during the conference.

UTM Culture Corner 10.0

JOHOR BAHRU, 15 March 2018 – We continued our quest to share the cultural diversity among Universiti teknologi Malaysia (UTM) students from various countries around the world with Culture Corner 10.0, themed “Traditional Tales”.

The overwhelming participation of both local and international students, fabulously dressed in traditional outfits, saw us achieving one of our main objectives to elevate the cultural confidence and consciousness among our students.

The event started as usual with “Cuppa Time”, casual conversations to get to know each other over coffee and tea, sandwiches and doughnuts, subsequently marking the commencement of our group activities of the day.

We had a ball of a time as our indefatigable, passionate and sparkling Dr FDiana Di, our moderator from Language Academy, kickstarted the next session by inviting a member of each group to share with everyone else the members’ names and country of origin, as well as asking us to take group selfies and post them to our social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) with the hashtags #utmculturecorner #utmstudentexperience #utmawesome #cuppatime.

It was a fun exercise and a great warm up to the next session “1001 Nights”, where participants witnessed performances from representatives from China, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Pakistan, Nigeria and Malaysia, and performing short sketches on their countries’ famous traditional tales.

After delivering entertaining and educating stories, the best participating countries were voted by participants to receive tokens of appreciation from UTM International. Congratulations to all participating ISS country chapters!!

Our concentration and attentiveness toward the performances were then put to the test in the “Goldmine” session using the web app “Kahoot”, led by Miss Fasihah Jaslan from UTM International.

Twelve questions later, three top scorers emerged and prizes were given out by UTM International. Congratulations to all the winners!!

The day was wrapped up with “Sea of Serenade”, a sing-along session to a most befitting song by Taylor Swift called “Today Was A Fairytale” led by our Culture Corner lead singer, Miss Siti Norziahidayu Amzee, a PhD student from Faculty of Science.

What a night it was and everyone’s fairytale costumes were immortalised in a group photo. It is our sincere wish that all the participating students have gained immensely from interacting with one another and had to strengthen their network and connections in terms of social and academics. We hope that the bonds created during Culture Corner will last beyond the event.

#UTMculturecorner #UTMstudentexperience #UTMmobilityprogram #UTMexchange #IamUTM #UTMawesome



Photos credit @QZ Photography

Tahniah pemenang Mobile Phone Video Competition Feb 2018

Tahniah kepada pemenang Monthly Mobile Phone Video Competition 2018 bagi bulan pertama pertandingan (Februari) iaitu Muhammad Luqman bin Mohd Ridzwan dan Muhammad Shafiq Hanafie bin Sarkawi dari Fakulti Kejuruteraan Kimia dan Kejuruteraan Tenaga.

Video ringkas berdurasi satu minit yang dihasilkan menggunakan telefon pintar bertemakanEcotourism Campus ini berjaya memenangi wang tunai RM200 bagi pertandingan ini.

Pada bulan Mac ini pula, hadiah pertandingan bakal digandakan kepada RM500 dan pertandingan ini dibuka bukan sahaja kepada pelajar, malah kepada staf UTM juga. Tema bagi pertandingan Mobile Phone Video Competition bagi bulan Mac ialah ‘Makan’ Spot UTM

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Kim offers to meet Trump and suspend nuclear testing, US official says