WEEF 2017 attract 500 participants | UTM NewsHub

Source: WEEF 2017 attract 500 participants | UTM NewsHub

Japan Day 2017 was held with much pomp at UTMKL | UTM NewsHub

Source: Japan Day 2017 was held with much pomp at UTMKL | UTM NewsHub

University of Bradford, United Kingdom Official Visit | UTM NewsHub

Source: University of Bradford, United Kingdom Official Visit | UTM NewsHub

From CNN: Heartbreaking images show earthquake’s aftermath

Heartbreaking images show earthquake’s aftermath


From CNN: Donald Trump Jr. releases exchanges with WikiLeaks

Donald Trump Jr. releases exchanges with WikiLeaks


Powerful earthquake strikes near Iraqi city of Halabja – CNN

A powerful 7.3 magnitude earthquake Sunday in the Iraqi city of Halabja, close to the Iraq-Iran border, killed at least 61 people, injured hundreds in Iran.

Source: Powerful earthquake strikes near Iraqi city of Halabja – CNN

Hariri says he will return to Lebanon ‘very soon’ – CNN

Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri, who unexpectedly resigned last week during a trip to Saudi Arabia, saying his life was in danger, insisted Sunday he will return to the country soon to “unite the Lebanese people.”

Source: Hariri says he will return to Lebanon ‘very soon’ – CNN

Trump downplays past skepticism of Russian election meddling – CNNPolitics

President Donald Trump downplayed on Sunday his past skepticism of Russia’s involvement in US election meddling, saying he sides with American intelligence agencies over Vladimir Putin when it comes to assigning culpability for the hack.

Source: Trump downplays past skepticism of Russian election meddling – CNNPolitics

From CNN: US special counsel probes Flynn

US special counsel probes Flynn


From CNN: Trump, Putin chat during photocall

Trump, Putin chat during photocall


BBC News: Saudi anti-corruption probe ‘finds $100bn was embezzled’

I saw this on the BBC and thought you should see it:

Saudi anti-corruption probe ‘finds $100bn was embezzled’ – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-41932490

From CNN: ‘A simple war maniac’: North Koreans sound off after Trump

‘A simple war maniac’: North Koreans sound off after Trump


From CNN: Meeting of the strongmen: How did Trump measure up against Xi?

Meeting of the strongmen: How did Trump measure up against Xi?


From CNN: N Korea provocation could be ‘fatal miscalculation,’ Trump says

N Korea provocation could be ‘fatal miscalculation,’ Trump says


From CNN: Anti-Trump protesters gather in South Korea

Anti-Trump protesters gather in South Korea
