From CNN: A journey through Hajj, Islam’s special pilgrimage

A journey through Hajj, Islam’s special pilgrimage

From CNN: At least five dead in Mumbai as heavy rain batters city

At least five dead in Mumbai as heavy rain batters city

From CNN: N Korea: Tuesday’s missile launch over Japan is a prelude to ‘containing Guam’

N Korea: Tuesday’s missile launch over Japan is a prelude to ‘containing Guam’

BBC News: North Korea: ‘Japan missile was first step in Pacific operation’

I saw this on the BBC and thought you should see it:

North Korea: ‘Japan missile was first step in Pacific operation’ –

BBC News: Mumbai flooding causes transport chaos

I saw this on the BBC and thought you should see it:

Mumbai flooding causes transport chaos –

BBC News: North Korea missiles: Trump warns ‘all options’ on table

I saw this on the BBC and thought you should see it:

North Korea missiles: Trump warns ‘all options’ on table –

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia is the 1st Runner-Up for ABU Asia-Pacific Robot Contest (ROBOCON) 2017 Tokyo

August 27, 2017


Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, representing Malaysia, has won the 1st runner-up in the ABU Asia-Pacific Robot Contest (ROBOCON) 2017 which was held at Tokyo, Japan from 26-27 August 2017. A multi-disciplinary UTM team consists of thirty-five undergraduate students from four different faculties, i.e. Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FKE-24), Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (FKM-6), Faculty of Computing (FC-4) and Faculty of Education (FP-1). The team manager is Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Mohd Ridzuan bin Ahmad from FKE.

Founded in 2002, ABU ROBOCON, an annual robotic competition, aims to be a platform for developing autonomous robots to help humans (residential and industrial) in their daily life. The theme of the ABU ROBOCON competition is changing and set by the host country. A total of 19 teams from 18 countries were competing in the competition. The theme for this year’s event is ‘The Landing Disk’ introduced by host country Japan. Each team has to build one robot. The theme revolves around the word “asobi” (play), which is also a fundamental philosophy behind Robocon. In “asobi,” playful, unique, original show of skills is often more important than winning or losing, as everyone – friend and foe alike – can applaud and enjoy them. So, in the “asobi” spirit: we encourage playful, unique, original robot designs and strategies.

Each game will be conducted between two teams, each with one (1) robot. The game field is a rectangle divided into two sides for each team. Each side consists of a Start Zone, Throwing Area, and Loading. On the field are seven (7) spots consisting of a circular table attached to a column with varying heights and areas. Of the seven (7) spots, five (5) are placed along the center line dividing the sides, while the remaining two (2) are placed near to each side. At the start of the game, a beach ball rests on the center of all the spots. The number of discs a team can use during the game shall be fifty (50) placed at the Loading Area. After the start of the game, the team may load discs onto its robot when the robot reaches the Loading Area. The robots of both teams may throw discs at any ball on any spot to knock the balls off the spots. Scores will be counted when a team’s disc lands on a spot where its ball has been knocked off. When all the balls have been knocked off of their spot and a team successfully lands its discs on all the spots, that team reaches “APPARE!”, and is declared the winner of the game. If neither team reaches “APPARE!”, and either both use up the fifty (50) discs or the game time of three (3) minutes passes, the game shall end. The winner will be decided by who has the higher score at the said end of the game.

Malaysia team beat several strong teams during the tournament. In the quarterfinal, Malaysia team beat University of Tokyo. While in the semi-final, Malaysia team beat Thailand. In the final match, there were between Malaysia or Vietnam to fight for the victory. Malaysia team was the 1st runner-up. In all of the winning matches, Malaysia team has successfully completed the competition task, also known as “Appare”. Malaysia team showed that the “quality of UTM’s students is recognized at the international level.

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BBC News: North Korea fires missile over Japan in ‘unprecedented threat’

I saw this on the BBC and thought you should see it:

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Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between UTM FKA and CSDC Academy Sdn. Bhd.

    The Faculty of Civil Engineering (UTM FKA) will start a collaboration with the Construction Skills Development Centre (CSDC Academy Sdn. Bhd.), a subsidiary of IPM Global Berhad. CSDC Academy Sdn. Bhd. is a training center providing professional short courses and seminar to the construction community. The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is signed by both parties on 22 August 2017. The purpose of the MoU is to establish cooperative agreement in the fields of education and academic research between UTM FKA and CSDC Academy Sdn. Bhd., for a period of three years. The objective of this MoU is to formulize long-standing cooperation between the two parties, in providing professional short courses and seminar program, joint research and consultancy activities, joint organization of seminars and academic meetings, as well as exchange of academic materials and other information. The establishment of this partnership aims to offer quality training related to construction industry in Malaysia to help companies and individual to retain competitiveness in the industry. The ceremony was held at the Dato’ Yusof Abu Bakar Meeting Room (BMU) with UTM FKA was represented by Prof. Dr. Khairul Anuar bin Kassim, Dean of Faculty of Civil Engineering and Managing Director of CSDC Academy Sdn. Bhd., Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Goh Hui Hwang.


Reported by: Faculty of Civil Engineering UTM

Faculty of Geoinformation and Real Estate (FGHT), UTM Inks MoU with Cambodian Valuers and Estate Agents Association (CVEA)

Kuala Lumpur, 25th  August 2017 : Faculty of Geoinformation and Real Estate (FGHT) officially announced the cooperation with the Cambodian Valuer and Estate Agents Association (CVEA).  The intention to establish this cooperation resulted from a preliminary discussion between RISM Johor and the staff members of Department of Real Estate, and the Faculty of Geoinformation and Real Estate, and further followed by an official visit by CVEA to Department of Real Estate on the 5th​ of March 2016.

CVEA is a real estate professional association and a non-profit organization registered under the Ministry of Interior, Kingdom of Cambodia, and is primarily entrusted to develop and promote valuation and estate agency professions in Cambodia. ​CVEA’s mission is to serve all members to gain optimum opportunities and real estate market competitive advantage in Cambodia through strengthening professional competency, promoting business ethics, integrity, accountability, advocacy, and increase real estate market demands, which is synonymous with the core values of real estate education that UTM provide and well-known​ for ​​in ​​this​​ region​.

It is hoped that through this cooperation more academic programmes, research and human capital development will be implemented for the benefit of both institutions. Both parties have agreed to  strengthen the relationship through a memorandum of understanding (MOU) which includes ​the​​following:​

  1. Visit and participate in academic, training and research programmes;
  2. Promote and exchange of information and materials of​​mutual​​interest;
  3. Promote the exchange of scientific materials, publication​​ and ​​information;
  4. Promote and facilitate the exchange of research, training ​and​​ teaching​​ of​​ staff ​​as ​​well​​ as ​​students;​

It is hoped that this memorandum of understanding will pave the way for impactful collaboration between both parties as planned, and UTM as a knowledge institution is always committed to the advancement of knowledge in this region. In this regard, Faculty of Geoinformation and Real Estate is also keen to collaborate with an institution of higher learning from Cambodia to establish local real estate diploma and degree programmes that suit the demand of the market with the support​ from​ CVEA.

Why Germans are better at work-life balance than Americans

BBC News: Samsung heir Lee Jae-yong jailed for corruption

I saw this on the BBC and thought you should see it:

Samsung heir Lee Jae-yong jailed for corruption –

Robin Hanson: What would happen if we upload our brains to computers? | TED Talk |

Meet the “ems” — machines that emulate human brains and can think, feel and work just like the brains they’re copied from. Futurist and social scientist Robin Hanson describes a possible future when ems take over the global economy, running on superfast computers and copying themselves to multitask, leaving humans with only one choice: to retire, forever. Glimpse a strange future as Hanson describes what could happen if robots ruled the earth.

This talk was presented at an official TED conference, and was featured by our editors on the home page.

UTM-IMM 1-Day Symposium on Materials Processing, Inspection and Testing

UTM-IMM 1-Day Symposium on Materials Processing, Inspection and Testing, was held on 24th August at Puteri Pacific Hotel, Johor Bahru