UTM Lecturer won Falling Walls Lab Malaysia 2017

Dr. Jaysuman B. Pusppanathan won 1st place while Dr. Mohd Nazri Bajuri took the 3rd place at the Falling Walls Lab Malaysia 2017. The both winners from Faculty of Biosciences and Medical Engineering presented their winning three minutes research presentation at the event that was held at AIMST University, Bedong, Kedah on 15 July 2017. Dr. Jaysuman B. Pusppanathan astonished the crowd with his presentation entitled “Breaking the Wall of the Unseen Flow Imaging” which stood out among all the 29 participants from different academic institutions and industries in Malaysia. He will be sponsored by AIMST University to represent Malaysia to the Falling Walls Lab International Finale in Berlin, Germany on 8-9 November 2017 to share his innovative research ideas to participants from around the globe. Meanwhile, Dr. Mohd Nazri Bajuri’s presentation on “Breaking the Wall of Mechanobiology and Humanity” gained the attention of the juries over other competitors that earned him 3rd placing.

Falling Walls Lab is organized by the Falling Walls Foundation to foster scientific and entrepreneurial innovations, as well as to promote idea exchange between outstanding professionals from different fields of expertise. The foundation is supported by the Ministry of Education and Research, Germany, the Robert Bosch Foundation, the Helmholtz Association and other acclaimed academic institutions, foundations and companies.