Nineteen Young Happiness Ambassadors from Malaysia joined some 150 delegates from 12 countries at the 8th International Conference on Gross National Happiness (GNH) from 14-16 November hosted by Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) in Shah Alam. UTM team, led by Dr Akbariah Mohd Mahdzir, was represented by Anis Fahizha binti Fahim (MJIIT), Lee Ern Tung (Razak Faculty) and Mac Foster Sulai Anak Langkau (MJIIT). The idea of forming a network of Young Happiness Ambassadors is to share the young people perspectives, experiences, actions and solutions in the GNH discourse. Besides contributing to the GNH discourse, the Young Happiness Ambassadors would advocate or promote GNH in schools, universities, colleges and youth organisations in order to mobilise a youth movement that champions the four pillars of GNH. The formation of the YHA network and the establishment of YHA Charter are some of the outstanding outcomes of the GNH conference.
UTM Sends Its Young Happiness Ambassadors to Promote Gross National Happiness in the University
Posted on November 27, 2018 ·